


Long John Nebel radio show 1957
disc 1
disc 2
combined 2 hour interview



Raymond Gram Swing radio broadcast
for which he was fired after a 30 year career
for telling the truth.



1976 Lecture
Cancer: A Reflected Symptom of Metabolism
possible newspaper article



Howard Straus' Podcasts

05-07-2012 audio clip of Charlotte Gerson describing The Gerson Therapy
location time index 27:44 in the original podcast
video clip of the same segment, audio with captions



Three Generations of Gerson Speak
Dr. Max Gerson WOR-AM radio
New York January 15, 1957
Charlotte Gerson from various venues
Howard Straus interviewed by Ed May,
Haines, Alaska August 2004



view archived sales story
library looking for the mp3 files
read transcript pdf now

view interview with Charlotte



1992 Doing the Therapy at Home
A four hour workshop.
Archived from 1999 website

The Gerson Therapy at Home $24.00 The audio cassette version of Volume II of the video tape series. Features Charlotte Gerson describing the "nuts and bolts" of the Gerson therapy, including many commonly asked questions, problems and pitfalls, and much more. 4 tapes, almost 4 hours.



FRIDAY - MARCH 22, 2002
Archived from 2002 website

CHARLOTTE GERSON gives hope to the hopeless with The Gerson Therapy, an amazing nutritional program for cancer and other illnesses.



Archived from 2002 website

HOWARD STRAUS, grandson of world famous DR. MAX GERSON, shares intimate details of the most medical geniuses to ever walk among us. Fascinating and informative!



Archived from 2003 website

CHARLOTTE GERSON announces a series of booklets which focus on specific cancer locations within the body. The booklets offer authentic case histories and how "would be victims" overcame life-threatening events.



Archived from 2003 website

Author, researcher and lecturer, HOWARD STRAUS provides critical alternative health therapy updates from his recent travels in S.E. Asia, plus his recent attendance at the Cancer Control Convention held in Los Angeles.



Archived from 2004 website

HOWARD STRAUS reports on the great strides being made by the leaders of alternative therapies and how their movie, "The Gerson Miracle" won best documentary May 9, 2004 at the Beverly Hills Film Festival.



Archived from 2007 website

Author, researcher and lecturer HOWARD STRAUS comments on Michael Moore's newly released documentary "Sicko"; Plus, adding focus on the cancer industry's insidious role in the current American health crisis.



Archived from 2007 website

Live from San Diego, Charlotte Gerson, founder of the Gerson Institute and daughter of Max Gerson, MD, shares a proven alternative therapy out there that has a 65-year record of success with thousands of fully-recovered patients.
All the vital information – when the therapy was discovered, how the therapy works, why your body starts the recovery process so quickly, why liver detoxification is the missing link, success stories, patient testimonials, and much more – has been brought together in this single volume:
NEW BOOK: Healing the Gerson Way (by) Charlotte Gerson and Beata Bishop.



Archived from 2007 website

Author, researcher and lecturer HOWARD STRAUS believes the numerous problems with Chinese imports does not compare to how "we are poisoning ourselves". The critical importance of knowing how to eliminate these toxins from the body is imperative.
CHARLOTTE GERSON, founder of the Gerson Institute and daughter of Max Gerson, MD, shares a proven alternative therapy out there that has a 65-year record of success with thousands of fully-recovered patients.
All the vital information – when the therapy was discovered, how the therapy works, why your body starts the recovery process so quickly, why liver detoxification is the missing link, success stories, patient testimonials, and much more – has been brought together in this single volume:



August 3, 2008
"Healing The Gerson Way" radio show
on The Invisible Gardener

This show has a delightful reading by Charlotte of the "parable"
that was published in the Sept/Oct 2008 newsletter.

The Library is looking for the archives of this show.



September 6, 2008
"Healing The Gerson Way" radio show
on The Invisible Gardener

The Library is looking for the archives of this show.



Archived from 2008 website

This dedicated and generational duo: CHARLOTTE GERSON, founder of the Gerson Institute and daughter of Max Gerson MD, shares a proven alternative cancer therapy that has a 65-year record of success with thousands of fully-recovered patients.
Along with her son, author HOWARD STRAUS provides current updates, major advancements and a coming attraction that will shake the conventional cancer treatment establishment.
All the vital information – when the therapy was discovered, how the therapy works, why your body starts the recovery process so quickly, why liver detoxification is the missing link, success stories, patient testimonials, and much more – has been brought together in this single volume.



