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Howard Straus' "The Power of Natural Healing" podcast archive


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podcasts beginning in:
2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019



Interview with Charlotte Gerson, daughter of Dr. Max Gerson
August 8, 2011
Interview with Charlotte Gerson about the history and power of the Gerson Therapy in healing chronic (“incurable”) diseases for over 75 years.

Interview with Mike Adams of
August 15, 2011
The Gerson Therapy today: Charlotte Gerson, Gerson clinics in Mexico and Hungary, case histories of various diseases reversed by the Gerson Therapy.

Interview with Anita Wilson, Director of the Gerson Institute
August 22, 2011
Anita Wilson speaks about the Gerson Institute’s history, accomplishments, structure and philosophy.

Interviews with healed Gerson Therapy patients
August 29, 2011
Beata Bishop, 30 years after stage 4 spreading melanoma, prognosis 2 months; Lisa St. John, 7 years after a "terminal" pituitary (brain) tumor, prognosis 2 months; Alan Furmanski – recovery from metastasized melanoma

How to Implement Gerson Therapy in Your life
September 12, 2011
Howard Straus and Charlotte Gerson speak about the Gerson Therapy, successes with chronic illness, and invite questions from listeners.

Interview with “Sensei Bill” Handel
September 19, 2011
Martial arts instructor “Sensei Bill” Handel talks about being healthier and having more energy by implementing a Gerson lifestyle

Oct 3, 2011
Dr. Andrew Saul, DC, Ph.D., author of “Doctor Yourself”, assistant editor of the Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine, appeared in our documentary Dying to Have Known
October 3, 2011
“Interview with health educator Dr. Andrew Saul who talks about the power of natural supplements and the Gerson Therapy to maintain and recover health, and the FDA’s war on any substance or technique that is health-giving, not patentable and not dangerous.”

Interview with Nick Gonzalez, MD
October 10, 2011
If Gerson Therapy is so great, why don't I know about it? Suppression of life-giving substances and techniques by medicine-for-profit. Big Pharma, Big Oil, Big Food, media domination and government agencies corrupted by these powerful corporations with no conscience or concern for human life or health.

Charlotte Gerson, Founder of the Gerson Institute, author, lecturer
October 31, 2011
Recovered Gerson Therapy patients and the increasing attacks on our health and survival in today’s environment.

Betsy Heilman
January 16, 2012
Recovered Gerson patient Betsy Heilman, who has appeared in two of our Gerson Therapy documentaries, telling of her successful battle with “incurable” ovarian cancer eight years ago, a fight compounded by living 80 miles north of Wasilla, Alaska and fighting with polar bears for her carrots. Sent home after three chemotherapy treatments by the Mayo clinic, and being told that no patient with her type of cancer had ever survived, she refused to take NO for an answer. When she found the Gerson Therapy, she knew that this was a means by which she could save her own life, and did. Now healthy and robust, Betsy is dedicated to sharing her story of life and health with the world.

Clint Ober
January 23, 2012
Clint Ober, a former cable television executive and pioneer, who asked himself one day, “If it is so critically important to television signals and any other sensitive electronics, would ‘grounding’ the human body, also a sensitive and complex electrical system, have similar beneficial effects?” So he tried it. His amazing results have proven to be one of the most surprising health discoveries of the century, and have been proven again and again in environments as diverse as electrosensitivity, the Tour de France, and pain relief for cancer and rheumatoid arthritis sufferers. Clint Ober, co-author of the book “Earthing”, should be, and eventually must be recognized as a pioneering giant in the field of electrical system normalization for the human body.

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Dr. Shui-Yin Lo
March 19, 2012
Dr. Shui-Yin Lo will be my guest on Monday. This continues and amplifies the interview last week with David Gann, co-developer of double-helix water. Dr. Lo will be speaking of the physical reality behind energy medicine, homeopathy and structured water, as his experiments have shown. The possibility that this newly discovered “phase” of water (not liquid, gas or solid at room temperature and pressure) could be the “genesis particle” will be discussed. The connection of double helix water with the structured water that keeps our cells healthy will be explored.

James Wedgwood’s survival from kidney cancer
April 2, 2012
“James Wedgwood, performer, comedian, ventriloquist, describes his reactions and emotions on being diagnosed with the same kidney cancer that killed his best friend nine years earlier. He chose the Gerson Therapy instead of conventional treatment. Nine years later, James is robust, active and a well-known performer, and has written a book, ‘3000 Coffee Breaks’, about his ordeal and recovery.”

The subtle and powerful influence of allowing your internal chemistry to go “acid”, and how to restore the healthy alkaline environment to avoid and reverse cancer.
April 9, 2012
On Monday, April 9th, Howard Straus discusses the deep and far-ranging implications of letting one’s acid/base balance get out of order. Our bodies normally operate in a very tight, slightly alkaline environment, but due to our horrible eating habits, toxic pharmaceuticals, chemicals, drinks, recreational drugs and many other influences, over the years it becomes acidic. When this happens, several vital functions, vital to our immune systems, and thus to our very survival, become disabled, from the ability of the blood stream to efficiently carry oxygen to the furthest reaches of the capillary system (including the brain), to the neutralizing of the all-important pancreatic enzymes that play powerful roles in cell development, waste disposal, and immune system function. We discuss how to keep the body system alkaline, and the foods and substances that cause the immune-suppressing acidity that so many are subject to. This is very important, wide ranging, and seldom-discussed information for the maintenance of your overall health.

Common challenges when changing one’s lifestyle for the better; assumptions, myths, habits, and understanding.
April 16, 2012
Our guest on Monday, April 16th was Sensei Bill Handel, Vice President of Marketing for Gerson Health Media, martial arts instructor, weapons expert and newly initiated Gerson Person. Bill came to Gerson Media after putting into practice just SOME of the admonitions in the documentary, “The Beautiful Truth” by Steve Kroschel , such as avoiding fast and processed foods, eating only organic foods. In two weeks, he and his wife lost nearly 20 pounds without trying, and without suffering any kind of deprivation! Bill ran into many of the common problems that Gerson newcomers often run into, and wanted to discuss some of the surprising things he learned simply by having day-to-day discussions with Howard Straus. We take so many things for granted: air fresheners, fluoridated toothpaste, skin lotions, cosmetics, household cleaners, perfumes, anti-static pads we put in our dryers, and never realize how toxic they are in a subtle and invisible way … until we get sick. Paying attention to these daily contaminants and avoiding them is a huge step forward in our health status. This is information you can use immediately to improve your overall health.

Medical and commercial censorship in cancer information
April 30, 2012
Our guest on Monday, April 30 will be Dr. Andrew Saul, DC, PhD, Associate Editor of the Journal of Orthomolecular Medcine. We will be discussing the case of Peter Ebdon, a finalist in the World Championship Snooker Tournament, the 21st consecutive Championships he has qualified for. Since his father died from cancer last year, Peter has been a vegan, and this year he performed the ultimate forbidden act: he wore a tee shirt with the Gerson Institute logo on it! Despite the long tradition of sports teams wearing advertising logos in all countries, and despite their complete lack of concern with logos of cancer causing corporations, the entire press, medical and sports world went ballistic from the very name Gerson being displayed in public. He was forced to remove it, in compliance with a nearly never enforced 1939 law forbidding anyone from mentioning a cancer therapy in the media. We will discuss medical censorship, and the implications of why the mere display of one word by one man sets the entire Medical and Media Establishment, the trillion-dollar pharmaceutical industry and its government and media servants shuddering in fear, and screaming foul. Join us for this edifying discussion!

Charlotte Gerson
May 7, 2012
Charlotte Gerson speaks about the mechanics of the Gerson Therapy, her 90th birthday, and her upcoming induction into the ALIVE Foundation Hall of Fame.

Dr. Jim Winer
June 4, 2012
Chiropractor and longtime Gerson advocate and associate Dr. Jim Winer will share his experiences over decades of treating patients with and promoting the Gerson Therapy.

