Temporary Page Margaret Straus

This page contains the original youtube links and descriptions
of Margaret Straus' videos before being removed by youtube's
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Go to the Videos Page to see and download the archived videos.


1. italian https://youtu.be/b7pnYZastEY
Margaret Straus: Il Metodo Gerson
Nov 15, 2014
Breve intervento fuori programma di Margaret Straus, nipote del Dott. Max Gerson, in occasione di Feel Good Expo. Ringraziamo la Dott.ssa Straus e il Gruppo Macro Edizioni per l'invito. Leggi l'articolo completo sul Metodo Gerson qui http://goo.gl/G3mCIb

Google Translation:  Short unscheduled speech by Margaret Straus, granddaughter of Dr. Max Gerson, on the occasion of Feel Good Expo. We thank Dr. Straus and the Macro Edizioni Group for the invitation. Read the full article on the Gerson Method here http://goo.gl/G3mCIb
Librarian's note: this webpage has been archived.


2. italian https://youtu.be/yDuytw1i8xY
Gelato di banana con la Norwalk fatto da Margaret Straus
Nov 6, 2014
In questo video Margaret ci prepara un fantastico gelato di banana con la Norwalk. Assicurato, buonissimo 

Google Translation:  In this video Margaret prepares us a fantastic banana ice cream with Norwalk. Guaranteed, very good


3. italian https://youtu.be/SiIbyngiwwE
La terapia Gerson - Margaret Straus
May 21, 2015
Intervista con Margaret Straus, nipote del Dott. Max Gerson che sviluppò negli anni 20 una terapia alimentare per la cura della tubercolosi successivamente modificata per diventare, come da lui annunciato, una cura contro i tumori. Per saperne di più visita: http://veggiechannel.com/video/scienz...

Google Translation:  Interview with Margaret Straus, granddaughter of Dr. Max Gerson who in the 1920s developed a food therapy for the treatment of tuberculosis which was subsequently modified to become, as he announced, a cure for cancer. To learn more visit: http://veggiechannel.com/video/scienz...


4. italian https://youtu.be/iMvjf6l2Bqw
Margaret Straus: Guarire con il Metodo Gerson
Jul 4, 2014
La terapia Gerson è una terapia nutrizionale detossificante per la cura del cancro e di altre patologie croniche, sviluppata circa 80 anni fa dal dottor Max Gerson per guarire le sue emicranie debilitanti. Ce ne parla Margaret Straus, nipote del Dott. 

Google Translation:  The Gerson Therapy is a detoxifying nutritional therapy for cancer and other chronic conditions, developed nearly 80 years ago by Dr. Max Gerson to heal his debilitating migraine headaches. Margaret Straus, granddaughter of Dr.


5. italian https://youtu.be/igkPt8pCbQw
Margaret Straus: guarire con il Metodo Gerson (anteprima)
Jul 5, 2014
La terapia Gerson è una terapia nutrizionale detossificante per la cura del cancro e di altre patologie croniche, sviluppata circa 80 anni fa dal dottor Max Gerson per guarire le sue emicranie debilitanti. Ce ne parla Margaret Straus, nipote del Dott. Gerson. 

Google Translation:  The Gerson Therapy is a detoxifying nutritional therapy for cancer and other chronic conditions, developed nearly 80 years ago by Dr. Max Gerson to heal his debilitating migraine headaches. Margaret Straus, granddaughter of Dr. Gerson, tells us about it.


6. italian https://youtu.be/GRD9gDR_IKk
Margaret Straus - Il Metodo Gerson: una risposta contro il cancro
Nov 16, 2014
La nipote del Dott. Gerson durante Feel Good Expo. Ringraziamo la Dott.ssa Straus, Ivano e tutto lo staff del Gruppo Macro Edizioni per l'invito a riprendere la conferenza. Leggi l'articolo completo qui http://goo.gl/qYWky1 

Google Translation:  Dr. Gerson's granddaughter during Feel Good Expo. We thank Dr. Straus, Ivano and all the staff of the Macro Edizioni Group for the invitation to resume the conference. Read the full article here http://goo.gl/qYWky1
Librarian's note: this webpage has been archived.