Archived from 2008 website

Dr. Max Gerson's (1881-1959) daughter, CHARLOTTE GERSON, and his grandson HOWARD STRAUS remark about the millions of people worldwide that use the Gerson Therapy and the track record of it's infallible success rate.



April 4, 2009 podcast interview
with Patrick Timpone
listen online archive

Charlotte Gerson continues her father's work, Max Gerson M.D., assisting the body to heal even in the most dire situations. The Gerson Therapy has been used since 1946 when Max Gerson presented cured cancer patients to Congress.

Charlotte Gerson goes through the therapy that is used quite successfully for the body to heal from "terminal" cancer, diabetes and a wide variety of diseases rampant today. She argues, given the right cleansing techniques and the proper nutrition the body will come back to life in many, many cases.

She gives their formula for proper coffee enemas. She also formulates juice recipes here and argues that with the right foods, salt and water are not necessary. Matter of fact, listen and she'll tell you sea salt is other than the best for us to consume. Charlotte Gerson is 87 and as sharp as they come.



February 10, 2010 podcast interview
with Caryn Hartglass
It’s All About Food show transcript

Charlotte Gerson founded The Gerson Institute in 1977. It is a non-profit organization located in San Diego, California, dedicated to the alternative, non-toxic treatment of disease, using the Gerson Therapy. The Gerson Therapy is a safe, natural treatment developed by Dr. Max Gerson in the 1920’s that uses organic foods, juicing, coffee enemas, detoxification and natural supplements to activate the body’s ability to heal itself. Over the past 60 years, thousands of people have used the Gerson Therapy to recover from so-called “incurable” diseases such as cancer, diabetes, heart disease and arthritis.



March 15, 2010 podcast interview
with Mike Adams
Health Ranger Report #87



April 13, 2010 podcast interview
with Food Integrity Now

World-renowned alternative cancer therapist Charlotte Gerson of The Gerson Institute joins us on the show to talk about her father, Dr. Max Gerson’s revolutionary work and what she has done to carry the flame.



May 25, 2010 Lecture 17
at UC San Diego



August 11, 2010 podcast interview
with Food Integrity Now

Matt, Susan and Carol interviewed Charlotte Gerson from the Gerson Institute. The Gerson Institute was founded by Charlotte Gerson (Dr. Max Gerson’s daughter) in 1977. The Gerson Therapy is a safe, natural treatment developed by Dr. Max Gerson in the 1920’s that uses organic foods, juicing, coffee enemas, detoxification and natural supplements to activate the body’s ability to heal itself. Over the past 60 years, thousands of people have used the Gerson Therapy to recover from so-called “incurable” diseases such as cancer, diabetes, heart disease and arthritis. The Gerson method advocates that you have the power to heal yourself. Charlotte is extremely passionate about carrying on the work of her father and we think you will enjoy this interesting interview.



hour 2 hour 3
December 22, 2010 podcast interview
with Joyce Riley
archived from 2010 website

A cure for cancer? Could this be true? Dr. Max Gerson brought it to the people and his daughter, Charlotte Gerson, and his grandson, Howard Straus are keeping his truths alive and helping people through the Gerson Institute. Because of their tireless work in helping people with many health problems, the Power Hour is dedicating today in tribute to The Gerson Institute! Charlotte Gerson and Howard Straus will be on with Joyce for the second and third hours today and will take your calls.

Hour 3, time index 26:46, Charlotte and Howard discuss what a typical
day of food is like for Charlotte. Listen to this 5 minute clip.



TUESDAY – JULY 12, 2011– Special HEALTH Feature
Archived from 2011 website

This dedicated and multi-generational duo: CHARLOTTE GERSON founder of the Gerson Institute and daughter of Max Gerson M.D., shares a proven alternative cancer therapy that has a 65-year record of success with thousands of fully-recovered patients. Along with her son, author HOWARD STRAUSS provides current updates, major advancements that have shaken the conventional degenerative diseases and cancer treatment establishment.
LATEST NEW BOOK: Defeating Arthritis, Bone and Joint Diseases - Author: Charlotte Gerson Paperback: 302 pages
All the vital information – when the therapy was discovered, how the therapy works, why your body starts the recovery process so quickly, why liver detoxification is the missing link, success stories, patient testimonials, and much more – has been brought together in this single volume.
YouTube - The Cancer Report (The Full Version) - Excellent documentary on the Rockefeller Foundation and its suppression of cancer cures and promotion of disease-causing agents, and its unholy alliance with the FDA. The Gerson Therapy is given its due as one of the "cancer cures" brutally and completely suppressed by the FDA, AMA, ACS and Rockefellers.