Charlotte Gerson
July 9, 2012
On Monday, July 9, 2012, we will be talking with Charlotte Gerson about the Gerson Therapy and its application to, and success with many other chronic [“incurable”] illnesses. Particularly interesting are successes with macular degeneration (AMD), glaucoma, and an increasing problem today: mercury poisoning. We will also be discussing her newest book, “Healing Arthritis the Gerson Way”, with solutions to osteo- and rheumatoid arthritis (RA), scleroderma, ankylosing spondylitis, and other rheumatic illnesses. At 90 years of age, Charlotte is wise, experienced and passionate about the healing power of the Gerson Therapy, a living example of the power of the Therapy to maintain and extend healthy, useful life.

Short slug: How animal husbandry led me to nutritional healing and the Gerson Therapy
July 16, 2012
Steve Kroschel is a wildlife and nature cinematographer extraordinaire. As well as his own film company, he maintains a wild animal farm in Southern Alaska (Haines) for both educational and cinematographic purposes, caring for bears, wolves, wolverines, caribou, porcupines, and many more. These animals are wild enough to be filmed in wildlife documentaries and feature films, but return to Steve at the end of the day. Caring properly for animals with wildly differing diets, Steve was intrigued by the idea of the Gerson Therapy, and tried it to maintain his own health. After achieving spectacular results, Steve made three stunningly beautiful and moving documentaries about the Therapy that have helped spread its knowledge around the world. Most recently, Steve heard about Earthing on The Power of Natural Healing interview with Clint Ober, and was again inspired by true health benefits. He was so impressed with the technology that he is now in the middle of producing a documentary on Earthing. A renaissance man, but modest to a fault, Steve lives an intense, vigorous outdoor life in the harsh, wild and beautiful environment of Coastal Alaska. Steve’s credits include: Wild America, Seven Years in Tibet, Vertical Limit, Escape from Alaska, Running Free, an appearance on Johnny Carson, and many wildlife documentaries. His special skill is filming avalanches.
Librarian's Note: The documentary mentioned being filmed in this interview is
"The Grounded". Filmmaker Steve Kroschel went on to film a sequel called
"Heal for Free". Both documentaries have been archived against future
censorship. Please
report to me if the links become broken.

Diane Ake, Training Director of the Gerson Institute, talks about the Institute’s educational and outreach programs, and their growth over the past 10 years.
July 23, 2012
Howard’s Guest is Diane Ake, Training Director of the Gerson Institute. Since the Gerson Institute is mainly an educational institution, Diane Ake occupies an important position, supervising and coordinating the many and varied training programs offered by the Institute. Practitioners, patients, companions, and just curious alike have benefited from her expansion of the programs offered. We will explore the various offerings of the Institute on the show.

Lisa St. John
September 17, 2012
Lisa St. John, recovered “terminal” pituitary cancer, 10 years after diagnosis, will discuss natural healing, nutrition, her successful battle after a prognosis of “inoperable cancer, two months to live,” and some remarkable side-effects of healing the Gerson Way. Lisa’s website is
Lisa's website as of April 2023 - Librarian


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Sensei Bill Handel, Vice President for Sales and Marketing for Gerson Health Media
October 8, 2012
Sensei Bill Handel, Vice President for Sales and Marketing for Gerson Health Media. He will be talking about new releases, including the books, “Healing Arthritis: The Gerson Way” and “Healing Diabetes: The Gerson Way” and the new DVD Heal Yourself, Heal the World. Sensei (“Master”) Bill has masterminded an aggressive direct sales campaign in keeping with the goal of getting Gerson Therapy knowledge spread throughout the world. Sensei Bill Handel is a highly skilled and trained mixed martial arts instructor who has had his own martial arts studio for years, as well as being a powerful and skilled marketing and sales manager, having brought several companies from virtual anonymity and hand-to-mouth existence to multi-million-dollar national and international sales levels. He was inspired by his first contact with the Gerson Therapy, when, with minimal effort and no hunger pangs, he and his wife lost a dozen pounds each within two weeks.

Betsy Heilman
October 15, 2012
My guest on the show Monday will be Betsy Heilman, a cancer recovery from EOPPS (extra-ovarian post peritoneal sarcoma), declared “terminal” by the Mayo clinic in 2003. In their experience, NOBODY had ever survived the stage and disease she had. She appeared in the first Gerson documentary, The Gerson Miracle, in 2004 while at the Gerson clinic in Mexico, and again in the third one, The Beautiful Truth, in 2008. Besides her ailment, her challenges included living in Talkeetna, in the back of beyond in Alaska, 75 miles further north than Wasilla, and living in a one-room cabin near Denali (Mount McKinley). Now, she is subject to ongoing censorship and harassment by the Mayo Clinic, which apparently would have rather she died in the “right” way than lived in the “wrong” way. Threats of arrest and worse, having film clips of her removed from the Internet, illegal alteration of her medical records, and more. And this from physicians who believe that “stress” causes cancer! Betsy is no shrinking violet, though, having had to wrestle a bag of organic carrots away from a grizzly bear at one point. She now helps people around the world, and is afraid of nothing.

The Power of Natural Healing Monday, October 29, 2012
October 29, 2012
My guest tomorrow will be Charlotte Gerson, Founder of the Gerson Institute, daughter of Dr. Max Gerson. We will be talking about her newest book, "Healing Diabetes the Gerson Way," her remarkable recovery (at age 90) of a potentially fatal injury (using the Gerson Therapy, of course), and a book by a courageous naturopath who recovered from stage 4 "terminal" cancer on the Gerson Therapy and Laetrile. When she recovered, the pharmaceutical manufacturer of the useless chemotherapy she had gotten bribed her with 1/4 million dollars to keep her quiet, and keep the information about a cancer cure from the public. Now, 12 years later, she has written a book about her experience.

Gerson Therapy FAQs, with Howard Straus
November 12, 2012
The Gerson Therapy is so far from mainstream ideas of treatment that most people can’t believe its success. Yet, tens of thousands of patients have benefited from its healing power, especially when used on chronic (“incurable”) disease. How does it work? Where do you get your protein? Isn’t there danger in repeated coffee enemas? The Gerson Therapy forbids drinking water. I thought we were supposed to stay hydrated. What’s up with that? There are other subjects that need discussion, particularly in light of the defeat of California’s GMO labeling proposition 37. What’s wrong with GMOs? Is Aspartame (NutraSweet) bad for you? Should I get a flu vaccine, or any vaccine this year? We’ve all learned that “milk builds strong bodies 12 ways.” Is this true? How come we’re not hearing anything about radiation from Fukushima anymore? What are chemtrails, and why are these chemicals being sprayed on us 24/7?

More Gerson Therapy FAQs
November 19, 2012
In this segment of Gerson Therapy FAQs, Howard Straus, president of Gerson Health Media, will address a wide variety of questions that are frequently asked about the Gerson Therapy, related aspects of health maintenance and the dangers lurking in the supermarket. What do coffee enemas have to do with detoxification? Aren’t organic foods very expensive? What’s wrong with conventionally raised foods? How about processed foods. The FDA is tasked with ensuring the safety of all foods and pharmaceuticals, isn’t it? In light of the failure in California of Proposition 37, what should I do about GMOs? Why are vaccines considered dangerous? Why is there so little published data on the Gerson Therapy? Tune in and call in with your own questions, if you’d like.

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Gerson FAQ Part 3
December 17, 2012
I shall continue my series of monologues on Gerson Therapy FAQs. In this show, I shall talk about which diseases can be healed with Gerson Therapy, which ones we have little success helping, and aspects of the Therapy that puzzle many people, like “Fasting: Good or Bad for a cancer patient?”

Steve Kroschel
December 24, 2012
Howard Straus interviews Steve Kroschel, prize-winning documentary-maker and naturalist, on his upcoming film, “The Grounded,” inspired by Howard’s VoiceAmerica interview with Clint Ober, 1/23/2012. Steve will talk about the benefits of Earthing, his travels, his decision to make a film about it, the healing power of the Earth, and people’s reactions to the technology worldwide.