7. italian https://youtu.be/6uHk47WGoMk
La terapia nutrizionale del Metodo Gerson Seminario con Margaret Straus e Domenico Battaglia
Apr 7, 2015
http://www.gruppomacro.com/eventi/la-... La terapia nutrizionale del Metodo Gerson Seminario con Margaret Straus e Domenico Battaglia
Margaret Straus approfondisce la terapia nutrizionale del Dott. Max Gerson per la guarigione e prevenzione del cancro e di altre malattie “incurabili”, un approccio di fondo al problema delle malattie croniche. Gerson osserva che “ristabilendo il meccanismo risanatore del corpo”, cioè affrontando le carenze e la tossicità che permettono lo sviluppo delle malattie croniche, tutti i sistemi dell’organismo possono venire riportati alla salute. 

Google Translation:  http://www.gruppomacro.com/eventi/la-... The nutritional therapy of the Gerson Method Seminar with Margaret Straus and Domenico Battaglia
Margaret Straus delves into Dr. Max Gerson's nutritional therapy for the healing and prevention of cancer and other "incurable" diseases, a fundamental approach to the problem of chronic disease. Gerson observes that by "restoring the body's healing mechanism," that is, by addressing the deficiencies and toxicity that allow chronic disease to develop, all body systems can be restored to health.


8. italian https://youtu.be/VRNKRZiVRhM
Il metodo Gerson contro il cancro - Speciale Laboratorio Salute
Nov 14, 2015 

Google Translation:  The Gerson method against cancer - Special Health Laboratory


9. italian https://youtu.be/k6bxUMZCoWk
METODO GERSON : Tra CANCRO e GUARIGIONE - Video di Giorgio Immesi
Jun 29, 2021
In questo video approfondirò, insieme a Margaret Straus, nipote del Dott. Max Gerson, il Metodo Gerson, basata principalmente su una dieta di succhi di verdure, ricette vegane e rimedi fitoterapici, è oggi conosciuta e applicata da medici e terapeuti, ospedali e cliniche in molte parti del mondo.
1. Cosa è
La terapia Gerson rappresenta un metodo nutrizionale complesso in grado di curare la maggior parte delle malattie degenerative.
2. Cosa si prefigge la terapia gerson
Si basa su premesse biochimiche e fisiopatologiche scientificamente valide e ha lo scopo di riequilibrare la pompa cellulare sodio-potassio, operare una disintossicazione profonda dell’organismo, stimolare il metabolismo energetico, fornire un nutrimento cellulare elevato, riequilibrare il sistema immunitario.
3. In cosa consiste la terapia gerson
Alimentazione prevalentemente vegetariana basata su alimenti freschi e biologici, con grande riduzione delle teine e dei grassi ed eliminazione del sale;
assunzione più volte al giorno, di molti succhi di frutta e di verdura biologiche pressate a freddo con una macchina particolare, in modo da garantire una grande quantità di micronutrienti ed enzimi freschi;
somministrazione di clisteri a base di caffè per stimolare una più rapida disintossicazione epatica e la promozione di enzimi specifici a livello del fegato;
somministrazione di altri presidi curativi fra i quali un composto di potassio, enzimi pancreatici, estratti tiroidei, iodio, vit. B3 (niacina), vit. B12 (cobalamina), estratto di fegato secco ed altri ancora, tutte adeguate alla necessità di ogni singolo paziente.
4. Cosa cura la terapia gerson
Questo metodo è in grado di stimolare i processi di guarigione del corpo invertendo l’evoluzione di malattie, anche serie, quali: la maggior parte delle malattie tumorali, le malattie degenerative non oncologiche (sclerosi multipla, artrite reumatoide, lupus, ecc.) e le molte malattie oggi comuni quali l’asma, il diabete, le allergie anche gravi, l’emicrania, le malattie cardiovascolari e cerebrovascolari, l’immunodeficienza e molte altre ancora.
5. Di cosa necessita la terapia gerson
Con questa metodica, perlomeno nei casi più seri, è auspicabile che esista una struttura dove i pazienti possano soggiornare per un breve periodo per imparare questa nuova filosofia di vita e queste metodiche che, per essere efficaci, devono essere rigorosamente applicate. In seguito, il paziente potrà continuare autonomamente al proprio domicilio. È necessario che l’ambiente sia caldo e confortevole, in modo da stimolare il processi di guarigione, nutrendo il corpo, la mente e lo spirito.
6. Con cosa si integra la terapia gerson
Date le sue finalità di disintossicazione profonda, si integra vantaggiosamente con molte metodiche terapeutiche naturali come: l’idroterapia, i massaggi curativi, gli impacchi, la fitoterapia, l’omeopatia, l’agopuntura ed altro ancora.
Questo video non ha l'intenzione di suggerirvi quali terapie o percorsi fare, l'intento è esclusivamente quello di osservare tutto sempre da punti di vista differenti, senza mai dare per certo un qualsiasi punto d'osservazione.
La mia curiosità mi porta a scoprire sempre nuovi mondi e nuovi modi di vivere, di pensare e di agire, tutto ciò che viene detto in questo video ha il solo scopo di scoprire sempre di più tutto ciò che non conosco.
Il veganismo non è una scelta basata sull'alimentazione vegana e basta, anzi, il veganismo è una scelta etica intelligente in grado di fornire interessanti risvolti positivi, sia in termini di salute e sia in termini di conoscenza.
La scelta vegana è in grado di garantire tutti quei nutrienti che permettono ad ogni essere umano di vivere in forma e in salute.
Il vegano imbruttito, invece, è un vero e proprio stile di vita. 