May 3, 2012 podcast interview
with Dr. Candace Corson
listen online archive

At time index 15:30 Charlotte
begins referencing a favored book
"The Cure Is In The Cause"
by Ruza Bogdanovich

book purchase website

Ruza's son Jesse's website

view youtube interview with Ruza
archived video



May 15, 2013 podcast interview
with Cori Brackett
listen online archive

Cori talks with Howard Straus, grandson of Max Gerson,
about the famous Gerson Clinic in Mexico and many other things. Not to be missed!



MONDAY - JULY 1, 2013
Archived from 2013 website

Charlotte Gerson, founder of The Gerson Institute and the world’s leading authority on Gerson Therapy, along with her son Howard Straus, will join The Power Hour to speak on the therapy developed by her father, Max Gerson, M.D. The Gerson Therapy is a safe, natural treatment developed by Dr. Gerson in the 1920's that uses organic foods, juicing, coffee enemas, detoxification and natural supplements to activate the body's ability to heal itself. Over the past 60 years, thousands of people have used the Gerson Therapy to recover from so-called "incurable" diseases such as cancer, diabetes, heart disease and arthritis. Charlotte is truly inspiring and encouraging. This is a must listen to program for anyone looking to learn the Therapy to treat themselves or help a loved one.
Articles of Interest:
* “Chemo makes cancer far worse”
* What Went Wrong: The Truth behind the Clinical Trial of the Enzyme Treatments of Cancer
Townsend Letter Book Review What Went Wrong.pdf
* The Gerson Therapy and the Trophoblast Theory of Cancer Development
Gerson Townsend article 8-2012.pdf



Archived from 2014 website

HOWARD STRAUS, grandson of Max Gerson and author of Dr. Max Gerson: Healing the Hopeless joins TPH to share his years of experience in helping people dealing with illness using the Gerson nutritional protocol. The Gerson Therapy is a safe, natural treatment developed by Dr. Max Gerson in the 1920's that uses organic foods, juicing, coffee enemas, detoxification and natural supplements to activate the body's ability to heal itself.



May 29, 2014 podcast interview
with Steve Prussack
Archived from

You’ll Find Out:

How “The Gerson Way” has healed thousands of people of various diseases.
How Dr. Max Gerson fled the Nazis and begin using juicing as part of his treatment in the early 1940s
Is salt dangerous in your diet? What can we do to cut down on our salt intake?
Is it possible to reverse cancer and other epidemic diseases affecting all of us today?
There is a split right down the middle of modern medicine. One half, boosted by dazzling high technology, shows brilliant results in handling acute diseases and emergencies. The other half, dealing with chronic degenerative conditions, is lagging behind, unable to offer more than symptomatic treatment for the most widespread distressing conditions ranging from cancer, heart disease, and hypertension to diabetes, arthritis, and morbid obesity. It is assumed that these and other “diseases of modern civilization” are both inevitable and incurable.

Charlotte Gerson and “The Gerson Way” contradicts all such assumptions. Charlotte shares with you the theory and practice of the Gerson Therapy, developed over 80 years ago by Dr. Max Gerson, MD (1881-1959). She shows that the increasingly denatured, nutritionally empty, toxic modern diet is the main cause of today’s worsening health crisis. This show offers the solution in the form of a brilliant, precision-built nutritional program that eliminates the underlying causes of disease, leading to lasting cures. “The Gerson Way” is known for its success in curing many types of cancer, but it also has an excellent track record with a large number of other degenerative conditions.