Dr. Brad Case, DC
January 14, 2013
How to protect yourself and your family from the growing pressure to vaccinate with horribly toxic and highly damaging chemicals.

Gerson FAQs
January 28, 2013
On this Monday’s show, Howard Straus will continue his ongoing “Gerson FAQs” show. We’ll be talking about Diseases Gerson Therapy reverses, the Gerson Therapy during pregnancy, required and forbidden foods and other items on the Gerson Therapy, the importance of rest.

Oscar G. Rasmussen, Ph.D., Founder and President, Time Honored Formulas
February 18, 2013
Dr. Rasmussen has a doctorate from the University of Illinois in Nutrition, with minors in Biochemistry and Physiology. Over the years, he has been fascinated, even obsessed with the finest and healthiest nutrition and nutritional supplements available, consulting with, and eventually founding successful companies that provided the highest quality products that he could. His other passion is teaching people, especially young physicians, about the importance of nutrition to the maintenance and recovery of good health. Over three decades ago, Dr. Rasmussen met Charlotte Gerson at a convention, and became utterly fascinated with the success and logic of the Gerson Therapy. His current company, Time Honored Formulas, manufactures the highest quality and purest vitamin, mineral and enzyme supplements, and is now one of the Gerson Therapy’s preferred suppliers for these supplements. He can be reached at, or toll-free at (855) 216-3002. Dr. Rasmussen has taught at numerous universities, appeared as expert witness, has been awarded many prizes and honors, and is involved in worthwhile volunteer activities in his community. Tune in for a lively and very informative interview!

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Charlotte Gerson
March 11, 2013
On Monday, March 11, 2013, my guest will be Charlotte Gerson, and we will be talking about pregnancy and the Gerson Therapy, and the wrenching choices that need to be made around the combination of cancer and pregnancy. That will segue into a discussion of the trophoblast and its role in the development of cancerous cells instead of normal, differentiated cells from stem cells. We will also be talking about Charlotte’s 91st birthday, which she will be spending in Florida, attending a series of concerts by her violin virtuoso granddaughter, whose recordings have been published by Deutsche Grammophon, the world’s premier classical music publisher.

Laurie Sloan-Fisher
March 18, 2013
After 12 years of unsuccessful and progressively more damaging conventional cancer therapy, Laurie Fisher knew she had to do something different. Her cancer was spreading, getting worse and treatment was making her sicker. Then she found the Gerson Therapy, and it made much more sense. Today, she talks about how her life has changed, health has improved, and her purpose in life is to help others avoid the allopathic path she had to walk. A powerful advocate, athlete, businesswoman, Laurie shares her Gerson experience.

The Power of Natural Healing Monday, March 25, 2013
March 25, 2013
I’ll be doing a solo show on Gerson-related subjects, including the rapidly rising tide of autism, the vaccine fraud and its connection to the disease, the possibility of fluoridation in chemtrails, and the “Monsanto protection” rider in the current continuing funding bill forwarded to the President for signing. Also, the particular problems of people with children on the Gerson Therapy.

Kathleen Blake
April 8, 2013
Kathleen was diagnosed with thyroid cancer 27 years ago, and was told that the surgeon wanted to remove her thyroid. This did not sound right to her, so she started to look for alternatives, prayed for guidance. At a health food store a few days later, she found Dr. Gerson’s book, A Cancer Therapy: Results of 50 Cases. Instinctively, she knew this was the right way to go, but, as the mother of four young children, could not afford the time or cost to go to the Mexican clinic for two weeks. She visited, was seen by an MD, and proceeded to do the Gerson Therapy herself, at home. Kathleen did the Gerson Therapy very strictly at home for two years, and to this day, stays close to the Therapy’s recommendations for good health. She has continued to research natural health, worked in the local health food store, and is a vocal advocate for natural healing, including facilitating local seminars for Charlotte Gerson in Sedona, AZ.

The Power of Natural Healing Monday, April 15, 2013
April 15, 2013
On Monday’s show, I shall be addressing more Gerson Therapy FAQs, this time, water, fats, electromagnetics and personal care products. Oh? You didn’t know that there were dangers in all these items? Tune in.

The Power of Natural Healing: Ned Wright
April 22, 2013
Ned Wright was a dynamic young father of three, weight lifter, commercial painter, founder of his own business, when he was diagnosed with testicular cancer at age 38. Because of the advanced stage, he underwent surgery, which “got it all”. Yet, six months later, there was a tumor on his kidney. This time, the oncologist recommended radiation therapy, and Ned responded well. And three months later, it was back. “Low dose” chemotherapy was applied, putting Ned through hell, yet the cancer returned again, this time with lesions in his liver. That is when Ned opted to try natural healing, immediately starting the Gerson Therapy. He totally recovered his health, and tells us about his total recovery using the Gerson Therapy. A heart-warming story, one of dedication and purpose, over twelve years after he was given three months to live.

The Power of Natural Healing: Ms. Betsy Heilman
May 6, 2013
My guest on TPONH Monday will be Ms. Betsy Heilman, of Talkeetna, AK. This is just south of Denali, the tallest mountain in North America, and about 75 miles north of Sarah Palin’s Wasilla. Betsy was given up for “terminal” by the Mayo Clinic, with EOPPS (extra-ovarian post peritoneal sarcoma), a condition and stage from which NO patient had ever survived. Betsy found out about the Gerson Therapy, and came to the Gerson clinic in 2003. While she was there, she was filmed and appeared in the first Gerson documentary, The Gerson Miracle. After only three days, she had already experienced significant positive results from the Therapy, and continued it under the most difficult circumstances when she got back to Alaska. Now, ten years later, Betsy is a robust, healthy young woman, and travels around the world as a Gerson Therapy helper, ambassador, angel of healing. Hear her amazing and inspiring story of courage, persistence, dedication and, in the end, healing.

The Power of Natural Healing: Charlotte Gerson, Author, Lecturer, Founder The Gerson Institute
May 13, 2013
Howard and Charlotte will chat about her 91st birthday greetings, Sy Harger and his appearance on Anderson Cooper, Monsanto’s latest atrocities, the emptiness of GMO corn and other topics. Call-ins invited.

The Power of Natural Healing Monday, May 20, 2013
May 20, 2013
I’ll be exploring the complete fallacy of “preventive” breast removal surgery (as touted for the past couple of weeks re: Angelina Jolie), and alternatives to it. We’ll be discussing how genes are not your fate, they are the hand you’re dealt; your health status reflects the way that you’ve played that hand. Your health status is NOT due to the number of drugs you take, nor how many surgeries or radiation you get. It depends on your lifestyle and consumption patterns.

The Power of Natural Healing: Jordan and Heather Harger
June 3, 2013
Jordan and Heather Harger are a Florida couple who has been battling their son's serious illness with natural means. Jordan is a Florida firefighter/paramedic and Heather is a fantastic stay-at-home mom who schools and cares for their four young children. Sy, their six-year-old son, has been battling a condition called Eosinophilic Esophagitis since birth which can eventually cause the esophagus to permanently close. Sy became so allergic and symptomatic that doctors removed ALL foods from his diet for over a year. After years of frustration, desperation, and not getting the answers they needed from allopathic medicine, they were introduced to the Gerson Therapy. Today, after over a year of being on the therapy, Sy enjoys a large variety of whole foods and has experienced a total reversal of his severe symptoms. The Harger family continues to push toward total healing and have been blessed to share thier family's remarkable story of faith and perserverance through their blog (No Muck Messages) and recently on Anderson Cooper's national talk show, Anderson Live. It is their goal to encourage others who struggle with any family members’ health and help them understand that there is a better path to wellness!

The Power of Natural Healing: Dr. Andrew Saul, Ph.D. and Helen Saul Case
June 24, 2013
My guests on TPONH for Monday, June 24, 2013 will be Dr. Andrew Saul, Ph.D. and his daughter Helen Saul Case, co-authors of a very practical, informative, and delightfully humorous new book, Vegetable Juicing for Everyone. Dr. Saul is Editor-in-Chief of the Orthomolecular Medicine News Service, a college educator, the author or co-author of 12 books, and was inducted into the Orthomolecular Medicine Hall of Fame in 2011, the youngest member of this select group. His daughter, Helen is following in his successful footsteps, as the author of The Vitamin Cure for Women’s Health Problems, with degrees and teaching credentials in English, and an English Department Chair and administrator. Dr. Saul and Helen Case have been guests on The Power of Natural Healing before, and are always entertaining and informative.