Google Translation:  GERSON METHOD: Between CANCER and HEALING - Video by Giorgio Immesi
Jun 29, 2021
In this video I will deepen, together with Margaret Straus, granddaughter of Dr. Max Gerson, the Gerson Method, mainly based on a diet of vegetable juices, vegan recipes and phytotherapeutic remedies, is now known and applied by doctors and therapists, hospitals and clinics in many parts of the world.
1. What is it
The Gerson Therapy represents a complex nutritional method capable of curing most degenerative diseases.
2. What does gerson therapy aim for
It is based on scientifically valid biochemical and pathophysiological premises and aims to rebalance the sodium-potassium cellular pump, operate a deep detoxification of the body, stimulate energy metabolism, provide high cellular nourishment, rebalance the immune system.
3. What is the gerson therapy
Predominantly vegetarian diet based on fresh and organic foods, with great reduction of theines and fats and elimination of salt;
several times a day intake of many cold-pressed organic fruit and vegetable juices with a particular machine, in order to guarantee a large quantity of fresh micronutrients and enzymes;
administration of coffee-based enemas to stimulate faster liver detoxification and the promotion of specific enzymes in the liver;
administration of other curative aids including a compound of potassium, pancreatic enzymes, thyroid extracts, iodine, vit. B3 (niacin), vit. B12 (cobalamin), dry liver extract and others, all tailored to the needs of each individual patient.
4. What does gerson therapy cure
This method is able to stimulate the body's healing processes by reversing the evolution of diseases, even serious ones, such as: most tumor diseases, non-oncological degenerative diseases (multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, etc.) and the many diseases common today such as asthma, diabetes, even severe allergies, migraine, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, immunodeficiency and many others.
5. What does gerson therapy need
With this method, at least in the most serious cases, it is desirable that there is a structure where patients can stay for a short time to learn this new philosophy of life and these methods which, to be effective, must be rigorously applied. Afterwards, the patient can continue independently at home. It is necessary that the environment is warm and comfortable, in order to stimulate the healing process, nourishing the body, mind and spirit.
6. What does gerson therapy integrate with?
Given its deep detoxification purposes, it integrates advantageously with many natural therapeutic methods such as: hydrotherapy, healing massages, wraps, phytotherapy, homeopathy, acupuncture and more.
This video does not intend to suggest which therapies or paths to take, the intent is exclusively to always observe everything from different points of view, without ever giving any observation point for certain.
My curiosity leads me to always discover new worlds and new ways of living, thinking and acting, everything that is said in this video has the sole purpose of discovering more and more everything I don't know.
Veganism is not a choice based on vegan nutrition and that's it, on the contrary, veganism is an intelligent ethical choice capable of providing interesting positive implications, both in terms of health and in terms of knowledge.
The vegan choice is able to guarantee all those nutrients that allow every human being to live fit and healthy.
The unugly vegan, on the other hand, is a real lifestyle.


10. english https://youtu.be/8lCap-YX36Q
Eat Real To Heal Podcast Ep. 45 Margaret Straus
Feb 13, 2020
I had the pleasure of chatting with the legend Margaret Straus, Dr Max Gerson’s granddaughter and president of the Max Gerson Foundation. Margaret has been a driving force in promoting the Gerson Therapy in Italy and Europe. Margaret wrote an article that was published in a natural medicine magazine which generated a huge interest in the Gerson Therapy and she now supports medical doctors learning about nutritional medicine.
On the podcast we talk about German Soldiers eating plant-based food in WW2, the questions of industrial interests, overcoming migraines using food as medicine, and the history of Max Gerson. We also discuss the diets and nutritional intake that people need to be consuming to reverse chronic disease, including the possible need to reduce protein intake. 


