




The pictures contain the links to the videos.
Blue text with underscores contain links.
Images with blue borders contain links.

White text is Librarian notes and comments.
This is so throughout The Library






"nutritional deficiency and liver toxicity"



Dr. Max Gerson Resource Library Charlotte Gerson
The Gary Null Show 1980's
Gerson Institute Archive



Dr. Max Gerson Resource Library Charlotte Gerson
1988 interview
with Elizabeth Clare Prophet
mp3 audio of the video

from the video tape insert...
In 1930 Dr. Max Gerson knew that the body would heal itself of serious
illness when detoxified and provided with proper nourishment. In this
enlightening interview, his daughter Charlotte Gerson explains the nutritionally
based Gerson Therapy for cancer and other serious illnesses,
including osteoporosis, diabetes and multiple sclerosis.

Reactivate the Body's Healing Forces
Learn how the Gerson Therapy restores the body's own healing
mechanisms and rebuilds the immune system. For many the result
is regeneration and a return to wholeness.
Discover the benefits of ozone and hydrotherapy. Learn how to
make her nutritional tonics and special "Hippocrates" soup.
Hear inspiring testimony for the Gerson Therapy from a fully
recovered terminal cancer patient.

An important video for those who want to understand how their own
body can heal malignant and nonmalignant diseases.



1989 The Gary Null Show
from the Mexican Clinic



2009 Alternative Treatments
Renegade Health Show



March 17, 2009
Charlotte and Howard
Healthy Planet Healthy Me
with Sherry Beal

This is the full video, Parts 1 & 2.
Part 1 has been removed by evil youtube, March 2024.
mp3 audio of the full video
Sherry's other sites:
A Right to Know
A Right to Know on Locals
youtube Healthy Planet Healthy Me
A Right to Know on Rumble



March 27, 2009
Charlotte's 87th birthday
Conscious Media Network
with Regina Meredith



Live Foods Live Bodies 2011



September 2013 Interview



Dr. Jameth Sheridan Interview 2013
Gerson Institute Archive
good historical info



How Apples Led to a Cancer Cure



Coincidence Cancer Treatment



Detoxify with the Gerson Therapy



The Gerson Therapy and Chemotherapy



Gerson Therapy Look in Mexico



Treating Chronic Disease



Change Your Lifestyle



Food Matters Module 12



Dr. Max Gerson Resource Library Howard Straus
2015 HRT Croatian Radio and Television
Howard's parts are in English with subtitles.

browser translation: Gerson’s therapy is a method of healing the body using a special diet and detoxification, thus improving the natural ability of the organism to self-healing. It was developed in the 1920s by a German physician Max Gerson, trying to treat his own migraine for which there was no cure. Experimenting with himself, he discovered that a salt-free vegetarian diet deprived him of severe headaches and nausea, and recommending this type of diet to his patients as well, he accidentally discovered that he also treated lupus and tuberculosis for which there was no cure at the time.
After clinical trials, Gerson's therapy became known throughout Europe, and over time challenged by various stakeholders. Max Gerson has not been alive for a long time, but the relay to promote Gerson's therapy was taken over by his grandson Howard Straus, who is also the founder of the Gerson Institute.
Librarian note: Howard's mother, Charlotte, along with Norman Fritz
were the Gerson Institute's Founders.
This interview contains a lot of the history.

He is a editor and a presenter Krešimir Mišak.
HRT web portal:
facebook: / hrtnovimediji



removed by evil youtube
interview with Margaret and Howard
by Forsaken Generation 05-07-2018
with Lynette Marie Barron

audio mp3 available on the Audio page



Dr. Max Gerson Resource Library Margaret Straus
October 13, 2019
Interview by Sarah Paige Wilde
View Margaret's original youtube
links and descriptions



February 13, 2020
Eat Real To Heal Podcast Ep. 45
View Margaret's original youtube
links and descriptions



June 7, 2020 Part 1
Gerson Legacy & Gerson Therapy
Health Talk 180
View Margaret's original youtube
links and descriptions