The Power of Natural Healing: Cori Brackett
July 1, 2013
On this program, director/producer Cori Brackett will talk about her powerful films, “Sweet Misery” and “Sweet Remedy”, showing the corporate, financial and government corruption that allowed the poisonous additive Aspartame (“NutraSweet”, “Equal” and many other products) to be approved by the FDA. Brackett herself was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS), yet was able to reverse it by getting off NutraSweet. This is more information that you need to have to maintain and recover your good health!

The Power of Natural Healing: Cathy Justus
July 8, 2013
Cathy Justus, champion show horse breeder, whose horses started to die and have incredible problems shortly after her town, Pagosa Springs, CO began fluoridating the municipal water supply. It took her years to prove that the fluoridation was killing the horses, and since then, she’s been a crusader against fluoride and other poisons in our water and food. We’ll be talking about her successes and the challenges that we face from the corporate and government collusion, blatant and pervasive corruption, all leading to the pollution of our water, air and food supplies. Cathy will also share about some powerful natural healing techniques she has discovered.

The Power of Natural Healing: Jamie Holmes
July 15, 2013
We will be talking with Jamie Holmes, professional entertainer, dancer, circus acrobat (aerialist), fitness instructor and business owner from Toronto, ON, Canada. When she was diagnosed with stage 3 melanoma, she was devastated, but would not submit to dangerous, mutilating and, in the end, useless allopathic means to treat it. Instead, she chose the Gerson Therapy and its natural, gentle healing modalities, with a spectacular, unmatched record against melanoma. Six months later, Jamie is energetic, healing, optimistic and bubbling with ideas to share her newfound treasure of knowledge, plus her tumor has shrunk to less than half its original size. Be sure to listen in to her experience

The Power of Natural Healing: Gerson Therapy FAQs
July 22, 2013
Gerson Therapy FAQs: water, cosmetics, juicers, forbidden foods, contra-indications for the Gerson Therapy, “how long” questions, healing reactions.

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The Power of Natural Healing: Frank Cousineau
August 5, 2013
My guest on The Power of Natural Healing Monday, August 5, 2013 will be Frank Cousineau, worldwide President of the Cancer Control Society ( We will be talking about how he got into this position, about the upcoming (Labor Day weekend) convention of the CCS at the Sheraton Universal Hotel, Universal City, Los Angeles, California. Charlotte Gerson will be speaking there, and Gerson Health Media will have a booth as well. Many interesting and diverse speakers on the origins and reversal of cancer will also be speaking, and the array of representatives of all manner of remedies and publications will be there. Join us for a fascinating discussion!

The Power of Natural Healing: Charlotte Gerson
August 12, 2013
On Monday, Charlotte Gerson will join me for a detailed discussion of diabetes, its causes and cure, associated conditions and allopathic medications generally applied to the problem. We will also touch on the 41st Cancer Control Society convention in Universal City, Los Angeles, California at the Sheraton Universal Hotel on August 31, September 1 and 2. Charlotte has been speaking annually at the convention since 1973, and is the only speaker who always gets a standing ovation. Join us Monday for the first in a series of special programs dedicated to the reversal of individual diseases.

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The Power of Natural Healing with Charlotte Gerson
September 2, 2013
My guest on The Power of Natural Healing Monday, September 2, 2013 will again be Charlotte Gerson, co-Founder of the Gerson Institute, Author of Healing the Gerson Way, Healing Arthritis the Gerson Way, Healing Diabetes the Gerson Way, The Gerson Therapy, and driving force behind several clinics in Mexico, Europe and Asia. Charlotte’s books have been published in 12 languages thus far. We will continue our series of shows about one disease area, this time one that afflicts over 45 million Americans alone, and that is arthritis and rheumatoid diseases (scleroderma, ankylosing spondylitis, gout, osteoporosis, and more). These painful, generally disabling, sometimes disfiguring diseases are the medical excuse for administering dangerous, often deadly pharmaceuticals, which, of course, don’t help heal anything. We will discuss the Gerson Therapy’s success in reversing and preventing these lifestyle diseases by altering … you guessed it, your LIFESTYLE!

The Power of Natural Healing: Billy Best
September 23, 2013
Billy Best was a teenage runaway at age 16. He knew he had to avoid the forced chemotherapy that he was being given for his Hodgkins’ lymphoma, and figured he would rather die of the disease on his own than be tortured to death by medical doctors. The national press soon joined the search for the “runaway cancer victim”, and his parents convinced him to come back home, on the condition that he would not be forced to undergo more chemo. His own research and the outpouring of help from thousands of well-wishers helped him to overcome his cancer and remain healthy. Now, 20 years later, he shares his inspiring story with our listeners.

The Power of Natural Healing: Andrew Saul, Ph.D.
September 30, 2013
Our guest Monday will be Andrew Saul, Ph.D., author, professor, Editor of the Orthomolecular Medicine News Service, and source of the great website “”. We will be discussing the egregious corruption of Wikipedia and other websites, resulting in the complete destruction of any real information about any alternative medicine modality or any physician or scientist, no matter how prominent and expert, who espouses or even tells the truth about alternative medicine. Our immediate experience comes from our attempt to fill in honest information about Dr. Max Gerson and the Gerson Therapy, but Dr. Saul will provide information that shows the suppression, distortion and disinformation campaign is systematic, thorough, widespread and malicious. Tune in and find out why you can’t find out anything about the Gerson Therapy on Wikipedia … or almost any other website!

The Power of Natural Healing: Shira Lane, Director, “Got the Facts on Milk?”
October 14, 2013
Born in Israel, raised in Australia and returned to Israel to serve the Israeli Army. In 2001 Lane graduated from Entertainment and Performing Arts School, Beit-Zvi. In 2002 her television career launched with Israeli TV Drama series ‘Tipol Nimratz’. When the TV show run ended, Lane sought to return to her family in Australia, but due to severe dog quarantine laws, she diverted to Los Angeles, not to be separated from her dog. Lane’s inquiries into milk started while she was in production on feature film ‘Magdalena’, with Dean River Productions and Inspirational Films. Lane’s allergy to milk and dairy products amplified upon arrival into the U.S. Lack of information from other documentaries, nutritionists and even doctors, motivated Lane to do her own research. The findings from medical journals and other resources are revealed throughout the film. “I would have wanted my parents to watch this film, when I was growing up, and I hope the information in the film helps others the way it has immensely helped me.”

The Power of Natural Healing: Bill Handel, VP Marketing of Gerson Health Media
October 21, 2013
Monday’s guest will be Bill Handel, VP Marketing of Gerson Health Media. Bill and I will be talking about late developments with Gerson Health Media, more translations in the works, the growth in our sales, new products, more interest in natural medicine, and where we go from here.

The Power of Natural Healing with Steve Kroschel
November 11, 2013
My guest for Monday, 11/11/2013 is Steve Kroschel, whose new documentary has already garnered nearly 200,000 views on YouTube in the first two weeks! Though the DVD is not going to be available until mid-November, it is already number 20 on’s Best Selling Documentaries list.

The Power of Natural Healing with Charlotte Gerson
November 18, 2013
On Monday’s show, we’ll be talking to our very regular contributor, Charlotte Gerson, founder of the Gerson Institute, author of several books about healing various “chronic” or “incurable” diseases using the Gerson Therapy, co-founder of The Gerson Institute, who, at age 91, is still working, writing, lecturing, appearing on documentaries and radio shows, and making rounds at the Gerson clinic in Mexico. Charlotte has become the “Grande Dame” of alternative medicine partially because of the technique that her father left us all, and partially because she has been healing patients for decades. She’ll begin talking about William H., a remarkable kidney cancer case, alive many years later through the Gerson Therapy against all conventional expectations.