Charlotte Gerson is the founder of the Gerson Institute and the daughter of Max Gerson, the creator of the Gerson Therapy. Born in Germany, she attended Smith College in Northampton, Massachusetts.
Charlotte owns the copyright on two excellent DVDs describing the Gerson Therapy, showing recovered patients. The first one, “The Gerson Miracle” won first prize at the Beverly Hills Film Festival in 2004. The later one, “Dying to Have Known” describes the attackers’ claims and counters them with Surgeons and Professors showing cured, formerly terminal, patients treated with the Gerson Therapy and recovered.

Charlotte’s recent book, Healing the Gerson Way – Defeating Cancer and Other Chronic Diseases, written in cooperation with Beata Bishop. It came out in August 2007 and has been translated into 12 languages. In addition, Charlotte has written two additional books, Defeating Obesity, and Diabetes and High Blood Pressure — The Metabolic Syndrome; and Defeating Arthritis, Joint and Bone Diseases.



Archived from 2014 website

HOWARD STRAUS, a leader in the grounding movement, joins TPH today to discuss 'The Grounded 2', the much anticipated sequel to the feature film "The Grounded". Howard will discuss how grounding or earthing can impact your health.
September 23, 2014 (hour 3) - Howard Straus educates us on how grounding or earthing can impact your health



February 10, 2015 podcast interview
with Cori Brackett
listen online archive

Join Cori as she talks with Howard Straus of Gerson Media! Howard is the grandson of Dr. Max Gerson and wrote his biography, Dr. Max Gerson: Healing the Hopeless. He regularly speaks on alternative cancer treatments, the Gerson Therapy and Natural Health. Howard can be heard his on own weekly Internet interview show, The Power of Natural Healing on the “Health and Wellness” channel. Howard and Cori will be talking about vaccines and so much more! Sure to be a powerful show!



August 14, 2015 podcast interview
with Cori Brackett
listen online archive

Cori talks with author, Howard Straus, about his book, Dr. Max Gerson: Healing the Hopeless - the definitive biography of Dr. Max Gerson. Gerson was said to heal people of terminal cancer, tuberculosis, multiple sclerosis, and many other degenerative diseases during the early part and middle of the last century. 



THURSDAY - JULY 14, 2016
Archived from 2016 website

HOWARD STRAUS, a leader in the grounding movement, joins TPH today to discuss 'The Grounded 2', the much anticipated sequel to the feature film "The Grounded". Howard will discuss how grounding or earthing can impact your health.
July 14, 2016 (hour 3) - Guest Howard Straus



5-21-17 Healthy Conclusions podcast interview
with Bob Neugenbauer
listen online
mp3 audio of the above video file

Howard Straus is the grandson and biographer of Dr. Max Gerson, and the son of Charlotte Gerson.

Max Gerson originated the holistic disease treatment “The Gerson Therapy” for advanced degenerative diseases. Howard Straus now speaks, writes and publishes about the Gerson Therapy around the world.



May 22, 2018 Facebook Gerson Blog audio
facebook channel link

Watch the video on the Videos page
Interesting interview.



5-07-18 Margaret and Howard
with Lynette Marie Barron
Forsaken Generation
The video version was removed by evil youtube
and is archived on the Video page.
This is the mp3 version of the complete 3 hour interview.
original promotional description below