11. english https://youtu.be/_0CMSpaOLGc
Interview with Margaret Straus Sarah Paige Wilde
Oct 13, 2019
Margaret Straus discusses the Gerson Therapy, patient and practitioner relationships, and the future of the Max Gerson Foundation. 


12. english https://youtu.be/U0Lj29t8oMo
Margaret Straus addresses The Gerson Community |Celebrating 140th Birthday of Dr. Max Gerson
Oct 18, 2021
To help Max Gerson Foundation further Dr. Max Gerson's great work,
please consider make a donation to The Max Gerson Foundation by PayPal link below:


13. english https://youtu.be/6SkWXbGT3Xc
Part 1: Gerson Legacy & Gerson Therapy with Margaret Straus | Dr. Max Gerson and Charlotte Gerson
Jun 7, 2020
This is part 1 of the interview with Margaret Straus on Gerson Legacy & Gerson Therapy with Margaret Straus.
Video 1 - Dr. Max Gerson and Charlotte Gerson
Over the last 100 years, Gerson Therapy has helped countless people heal from chronic illnesses including cancer. The Gerson Therapy is an all-natural therapy that rebuilds and reboots your immune system and your body’s natural defenses. Gerson Therapy activates body’s amazing self-healing ability by using food as medicine to address the nutrient deficiency and by removing the toxins to detoxify the body. Gerson Therapy is nonspecific therapy as it heals the total organism. Learning the Gerson Therapy and the scientific base behind it will enable you to take care of your health and healing, and your loved ones’ with confidence.
In this interview, Margaret Strauss talked about how the 3 generations of Gerson family, Dr. Max Gerson, Charlotte Gerson, Howard Straus and Margaret Straus, have worked tirelessly in carrying on the Gerson Legacy. Please be sure to check out both interview videos:
• Video 1 of 2 on Dr. Max Gerson and Charlotte Gerson
• Video 2 of 2 on Howard Straus and Margaret Straus 


14. english https://youtu.be/8iSAGrrgp3w
Gerson Legacy & Gerson Therapy with Margaret Straus: Video 2 - Howard Straus and Margaret Straus
Jun 8, 2020
Gerson Legacy & Gerson Therapy with Margaret Straus
Video 2 - Howard Straus and Margaret Straus
Over the last 100 years, Gerson Therapy has helped countless people heal from chronic illnesses including cancer. The Gerson Therapy is an all-natural therapy that rebuilds and reboots your immune system and your body’s natural defenses. Gerson Therapy activates body’s amazing self-healing ability by using food as medicine to address the nutrient deficiency and by removing the toxins to detoxify the body. Gerson Therapy is nonspecific therapy as it heals the total organism. Learning the Gerson Therapy and the science base behind it will enable you to take care of your health and healing, and your loved ones’ with confidence.
In this interview, Margaret Strauss talked about how the 3 generations of Gerson family, Dr. Max Gerson, Charlotte Gerson, Howard Straus and Margaret Straus, have worked tirelessly in carrying on the Gerson Legacy. Please be sure to check out both interview videos:
• Video 1 of 2 on Dr. Max Gerson and Charlotte Gerson
• Video 2 of 2 on Howard Straus and Margaret Straus 


15. english https://youtu.be/QBpVDoSatuI
Gerson Patient Services provided by Max Gerson Foundation | Contact: Anna Maria Aliano
Premiered Jun 18, 2020
Patient Services provided by Max Gerson Foundation (contact Person: Anna Maria Aliano)
If you are interested to attend the licensed Gerson clinic - Health Institute de Tijuana (H. I. T. clinic), and want to submit application, or
if you need support from a Gerson Health Trainer; or
if you have any questions on how to carrying out Gerson Therapy at home,
Please contact Anna Maria Aliano at Max Gerson Foundation:
emai: aaliano@maxgersonfoundation.org
Phone: 619-867-5019 


16. english https://youtu.be/p3suMaFzipo
*removed for violating youtube community standards*
Margaret & Howard Straus on Forsaken Generation talking ... - YouTube
MARGARET STRAUS is Charlotte Gerson’s daughter and Dr. Max Gerson’s granddaughter. Born in New York, she has lived in Europe since 1967, first in London and presently on Lake Como. In the early.. 


17. mixed languages https://youtu.be/9qh-xNljdoI
Highlights of Gerson China's Celebration of Dr. Max Gerson's 140th Birthday | 格森基金会视频16号直播精剪 

Google Translation: Gessen Foundation Video No. 16 Live Editing


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