The Power of Natural Healing with Dr. Andrew Saul
November 25, 2013
On Monday, our guest will be Dr. Andrew Saul, PhD, author, professor, lecturer, website provider and lifelong advocate of natural healing and natural medicine. We will be discussing the push by the American Academy of Pediatrics, in an unholy alliance with Big Pharma, trying to get as many children as possible on dangerous, often deadly, statin drugs on the theory that if their cholesterol is too high, they are deficient in deadly chemicals. Listen in to Dr. Saul, always an interesting conversation!

The Power of Natural Healing Monday, December 9, 2013
December 9, 2013
Monday, I shall be doing a solo chat, talking about my trip to Alaska, making a sequel to the Earthing film, the illness and death of northern ungulates (moose, caribou, bison) due to GMO feed, and other subjects.

The Power of Natural Healing with Dr. T. Colin Campbell
December 23, 2013
Dr. T. Colin Campbell, author of “Whole” and “The China Syndrome” and hundreds of publications on nutrition, will be my guest. We will discuss his new book, his definition of “nutrition”, the difference between holism and reductionism in research, and the terrible corruption of industries making billions on misrepresenting tiny and unrelated details from nutritional research that actually have no relation to human health. This is information that you can use to maintain or recover your good health, and that of your family and friends.

The Power of Natural Healing Monday, January 27, 2014
January 27, 2014
Today on The Power of Natural Healing Howard will talk on Steve Kroschel's new documentary, and helping him to open “The Grounded”, his documentary about Earthing in New York and Los Angeles. We’ll talk about the critics, skeptics, viewers, scientists, physicians and beneficiaries of this amazing technology, and how it threatens pharmaceutical companies with its simple message of “nature heals.”

The Power of Natural Healing with Step Sinatra
February 10, 2014
The interview was conducted on Thanksgiving day, 2013, in Haines, Alaska, in venues from a bear cave, to a riverbank in a snowstorm, to a remote cabin north of Haines, AK on the Canadian border. Step has a unique and inspiring story that is intertwined with the Earthing films and techniques, and is an exciting guest for the show.

The Power of Natural Healing with Margaret Straus
February 17, 2014
Margaret Straus, Dr. Gerson’s granddaughter and Charlotte Gerson’s daughter, will talk about re-introducing the Gerson Therapy to Europe through lectures, publications, articles and translations for nearly a half century

The Power of Natural Healing with Sara Mabrouk
March 3, 2014
Sara Mabrouk is the producer and director of a feature-length documentary named The Food Cure. Sarah and her camera crew follow six desperately ill cancer patients for three years as they use an alternative cancer treatment, the Gerson Therapy, to heal their bodies and save their lives. Along the way, Sarah’s beliefs towards both conventional and alternative medicine were radically altered by the events that unfolded in front of her eyes. This brave young woman, a journalist and war correspondent, has made a powerful film that will change hearts and minds around this emotionally and politically charged subject. Sarah is also seeking contributions for her Kickstarter campaign that will provide the funds necessary to finish and release The Food Cure. Gerson Media and its employees are contributing to the campaign and ask that all Gerson fans and supporters everywhere, help her to help others, by donating whatever they can. Whether you can give one dollar or more, the large number of contributors will show necessary interest and support for the film.
Librarian's note:
Two takeaways for me after watching this film: NO Salt! NO alcohol!
DO NOT CHEAT once you start Gerson Therapy.

The Power of Natural Healing with Andrew Saul, PhD
March 10, 2014
I shall once again interview Andrew Saul, PhD, regarding an article stating that a judge in Italy has awarded a family 174,000 Euros ($241,000) because the MMR (measles/mumps/rubella) vaccine was found to have caused their 9-year-old’s son’s autism. This is significant because the “mainstream media,” under the cash influence of Big Pharma, has remained completely silent about this story, depriving the American public of an important piece of information in determining the health maintenance program to be followed for their children. Suppression of this information by government (the Centers for Disease Control), pediatricians (who fail to report adverse vaccine events), and the vaccine industry itelf, amounts to mass mayhem and even, in some cases, murder by poisonous, untested and known-dangerous substances that are forced upon the families by all health authorities surrounding them. Listen in to The Power of Natural Healing for a lively, important and fascinating discussion with Dr. Saul.

The Power of Natural Healing with Gaetan Chevalier, Ph.D.
March 17, 2014
Howard’s guest on The Power of Natural Healing, Monday, March 17, 2014 will be Gaétan Chevalier, Ph.D., a meticulous researcher and faculty on the staff at several institutions including the California Institute for Human Science, UC Irvine and the Earthing Institute, who has been doing careful research on Earthing for the past 10 years, and publishing his findings in respected peer-reviewed journals from the start. Dr. Chevalier started out as a strong skeptic, but approached the project with an open mind and a commitment to the most meticulous, painstaking research to avoid any doubt as to his findings. What he found surprised him, delighted him and opened up a whole new field of research that is bringing scientific light to the ancient and powerful healing technique. This interview, in Dr. Chevalier’s laboratory, was also filmed for the upcoming sequel to the film “The Grounded,” and will appear in the film.

The Power of Natural Healing with Eric Merola
March 24, 2014
Howard’s guest on Monday, 3/24/2014 is Eric Merola, talented, award-winning documentary producer and director. We will be discussing the immense and cynical coverup perpetrated by the staff of Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Research Center when they discovered, much to their horror, that their own star researcher’s results showed that the extract of apricot seeds, Vitamin B-17, also known as “Laetrile”, was producing very good results against cancer. They immediately began a coverup, putting immense pressure on their staff and researchers to tell the public exactly the opposite! One of the public relations staff, Ralph Moss, could not conform to the lies and misinformation, and started to tell the truth. Eric Merola is meticulous in his documentation, testimony and storytelling, as seen in his prior medical documentary, Burzynski, the Movie, and we look forward to this expose. Tune in for a shocking dose of pharmaceutical cynicism and callous disregard for human life.

The Power of Natural Healing with Charlotte Gerson
March 31, 2014
Howard's guest on TPONH for Monday will be Charlotte Gerson, in honor of her 92nd birthday. We'll be having a wide-ranging retrospective interview, touching on her life's work, her spectacularly talented, globe-trotting violinist granddaughter, the Gerson Institute (which just held an open house in its new facilities and in Charlotte's honor), the state of health, allopathic medicine and natural healing in the world today, and the health impacts of the broad attack on our survival by corporate and governmental entities.

The Power of Natural Healing Monday, April 14, 2014
April 14, 2014
On Monday, I shall be doing a solo show. I shall be talking about Fort Hood, Ambien, anti-psychotics, anti-anxiety and anti-depressant drugs, and their predictable effects. We shall also be examining GMO foods and the damage they do to our physiology and health. The seemingly inexorable march of GMOs, pushed by Big Agriculture’s lapdogs, the USDA, is endangering the very survival of entire populations. We shall discuss why this situation has been allowed to flourish, why the regulators, whose inflated salaries and benefits the taxpayer pays, seem to work not for the people, but for the giant, wealthy corporations they are supposed to regulate, from banking to pharmaceuticals, from agriculture to transportation. Listen in, call in, and join in the struggle for survival in the face of a government seemingly set on destroying our lives.

The Power of Natural Healing with Chana Esther Pfeffer
April 28, 2014
On Monday’s show, we interview Chana Esther Pfeffer, whose life took several extraordinary turns, including a stint at a Mormon Seminary, an epiphany leading to a life in the Hasidic Jewish community in Brooklyn, a broken back and being healed by the Gerson Therapy. Using the knowledge she gained along this path, she co-founded a group called “Revive the Tribe”, with the goal of bringing natural healing to the Orthodox Jewish community and the world.