June 8, 2020 Part 2
Gerson Legacy & Gerson Therapy
Health Talk 180
View Margaret's original youtube
links and descriptions



Italian interview
June 29, 2021 METODO GERSON:
Video di Giorgio Immesi
View Margaret's original youtube
links and descriptions



May 22, 2018
Gerson Blog on Facebook
facebook channel link

Howard mentions in this interview that
Charlotte is 96 years old.
mp3 audio of the above video



May 2019
For Liberty Radio Show with Nick
youtube channel link

Howard mentions in this interview that
it is about two weeks before his
76th birthday on May 23rd



Dr. Max Gerson Resource Library Jan Newell Beata Bishop
Beata Bishop on Healthtalk180
with Jan Newel
censored by evil youtube



Future video








"nutritional deficiency and liver toxicity"



1989 Lecture in Sedona, AZ



1992 Lecture



1996 Lecture



1990's Workshop Part 1
Modern Manna Online Store



1990's Workshop Part 2
Modern Manna Online Store



Healing Advanced Cancer
Modern Manna Online Store



29th Cancer Control Society 2001



30th Cancer Control Society 2002

30th Cancer Control Society 2002
a little larger, clearer video



31st Cancer Control Society 2003



Health and Healing Crusade 2003
Modern Manna Online Store

Wall Street Journal article referenced
by Charlotte at time index 04:15
on chicken nuggets and preschool heart disease



Health and Healing Crusade 2004
Modern Manna Online Store



33rd Cancer Control Society 2005



35th Cancer Control Society 2007



35th Cancer Control Society 2007
a little larger version



36th Cancer Control Society 2008



Live Food, Winning Energy, No Drugs
Modern Manna 2009 Online Store



37th Cancer Control Society 2009



Health and Healing Crusade 2010
Modern Manna Online Store



Canadians Russell and his wife Mini attended the Mexican clinic in March 2011
and filmed 8 clinic talks by Charlotte Gerson.
Archived from lordjungalee on youtube.

1. March 10, 2011 Doesn't Work When A Patient Doesn't Follow It
Charlotte Gerson telling the story of an Irish woman who came to the clinic in Mexico, to return to Ireland and modify the eating regimen with very bad results.

2. March 11, 2011 Gerson Therapy Flare Ups
Charlotte Gerson relates to us the case of an Irish man's journey through the Gerson Therapy after a surgical procedure fails to curb his cancer.

3. March 12, 2011 Lupus Cured Through Gerson Therapy
Charlotte Gerson speaks of a Lady who had suffered from Lupus for 25 years before her husband brought the Gerson Therapy into her life, bringing her back into life.

4. March 14, 2011 How Long Will It Take
Charlotte Gerson speaks of how long it will take a patient to recover, under the Gerson Therapy, from serious illness, and what is needed to maintain that state of good of health.

5. March 14, 2011 Why It Takes 2 Years
Charlotte Gerson relates to us what her father, Dr. Max Gerson, used as an indicator for healthy liver function and why he estimated a year and a half to that place of good health. Further, Mrs. Gerson tells us why we now need 2 years, minimum, to restore healthy liver function.

6. March 15, 2011 Empty Calories Are Really Depleting Our Body
Charlotte Gerson explains why grains and the food products made with them are depleting your body.

7. March 22, 2011 Why Does Some Hair Fall Out
Charlotte Gerson responds to the question of why small amounts of hair falls out of patients heads during the Gerson Therapy

8. March 25, 2011 Gerson on Sodium Bicarbonate
Mrs. Gerson and Howard Straus respond to a question about
Dr. Simocini's Sodium Bicarbonate treatment for tumors.

The following comments made by Russell in response to viewer's comments:

Some things are what they are and this is one of those things. I recorded it out in the open, no stealth, no malicious intentions.

Thank you for taking the time to watch this video that I recorded in March of 2011, during the time that my wife and I received treatment at the Gerson clinic in Mexico. The reason for this video posting is to help raise awareness about Cancer treatment options. The Gerson therapy suffers much ridicule. I would say that Charlotte Gerson's straight forward speaking style is strength in the face of adversity rather than arrogance.