MARGARET STRAUS is Charlotte Gerson’s daughter and Dr. Max Gerson’s granddaughter. Born in New York, she has lived in Europe since 1967, first in London and presently on Lake Como. In the early 1970s she wrote an article about Dr. Gerson’s work for a large circulation British magazine, “Here’s Health”, specializing in natural medicine. The piece excited great public interest and after that, Ms. Straus was much in demand to write, lecture and hold seminars about the Gerson Therapy throughout the United Kingdom and Ireland.
In 1979, Margaret’s husband, Giuliano Dego, author and professor at London University, began to research the life and times of Dr. Gerson and in 1997 published his investigative novel, Doctor Max.
The couple moved to Italy in 1982. After a few years, Margaret was contacted by the director of a publishing firm who, with her help and Prof. Dego’s editing and introduction, published the translation of S. J. Haught’s book Has Dr. Max Gerson a True Cancer Cure?
In 1999 the publishing giant Rizzoli published Doctor Max in Italian. It won the Latina National Paperback book award and received 130 reviews. The interest aroused by this gripping and disturbing novel led to the Italian publication of Charlotte Gerson’s books, The Gerson Therapy and Healing the Gerson Way, the latter volume containing the DVD “Dying to Have Known” by award-winning film-maker Stephen Kroschel. Margaret Straus was one of the editors of the text, and later edited the translations of Beata Bishop’s book A Time to Heal and Kathryn Alexander’s Gerson Manual, Nutritional Healing. Margaret continues to write, lecture and give seminars in Italy to an increasing number of interested patients and doctors.
Howard Straus, author of the Gold Medal-winning biography Dr. Max Gerson: Healing the Hopeless, is the second of Dr. Gerson’s grandchildren and has been immersed in the Gerson Therapy for much of his life. Educated at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Sc.B. Physics, 1964), Mr. Straus has spent most of his professional life as a computer systems analyst. He became deeply involved in Gerson’s work during his wife Sally’s successful cancer treatment, serving as a Director of the Gerson Institute, Editor of the Gerson Healing Newsletter, Lecturer, Webmaster and Vice President of Communications. He helped to develop and organize the first Gerson Practitioners’ Training course and eventually served as Founder and President of the Gerson Healing Center in Sedona, Arizona. He is also the founder of Gerson Health Media, which now publishes Dr. Gerson’s biography and Charlotte Gerson’s range of books and booklets on the Gerson Therapy, and founder and president of the Cancer Research Wellness Institute. Charlotte Gerson’s books have now been translated into nearly 20 languages worldwide, and are much sought after by desperate patients. Mr. Straus has overseen and appeared in four Gerson documentaries, all of which are on the list of Food Matters’ “10 Best Cancer Documentaries of All Time.” He has a weekly Internet broadcast on the Health and Wellness channel called “The Power of Natural Healing,” with a monthly listenership of nearly 100,000 unique IP addresses from around the world. He has lectured in Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Slovenia, Croatia, Canada and the United States, and published articles in numerous scientific and popular publications in several languages.
Mr. Straus’ unique knowledge was gained living with his grandparents, the Gersons, while growing up, and absorbing the family’s oral history, which he has richly augmented from a wide variety of research sources.
Mr. Straus lives in Carmel, California, with his wife Sally. He continues to pursue projects that spread the knowledge of natural healing around the world.



3-29-19 Inupiat Real People
with Jeffery Maupin



May-01-2019 The Power Hour, 1st hour
with Daniel Brigman



From Death to Life: My Conscious Choice
Archived from 1999 website

Mary Lee Rork $6.00 This is the inspiring story of Mary Lee's recovery from cancer using the Gerson Therapy. Recorded live during the 1981 Gerson Therapy convention. Approx. 45 minutes. (Tape #2)



How to Heal and Prevent Cancer and Other Diseases
Archived from 1999 website

$12.00 A lecture by Charlotte Gerson, similar to Volume I of the video tape series. Almost 2 hours. (Two tape set)



Hypothyroidism: the Unsuspected Illness
Archived from 1999 website

Broda Barnes M.D. $6.00 Dr. Barnes, a respected endocrinologist, describes how an underactive thyroid can affect health in many different ways, causing or contributing to heart disease, diabetes, hypoglycemia, obesity, and many other diseases. Recorded live at the 1981 Gerson Therapy convention.
Approx. 45 minutes. (Tape #7)



The Gerson Therapy: Elizabeth Claire Prophet
interviews Charlotte Gerson

Archived from 1999 website

$14.95 This is the audio tape version of the video described above, a two-hour interview of Charlotte Gerson originally produced for Summit University television. A well-produced, good introduction to the Gerson Therapy.



My Life with Dr. Max Gerson
Archived from 1999 website

Howard Straus $6.00 Howard, grandson of Dr. Max Gerson, and Vice President for Communications at the Gerson Institute, Tells of Dr. Gerson's influence on Howard's life. Among other things, Howard tells of being unaware that cancer was considered "incurable" until he was 16 years old. Recorded at the 1981 Gerson Therapy convention. Approx. 45 minutes. (Tape #5)



Total Health from Conception through Active Old Age
Archived from 1999 website

Charlotte Gerson $6.00 Hear Charlotte teach you how to maintain an active, healthy lifestyle without suffering from headaches, fatigue, or numerous other illnesses, using the principles for healthy living developed by Dr. Max Gerson. Recorded at the 1981 Gerson Therapy convention.
Approx. 45 minutes. (Tape #18)



Future audio




Future audio




Future audio