Dr. Gerson and the Lubavitcher Rebbe
June 16, 2014
Prominent Jewish Historian and Author Rabbi Chaim Miller discusses his newly published biography of Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, the driving force behind the explosive worldwide Chabad movement.But before the Seventh Lubavitcher Rebbe, his father-in-law, Josef Yitzhak Schneersohn, infused him and inspired him with the principles and wisdom that made the movement so dynamic. But without Dr. Max Gerson curing Schneersohn of multiple sclerosis in Vienna and Paris, he may not have survived more than two years, and the movement would not have occurred. The new biography is Turning Judaism Outward, by Rabbi Chaim Miller.

Steve Kroschel and Alexandra Bruce kick off The Grounded 2
July 14, 2014
Steve Kroschel and Alexandra Bruce will discuss with us the sequel to the film The Grounded, the reasons for a sequel, how it affects people, how it is going to be brought to the public, its kickoff at the Contact in the Desert conference at Joshua Tree National Monument and the extraordinary group who will introduce it. Also, we will discuss the suppression of important knowledge by government and corporations, and how we fight this censorship with knowledge and freedom. It is a lively discussion with two dynamic film-makers. We hope you listen in.

Cathy Justus and the worldwide fight against fluoridation
July 21, 2014
On The Power of Natural Healing Monday, 7/21/14, I shall be interviewing Cathy Justus, one of our favorite guests. She and her husband Wayne are horse breeders in Colorado who became fervent anti-fluoridation advocates when they moved their championship horse breeding operation from California to the high meadows of Colorado for the water and air quality, only to have the local city council in Pagosa Springs fluoridate the water. To their shock and dismay, their championship horses began to miscarry, sicken and die, and refuse to drink the poisonous water. It took them years of research and testing to discover that the highly toxic effects of fluoride were known for decades, and are magnified tremendously by a horse’s high water consumption, especially when pregnant. Since then, they have been crusaders for pure, unfluoridated water. Cathy is a passionate, articulate and knowledgeable spokesperson for the cause of pure water.

Upcoming appearances and Gerson Therapy FAQs
July 28, 2014
Howard will be talking about two upcoming events where he will be lecturing or appearing at a Q&A session in the next month or so, and will also be answering some recurring questions about the Gerson Therapy.

The perils of fluoridation, more Gerson FAQs.
August 4, 2014
On Monday's The Power of Natural Healing, Howard will further discuss the regular and systematic bias of our government and regulatory agencies towards the most toxic and damaging industries on the planet. We must ask, "Why are the purveyors of fluoride, GMOs, deadly pharmaceuticals, untested and dangerous vaccines, ever-increasing electrosmog polluters constantly being given a pass on testing and safety, while their critics are systematically attacked by industries and government agencies? Is this a mistake, or an organized population control agenda?" We will also discuss types of cancer reversed by the Gerson Therapy and other ailments that have been healed using natural methods.

Pam Schaeffer heals three 'incurable' diseases using the Gerson Therapy
September 15, 2014
Pam is retired, and lives in Tucson, AZ. She helps others use alternative therapies for healing. Her recovery on the Gerson Therapy is documented in her upcoming book, Curing Incurability. Diagnosed 20 plus years ago with RA, 6 years ago with hep-C and 4 years ago with lupus, Pam acclimated to living with “auto-immune” diseases. Until the hep-C diagnosis, she didn’t think the ailments fatal. Then, the hep-C became active, and the other ailments really set in. Hair loss, red itchy patches, chills, fever, muscle pain, digestive problems, insomnia and depression were added to fatigue, and her viral load went from 200,000 to 9 million in just three years. When her MDs told her incurable hepatitis could kill her, she started to search seriously for a solution. Then a friend told her about Gerson. Using this means, Pam was able to reverse all her illnesses in just over a year. She now helps others get the same help that she got and understand the connection between nutrition and health.

Kevil Murray, 8 year recovery from 'terminal' testicular cancer
September 22, 2014
In 2006, Kevil Murray was a young college student of 22. He had just returned from a vacation in Mexico, was taking an exam, and suffered a sharp pain in his groin. A urologist told him he had metastasized testicular cancer, and even with chemo, surgery and radiation, would probably not last six months. Kevil came from a family steeped in "alternative" medical solutions, and declined. Instead, he and his chiropractor mother found the Gerson Therapy, and it resonated with him. Hear his inspiring story of total recovery, and what he is doing with his life and health today.

Kathleen Blake, decades-long recovery from thyroid cancer
October 6, 2014
Kathleen was diagnosed with thyroid cancer 27 years ago, and was told that the surgeon wanted to remove her thyroid. This did not sound right to her, so she started to look for alternatives, prayed for guidance. At a health food store a few days later, she found Dr. Gerson’s book, A Cancer Therapy: Results of 50 Cases. Instinctively, she knew this was the right way to go, but, as the mother of four young children, could not afford the time or cost to go to the Mexican clinic for two weeks. She visited, was seen by an MD, and proceeded to do the Gerson Therapy herself, at home. Kathleen did the Gerson Therapy very strictly at home for two years, and to this day, stays close to the Therapy’s recommendations for good health. She has continued to research natural health, worked in the local health food store, and is a vocal advocate for natural healing, including facilitating local seminars for Charlotte Gerson in Sedona, AZ.

Do you trust the CDC and FDA in these difficult times?
October 20, 2014
In the light of disturbing revelations that the CDC for ten years (Centers for Disease Control) fraudulently produced studies "proving" no link between vaccines and autism, and quite consciously destroyed the careers of anyone daring to prove otherwise, and that the FDA has turned a blind eye to the tens of thousands of deaths from "approved" drugs, while doing their utmost to make safe, effective alternatives unavailable, the fact that the ebola virus must be fought by the CDC, and any vaccine that appears must be approved by the FDA is one of the most frightening pieces of news we have gotten lately. The CDC and FDA are perfect examples of regulatory agencies that have been "captured" by the very industries they are supposed to regulate, acting as marketing arms with the power of coercion for Big Pharma instead of protecting American lives. What can be done about it?

Recovery from severe Aspartame poisoning to Natural Foods advocate
November 3, 2014
Cori Brackett will discuss her nearly complete recovery from wheelchair-bound documentary maker to vibrant and dedicated crusader for health and natural foods. We will also discuss new developments in the science of Aspartame, and her new career as an Internet radio host. Cori is a bright, opinionated, highly informed woman, and a pleasure to hear. Join us!

More on the government's ebola / vaccine fraud
November 10, 2014
For the past month or so, every network, every news outlet has been fixated nearly 24 hours a day with the frightening disease of Ebola, now ravaging parts of West Africa. Yet, unnoticed is the indisputable fact that ebola has not killed ONE SINGLE AMERICAN. Governmental bodies are running around trying to look like they've got a "handle" on the "epidemic", but in fact they have badly botched any effort at containment. And even so, ebola has failed to gain a foothold in the US. What is going on? A look behind the [ugly] scenes and the curtain of lies promulgated [as usual] by the CDC and FDA.

Andrew Saul is 'The Megavitamin Man' - a new documentary
December 1, 2014
To date, there has been no film about how to heal using megavitamin and nutritional therapy, including the scientific and medical basis behind the advice. Now, Dr. Andrew Saul has teamed with an award-winning producer to film just such a documentary, with doctors, scientists, nutritionists from all around the world testifying to the power of healing with natural substances and supplements rather than deadly, dangerous pharmaceuticals. Dr. Saul's daughter, Helen Saul Case, who has collaborated with her father on several projects, will be in the film, along with her children, testifying to the powerful beneficial effects of raising healthy children and families naturally. Dr. Saul is one of our most popular guests, a friend of the show, and an encyclopedic source of nutritional knowledge, and his daughter is a teacher, school administrator, and mother of two robust, healthy, antibiotic-free children.

The FDA, CDC and vaccines: Who do they work for?
January 5, 2015
Recently, the US Centers for Disease Control has been mounting a propaganda campaign to ensure that everyone gets their flu vaccine. At the same time, we hear from multiple sources that this year's flu vaccine is virtually useless in preventing any disease, so why the big push? Within the past few months, the CDC has been exposed by whistle-blowers as having lied for the past DOZEN years about vaccines being unconnected with autism, thus exposing millions of children to this devastating and escalating disease. We'll explore why this might be the case. The FDA, meanwhile, has been doing its utmost to remove from the market any life-affirming or harmless substance, especially any that might heal a disease, and promoting deadly, dangerous and ineffective pharmaceuticals. Vitamins, minerals, supplements, enzymes are under attack, while killer drugs are given a pass with hardly a glance.