Thank you for watching this video that I captured at the Gerson Clinic in Mexico, March 2011. A single glass of Orange juice accompanied each breakfast at the clinic and was given for variety. The remaining 8 carrot and 3 green daily juices have a medical purpose in the therapy.

Thank you for taking the time to watch the video that I captured at the Gerson clinic in Mexico this past March. My wife and I stayed at the Gerson clinic for 2 weeks and are very much in favour of the therapy. I don't understand why you have written that the title is WRONG!. If the patient does not follow the therapy, the therapy does not cure Cancer. The patient described in this video substituted Oranges for Carrots, thereby, deviating from the therapy; the therapy did not work.

Thank you for watching this video. There has been quite a bit talk about the title of this video. I titled this video when I posted it, from the Gerson accredited clinic in Mexico, March of 2011. The title was an experiment. I posted other videos with less polarizing titles, similar great info, from the mouth of Charlotte Gerson.

Hi and thank you for watching this video. The title is intended to attract skeptics, so that they may see Dr. Max Gerson's daughter speak clearly about her Father's amazing therapy. My wife is now on month 10 of the therapy and is looking great.

We have "Healing The Gerson Way" ( the most helpful book ),  "50 Cases Cured" ( very technical ) and a Gerson Handbook: all were supplied at the clinic in Mexico. We have been eating Oatmeal with raisins for every breakfast, baked potatoes for lunch and diner with the Hippocrates soup. There are many more choices but we have made it easier for ourselves. Mini is well, her tumours have reduced. I wish. for you, strength and acceptance.

Thank you for watching this video. I filmed this while my wife and I stayed at the Gerson Clinic in Mexico for 3 weeks. My wife has been on the Gerson Therapy for 20 months and is doing very well.

Thank you for watching this video. Gerson therapy works, it just takes time and absolute commitment.



39th Cancer Control Society 2011



Healing Incurables 2011



40th Cancer Control Society 2012



Amazing Results 2012
Modern Manna Online Store



Dramatic News 2012
Modern Manna Online Store



Healing Incurable Diseases 2013
Modern Manna Online Store



41st Cancer Control Society 2013



March, 2013
at The Florida School of Holistic Living



March 27, 2014 "92nd Birthday Lecture"
at The Gerson Institute

Read about it in the
May/June 2014 Newsletter page 4



42nd Cancer Control Society 2014



Italian lecture
July 4, 2014
Margaret Straus: Guarire con il Metodo Gerson
View Margaret's original youtube
links and descriptions



Italian lecture
July 5, 2014
Margaret Straus: guarire con il Metodo Gerson (anteprima)
View Margaret's original youtube
links and descriptions



Italian lecture
November 15, 2014
Margaret Straus: Il Metodo Gerson
View Margaret's original youtube
links and descriptions



Italian lecture
November 16, 2014
Margaret Straus
Il Metodo Gerson: una risposta contro il cancro
View Margaret's original youtube
links and descriptions



Italian lecture
April 15, 2015
La terapia nutrizionale del Metodo Gerson
Seminario con Margaret Straus
e Domenico Battaglia
View Margaret's original youtube
links and descriptions



Italian lecture
May 21, 2015
La terapia Gerson - Margaret Straus
View Margaret's original youtube
links and descriptions



Italian lecture
November 14, 2015
Il metodo Gerson contro il cancro
Speciale Laboratorio Salute
View Margaret's original youtube
links and descriptions



43rd Cancer Control Society 2015
Tribute to Charlotte video



2015 Slovenia Lecture
DeepL translation of youtube description:
Kalček Lectures: Howard Strauss on Gerson Therapy

Howard Strauss, grandson of the famous Dr. Max Gerson and son of Charlotte Gerson, founder of the Gerson Institute and co-author of the book "Healing the Gerson Method" (with Beata Bishop), has written an excellent book about his grandfather ("Dr. Max Gerson: Healing the Hopeless"), and is one of the greatest experts on Gerson Therapy (GT) in general.