Cathy Justus will discuss fluoride and processed foods
January 12, 2015
Friend and frequent visitor to the show Cathy Justus (Poisoned Horses) will be discussing with me the many and varied ways that fluoride is being slipped into our foods, what the dangers of cumulative fluoride poisoning are, how to avoid this attack on our health and that of our children. Cathy has recently taken up the fight against "smart" meters and their constant electromagnetic radiation danger. We will also be discussing the approaching avalanche of autism cases due to glyphosate ("Roundup").

Lisa St. John: Brain Cancer related to dental health
January 19, 2015
Eleven years ago, Lisa St. John, animal healer extraordinaire, was diagnosed with inoperable pituitary cancer (in the middle of her brain), prognosis: two months to live. Rather than just giving up, Lisa decided to put herself on the Gerson Therapy. Not only is she alive and in robust good health today, but the dental problems that were related to the cancer have completely healed without any dental professional's intervention! Hear her extraordinary story on The Power of Natural Healing!

Ginger Leilani Chapin, health advocate, radio host, animal lover
February 2, 2015
Ginger is a passionate advocate for natural health, holistic practitioners, good and clean food, and the protection of animals, including the animals that we use as food sources. We will discuss the appalling way our government and corporations treat the animals in their custody, and how that affects our lives, our environment, our economy and the planet. We will also discuss her experiences with Gerson Therapy for herself and others, GMOs, autism and the atrocities of the company voted "most evil corporation on the planet": Monsanto.

Cori Brackett on Aspartame, EMR dangers, GMOs and glyphosate
February 9, 2015
Frequent guest Cori Brackett, director/producer of the documentaries "Sweet Misery" and "Sweet Remedy", was in a wheelchair with MS, her vision failing, unable to move, when she discovered that her ailment was caused by the terrible neurotoxin, aspartame (NutraSweet). She stopped her "diet" soda consumption cold turkey, and recovered totally. Now she has her own documentaries, Internet radio show and is a passionate crusader for natural health and well being. We'll discuss cell phone radiation, "smart" meters, the connection between GMOs and autism, and generally have a wide-ranging conversation about the many attacks on our health, and how we can avoid them.

Veronique Desaulniers, DC, best selling author, breast cancer recovery, healing coach
February 23, 2015
When Dr. Desaulniers was diagnosed with breast cancer, she was devastated. She thought she was doing everything right, counseled many other women on health maintenance and recovery. Through deep and motivated research, she discovered cancer was a message from her body telling her that she was NOT doing everything right, and had better change. Along the way to recovery, Dr. V wrote "Heal Breast Cancer Naturally", which became an best seller. We'll talk about her journey and passion for helping others.

Jeffrey Maupin, Northernmost Gerson advocate
March 2, 2015
Jeffrey Maupin joins us from Barrow, AK, the most northern community on the North American continent. Since his discovery of this method, he has become a passionate advocate, fighting propaganda, prejudice, and a millennia-long dietary tradition. But he knows he has the truth in hand. Jeffrey is not afraid or daunted by the Herculean task ahead of him, and knows he is doing the right thing. He wants to save lives, and improve the health status of his neighbors and community.

Jamie Holmes, on completing two years of Gerson Therapy
March 30, 2015
Jamie Holmes, a beautiful young actress, yogini, aerial acrobat and performer, and dancer, was diagnosed with "incurable" melanoma two years ago last Christmas. After a short period of mourning and depression, she and her partner, Gus, decided to attack it head-on, using the Gerson Therapy. Jamie will describe her journey back to health and full functionality, what she learned about herself, health, nutrition, and conventional medicine, and discuss a whole range of related topics from closed-minded friends to GMO labeling to water fluoridation. Listen in to this high-energy young athlete, and enjoy!

Sheila Gale: Prayer and Healing
April 6, 2015
Shelia Gale is a good friend, a mother, a radio host and a beneficiary and fan of the Gerson Therapy. Recently, Sheila's daughter became very ill, and was in such desperate pain she had to be taken to the hospital. There, the physicians could not find anything wrong, but the girl was still in terrible pain. That's when Sheila started praying, and asked her Internet radio audience to pray with her. Almost immediately, her daughter's pain was relieved, and in a couple of days, she totally recovered. Sheila took this as a challenge: could other problems or illnesses be prevented, rectified or relieved using the power of focused prayer by many people? She has initiated a world prayer project, open to anyone who can help or needs help. This is not a religious story, but one of people helping other people with focused, directed prayer.

Marilyn Barnes Bloom, 36-year melanoma and cervical cancer recovery
May 4, 2015
Marilyn Barnes Bloom will be talking about her journey from being a young Mom and art teacher diagnosed with malignant melanoma and cervical cancer to being a healthy, retired adherent and supporter of the Gerson Therapy, having helped hundreds of people recover and thrive. For cancers with normally very short prognoses, Marilyn is now 36 years past her diagnosis and in vibrant good health. FInd out how she did it!

Potpourri with Howard Straus
May 18, 2015
On this week's Power of Natural Healing, we will discuss a wide variety of events and issues, including: the publication a month ago of the French translation of Charlotte Gerson and Beata Bishop's book, Healing the Gerson Way, the proposed new law to make hundreds of more vaccines mandatory for both infants and adults, the life-threatening properties of glyphosate (RoundUp), and the connection of glyphosate with cancer and autism, threatening an entire generation of children with this terrible condition.
Watch the Monsanto shill ,referenced by Howard in this show, refusing to drink glyphosate after insisting that you could and it is "safe". - Librarian

Cori Brackett beats MS, talks about corporate and government corruption
June 1, 2015
In a wide-ranging interview, Cori Brackett, Shakespearean actress, director, producer, radio show host, medical researcher talks about the terrible effects that governmental corruption and collusion with greedy and cynical corporate giants has on our overall health and well-being, including her own encounter with MS. Cori has been transformed into a knowledgeable and energetic, passionate crusader for individual action, responsibility, and activism

June 8, 2015
We shall be discussing some of the new and revised books coming from Gerson Media, the new French translation, my upcoming trip to Europe for the wedding of my niece, lectures in Ljubljana, Slovenia and Zagreb, Croatia, the vaccine/Parkinson's/Spanish flu connection, the CDC's and vaccine manufacturers' deceptive propaganda, the dangerous and deadly effects of glyphosate and RoundUp.

Cori Brackett talks about her journey from wheelchair to vibrant health
July 27, 2015
Cori Brackett, actress, producer, author, poet, found herself in her early 30s diagnosed with MS, soon in a wheelchair. Her MD told her that "once you're in a wheelchair, you never get out of it." Refusing that prognosis, she kept researching and trying to overcome it, until she found that her paralysis and neurological problems stemmed from her high aspartame intake (NutraSweet). Once she stopped drinking diet sodas, she was able to make rapid progress to recovery. Cori has documented her poignant and courageous journey in a "multimedia memoir", Through the Shadows, and has produced two information packed documentaries that have already helped thousands of people reverse their "MS" (actually, like 4 out of 5 cases, mis-diagnosed aspartame poisoning) and return to active life. Listen to this lively and intelligent young woman talk about the state of medical "care" in the US, the fraud of the FDA.

New publications, updated website, new translation, European trip
August 3, 2015
Host Howard Straus, will speak about what’s new at Gerson Media: A brand new website, the just released Healing High Blood Pressure book. New 2nd editions of Charlotte Gerson’s books, Healing Diabetes and Healing Arthritis. The new French version of Healing the Gerson Way along with contracts with Chinese and Russian publishers. Howard will report on his trip to Slovenia and Croatia, where he got a wonderful reception from the local population and their media. Listen in on The Power of Natural Healing and find out what's new at Gerson Media and what happening with the ever more popular Gerson Therapy.