Live Food, Winning Energy, No Drugs
Modern Manna 2016 Online Store
Charlotte Gerson shares another thought provoking message on the power of live foods for energy without drugs. Incredible testimony from a 106 year old woman lights up the audience with her secrets on longevity.




Future video





Future video





Future video








"nutritional deficiency and liver toxicity"



Released 2004, 1 of 4
download high resolution insert

Purchase from the Max Gerson Foundation

Listen to Howard Straus' interview
with filmmaker Steve Kroschel

mp3 audio of the entire documentary

mp4 entire documentary video



2 of 4



3 of 4



4 of 4



Released 2006, 1 of 4
download high resolution insert

Purchase from the Max Gerson Foundation

Listen to Howard Straus' interview
with filmmaker Steve Kroschel

mp3 audio of the entire documentary

mp4 entire documentary video



2 of 4



3 of 4



4 of 4



Released 2008, 1 of 5
download high resolution insert

Purchase from the Max Gerson Foundation

Listen to Howard Straus' interview
with filmmaker Steve Kroschel

mp3 audio of the entire documentary

mp4 entire documentary video



2 of 5



3 of 5



4 of 5



5 of 5



Director's Perspective

Listen to Howard Straus' interview
with filmmaker Steve Kroschel

mp3 audio of the director's perspective



Alive Tomorrow
Released 2011
download high resolution insert

mp3 audio of the entire documentary



Released 2013, 1 of 4
download high resolution insert

mp3 audio of the entire documentary

mp4 entire documentary video



2 of 4



3 of 4



4 of 4



Raymond Gram Swing radio broadcast
mp3 audio of the Swing broadcast



Dr. Max Gerson Resource Library Cancer The Forbidden Cures
Cancer: The Forbidden Cures
by Massimo Mazzucco
Released 2010
posted with permission

The Max Gerson segment starts
at time index 48:50

Massimo's website

In the last 100 years dozens of doctors, scientists and researchers have come up with the most diverse, apparently effective solutions against cancer, but none of these was ever taken into serious consideration by official medicine. Most of them were in fact rejected out-front, even though healings were claimed in the thousands, their proposers often being labeled as charlatans, ostracized by the medical community and ultimately forced to leave the country. At the same time more than 20,000 people die of cancer every day, without official medicine being able to offer a true sense of hope to those affected by it. Why?



Healing Cancer From The Inside Out

Gerson section time index 41:58 through 46:00

view on youtube still available September 2023




Dr. Max Gerson Resource Library Truly Heal From Cancer
Truly Heal From Cancer 2014

Charlotte Gerson's two segments at time indexes 30:00 and 32:05

view on youtube still available May 2024

from the youtube description...
TRULY HEAL from cancer full documentary. Learn about the alternative cancer treatment and learn how to heal cancer naturally at home:
   Watch "TRULY HEAL from CANCER" video and know the truly heal cancer guide is our contribution to your health. It is our intent to provide you with the most important steps required to prevent or reverse disease.
   A positive outcome can only be achieved when You get directly involved in your own health.
   This course is free of charge and a must-have reference for everyone that wants to reverse or prevent cancer.
   The thousands of people I spoke to many have said that they've been rushed into treatment immediately sometimes having surgery. Actually, heal their body cancer.They gotta start the chemotherapy immediately. Not even today or tomorrow or they're gonna die soon.
   50% of these were operated had radiation. The other 50% were sent home without any kind of treatment. Who lived longer those. Who had no treatment at all lived average the 11 months longer than those.







"nutritional deficiency and liver toxicity"



Archived from
Watching this complete DVD set will provide a more thorough understanding of how the therapy works, methods for home application, and everyday practicality of the Gerson Therapy. Each volume contains lectures presented by Charlotte Gerson describing topics ranging from the history of the therapy to enema procedure to juicing techniques. The DVDs complement material presented in Healing The Gerson Way and offer a visual representation for ideas overviewed in the book.

Volume 1
Charlotte Gerson presents the history and theory of The Gerson Therapy.  She describes Dr. Max Gerson’s life and his development of the Gerson Therapy. Additionally, it discusses in depth the basic principles of deficiency and toxicity, and other topics include the chemistry of the body and the body’s innate healing mechanism. Inspiring testimonies from healed patients demonstrate some of the extraordinary recoveries achieved with The Gerson Therapy.

Full video
mp3 audio of the entire Volume 1


1 of 5
download high resolution insert



2 of 5



3 of 5

Charlotte discusses why laetrile does not heal, time index 2:12



4 of 5



5 of 5



Volume 2
Charlotte Gerson provides practical information and guidance for those who are using the Gerson Therapy principles at home. Recorded live at one of the Gerson Institute’s educational seminars, it includes four hours of information, resources, common pitfalls, and question-and-answers. The topics covered include: water, oil, organic food, “forbidden” items, spices, juicing/machines, menus, enemas (coffee and castor oil), flare-ups, medication, toxins, ozone and hydrogen peroxide, laetrile and other adjuncts, fasting, stress, protein sources, milk proteins, addiction, exercise, and more.


Full videos
mp3 audio of the entire Volume 2

Tape 2, time index 09:35, Charlotte talks about teas.
Here is the clip mentioning pau d'arco tea.
Article on pau d'arco tea from the Spring '82 issue
of the Cancer News Journal of the I.A.C.V.F.
(International Association of Cancer Victims and Friends)


1 of 8
download high resolution insert



2 of 8



3 of 8



4 of 8



5 of 8



6 of 8



7 of 8



8 of 8



Volume 3
In the 3rd and final volume of the Gerson Therapy DVDs, Charlotte Gerson shows how anyone can prepare delicious, healthy Gerson Therapy meals and juices quickly and easily. Other useful tips are included.

Full video
mp3 audio of the entire Volume 3


1 of 4
download high resolution insert



2 of 4



3 of 4



4 of 4



You Can Not Heal Selectively
Gerson Institute Archive



What is Cancer ?
Gerson Institute Archive



Coffee Enemas
Gerson Institute Archive



Censured For Curing Cancer
The American Experience of Dr. Max Gerson
Book Trailer 2004?



College of Naturopathic Medicine- UK

good lecture on the do's and don'ts



November 6, 2014
Gelato di banana con la Norwalk
fatto da Margaret Straus
View Margaret's original youtube
links and descriptions



June 18, 2020
Gerson Patient Services
provided by Max Gerson Foundation
Margaret Straus President
Contact: Anna Maria Aliano
Health Talk 180
View Margaret's original youtube
links and descriptions



Future video








"nutritional deficiency and liver toxicity"



March 09, 2019 Part 1
archived from
Howard Straus' youtube channel



March 09, 2019 Part 2
archived from
Howard Straus' youtube channel



March 09, 2019 Part 3
archived from
Howard Straus' youtube channel



Kathryn Alexander's tribute
archived from
Kathryn's vimeo channel



February 18, 2019 Food Matters
audio tribute archived from
Food Matters Documentary website

With the passing of the admirable Charlotte Gerson last week, just 1 month shy of her 97th birthday, we're dedicating this week's Food Matters Podcast to honoring the beacon of hope she was, and the powerful legacy she has left behind.

Charlotte was a champion in the natural health and wellness movement, helping to continue the legacy of her late father’s work, Dr. Max Gerson, who discovered and developed the Gerson protocol. The natural healing protocol helped to heal those with tuberculosis, heart disease, kidney failure, and others who were going through chronic end-stage disease and even Cancer.

Dr. Gerson's story is an incredible one, captured in this full interview with Charlotte when we were filming the Food Matters Documentary. It’s amazing to think that when we conducted this interview, Charlotte was 86 years old, and an absolute powerhouse, driven by sharing the work of her father.

Charlotte - your tireless support that you dedicated to natural therapies and continuing your father’s legacy defied your age. We will forever continue to share your films with the world.

Rest In Peace Charlotte Gerson.

In this exclusive interview with Charlotte Gerson, we discuss:

Her father’s incredible story
How Dr. Max Gerson developed the Gerson Therapy to heal chronic disease
The cause of chronic diseases
The pharmaceutical industry’s war on cancer and how it impacts your health
The politics of cancer and why it has become an ‘industry’
Nixon’s 1972 claim on the ‘War on cancer’
The principles of the Gerson Protocol



Food Matters Documentary
12. Mineral Deficiency & Agriculture

Charlotte Gerson discusses: The cause of all chronic diseases is deficiency and toxicity, the importance of organic agriculture, why conventional produce is deficient and toxic and more...
A clearer version is in the Interviews Section



Food Matters Documentary
16. Healing From Disease

Charlotte Gerson discusses: Dr Max Gerson's story about his health problems when he was 25, Dr Gerson's migraine headache cure diet, how to use apples and natural vegetarian foods to heal and more...



Food Matters Documentary
24. The Politics of Cancer

Charlotte Gerson discusses: The pharmaceutical industry's war on cancer and how that impacts your health, the politics of cancer and why it has become a 'cancer industry', Nixon’s 1972 claim on the 'War on cancer' and more...



Food Matters Documentary
28. Coffee Enemas & Gerson Therapy

Charlotte Gerson discusses: How coffee enemas for pain relief was discovered during World War II, how often do we need to do enemas as part of the Gerson therapy, weight loss experienced by Gerson therapy patients and more...



Future video







"nutritional deficiency and liver toxicity"



October 18, 2021
Margaret Straus addresses
The Gerson Community
Celebrating 140th Birthday of Dr. Max Gerson
View Margaret's original youtube
links and descriptions



Mixed languages
Highlights of Gerson China's Celebration
of Dr. Max Gerson's 140th Birthday
View Margaret's original youtube
links and descriptions



90th Birthday Tribute 2012



The Gerson Therapy: Fifty Healed "Incurables"
Archived from 1999 website

$40.00 Recorded during the 1981 convention honoring the 100th anniversary of Dr. Max Gerson's birth, this video includes a 40 minute lecture by Charlotte Gerson, followed by the presentation of almost fifty healed "incurables". 2 tapes, 3 hours total. VHS.



Carrot Juice for Babies Composite

Charlotte has discussed this topic in many lectures.
The first part is from the
Gerson Therapy At Home Volume 2
dvd series, time index 01:02:04.
The second part is from the Modern Manna 2012 video
Dramatic News,
time index 05:13.



Full 13 minute short

view trailer video
view promo video
view actor ryan mccartan video


Nancy Kremer, Luis Robledo, Howard Straus, Kammy Kenman

Two interviews from Howard's The Power Of Natural Healing Show


Nancy Kremer, producer, and the Max Gerson film
January 9, 2017
Producer Nancy Kremer is deeply imbedded in the Los Angeles film industry, with a long history of successes. She was first drawn to the story of Dr. Max Gerson after her father recovered from advanced prostate cancer on the Gerson Therapy, living an additional 14 years after his short and grim prognosis, eventually dying of lung fibrosis, cancer free. Nancy has written a screenplay based on the biography "Dr. Max Gerson: Healing the Hopeless," which dramatizes the struggle of this great healer against the forces of medical tyranny. Her goal is to tell Max Gerson's story to millions of people around the world.
Nancy Kremer and The Forbidden Cure: Burbank Film Festival
August 13, 2018
In the interest of showing what is possible with this story, film-maker Nancy Kremer has produced a short film of a vignette from Dr. Max Gerson: Healing the Hopeless. It has been accepted as a semi-finalist at the Burbank International Film Festival, and will be shown Friday, September 7, between 8:00pm and 9:00pm. Tickets are available on the Burbank International Film Festival website ( There is a trailer available on Tickets to the event include an invitation to the "after party," an opportunity to socialize with the producer, the author of the biography the film is based on, the director, cinematographer and other people involved with the film's production. You can also find more about the film at It should be quite a party! Come join the festivities, and see Max Gerson's story come to life on the big screen. See you in Burbank!



Future video



Future video