Pam Schaeffer 'Buchanan' publishes her book, dedicates her life to healing
August 10, 2015
Having recovered from three "incurable" diseases, Pam Buchanan tells us how the Gerson Therapy helped her to return to robust good health, and joyful anticipation of watching her grandchildren grow up. She'll talk about her experience publishing her story, "Curing Incurability," and how it has already begun to help people (including at least one MD) to address their own illnesses. Pam has begun to experience and enjoy the satisfaction of helping others to banish painful, debilitating illness and early death, and return to a full, productive life by paying attention to how their nutrition impacts their health.

Adventures in Subtle Energy Research
September 14, 2015
Jessica Luibrand and repeat guest of the show Dr. Gaetan Chevalier will talk about their cutting edge research into "subtle energies" for purposes of diagnosing, locating and ferreting out blockages in human life energies using thermography, kirlian photography and many other new and powerful technologies. They are working with the detection of energies that will be the diagnostic tools of the coming century. Listen in for the voice of the future.

Jenny Hrbacek, Changing the way the world detects cancer
September 21, 2015
Jenny Hrbacek RN began her journey into the maze of the cancer patient when she was diagnosed with cancer herself. After a number of disturbing and incomprehensible exchanges with oncologists and their assistants, she set out to find the best methods for early and reliable detection of cancer, while there is still time to do something about it. The result is her deeply researched book, Cancer Free! Are You Sure? This book, available on, catalogs a wide variety of tests in use today, plus many that are not in regular use, but show much better results in the detection of cancer than the ones many oncologists use. She will join us to describe her journey, and what women can learn about being diagnosed with cancer that she wishes she knew at the outset. She also describes a variety of treatment options including Gerson Therapy, far afield of the three options generally offered by conventional therapists. Join us for a lively discussion!
Jenny's website as of March 2023 - Librarian

Betsy Heilman's remarkable recovery from ovarian cancer
October 5, 2015
Artist Betsy Heilman was diagnosed with end-stage ovarian cancer by the Mayo Clinic, and sent to hospice after unsuccessful chemotherapy treatment. She did not accept that verdict, instead opting for the Gerson Therapy. This was a hard task, since she lived in remote Alaska, near Denali, over 100 miles north of Anchorage. But Betsy is a tough lady, and 11 years later, she is full of life and energy, living in Hawaii, and active in both her artistic life and in civic causes, centering on sustainable living and environmental causes. She is working on her own Gerson-oriented cookbook, and travels far and wide to share her message with laymen and medical personnel alike. Hear her remarkable story on The Power of Natural Healing.

Recent publications, media and developments at Gerson Health Media
October 12, 2015
Howard Straus will discuss several new publications from Gerson Health Media, including: Healing High Blood Pressure the Gerson Way, Healing Diabetes the Gerson Way (Second Edition), Healing Arthritis the Gerson Way (Second Edition), Heal Yourself, Heal the World (DVD), plus more recent developments in the world of natural health.

Paul Wittenberger's powerful documentary about Fluoride
October 26, 2015
Paul Wittenberger has released a new documentary about the fluoridation scam in the United States that every person should see and give to their dentist, hygienist, water provider, and politician. It exposes the cynical and murderous conspiracy between the producers of aluminum, phosphate fertilizer and the military producers of atomic bombs to convince the American public that fluoride is good for us. IT IS NOT. Fluoride is one of the most toxic chemicals in the world, yet we put it in our drinking water, children's vitamins, pharmaceutical drugs and toothpaste, among other places. It has been known to be a powerful toxin for a century, but is so difficult to get rid of as an industrial waste that the industries hired Edward Bernays to spin that into it being good for us. Now we think we need it, when it is damaging us, lowering children's IQs, destroying fertility, making our bones brittle, staining our teeth. We have been turned into an industrial waste dump!

Recent developments in Natural Health
November 9, 2015
Howard Straus will speak about new developments in the arena of natural health and attacks on it by industrial, pharmaceutical and governmental agencies. 1. We will give a short tribute to the late Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez, one of the many "alternative" oncologists and physicians who have either been murdered, died without explanation, been deemed "suicides", disappeared or been poisoned in the past three or four months. 2. We will talk about the problems that Monsanto is experiencing around the world with popular backlash against its coercive and monopolistic practices around the world. These have led to prohibitions on its products, laboratories burned to the ground, massive financial losses and layoffs. 3. We will discuss whistle blowers and their revelations of across-the-board corruption in US regulatory agencies that are charged with protecting our health and lives. 4. We will also discuss the newest titles and translations of our flagship books that are now available.

Margaret Straus and developments in Italy
November 16, 2015
After decades of work in Italy, Margaret Straus (Charlotte Gerson's daughter) is starting to see an accelerating pace of response. Italian physicians, patients and publishers are starting to respond to the Gerson Therapy as conventional and increasingly expensive cancer treatments show their inability to positively affect patient outcomes. Margaret will describe her recent seminars, physician responses, patient outcomes and a second, updated edition of the Italian translation of Healing the Gerson Way by Charlotte Gerson and Beata Bishop, as well as other publications she is working on. More and more countries, more and more people are waking up to natural healing modalities.

Lisa St. John, protecting your pets from cancer
December 14, 2015
In the past few years, we have noted a significant rise in the incidence of cancer afflicting household pets, specifically cats and dogs. In addition, there have been several incidences of ungulates suddenly sickening and dying. Lisa St. John is an animal healer (not a veterinarian), and uses much the same nutritional approaches for healing animals as the Gerson Therapy uses to heal human degenerative diseases. We will discuss the causes of the animal illnesses, and how you can protect your pets and animals from illness and death, using nutritional approaches.

Holiday health, Eating healthy to be defined as mental disease
December 21, 2015
Every year, 'round about the end of January or the beginning of February, many of the people around me get "the flu that's going around," and I don't. I'm often asked, "What do you take to avoid the flu?" In this week's program, I'll share how you can stay healthy this holiday season, and enjoy it in good health. Another topic that threatens to become a major government/Big Pharma intrusion into our lives is the push by the corporations to define a new mental disease and get it enshrined in the professional literature: "orthorexia nervosa," defined as being "overly preoccupied with eating healthy foods." The problem is that it is a judgement call by someone with an agenda, and can very easily be abused. We'll talk about past abuse by the psychiatric cabal and why this is a huge assault on the natural health community.

Andrew Saul on the many benefits of Vitamins
January 18, 2016
Frequent guest Dr. Andrew Saul will be talking about his new film "That Vitamin Movie," about the documented benefits of vitamin supplementation in so many aspects of disease and health. While we're talking about vitamins, he will detail the renewed campaign of the FDA against vitamins, trying their best to take them off the market, the safest substances that we can ingest in the US.

Francesca Dego, world class violinist, Dr. Gerson's great-granddaughter
January 25, 2016
We have the extraordinary honor of interviewing Francesca Dego (full disclosure: my niece), a world class violinist now visiting the US on a concert tour. She has played in many of the great concert halls of the world, from Moscow and London to Beijing and South America. Francesca has competed in many violin contests, and consistently finishes at or near the top, among some of the world's best violinists. She has recorded four CDs, two with her accomplished pianist partner Francesca Leonardi, for Deutsche Grammophon, the top classical music publisher in the world. We recently attended her wedding at Lake Como, Italy, to brilliant young conductor Daniele Rustioni, who will be joining her on some of her road concerts this year.

Cosmetics, fluoride suit, Monsanto ecocide, Chinese translation
February 15, 2016
We shall be discussing a number of subjects, including the dangers of the unregulated cosmetics industry, and how cosmetics damage the health of young women, a lawsuit aimed at fluoridation in Southern California as illegal, unconstitutional and worthy of criminal charges, Monsanto being hauled before the International Criminal Court in The Hague for ecocide and crimes against humanity, and the progress of the first Chinese translation of Charlotte Gerson and Beata Bishop's book, Healing the Gerson Way.

Kathleen Blake, Gerson Support Group moderator
February 29, 2016
Kathleen Blake, long-term healed thyroid cancer recovery, will share information about the Gerson Therapy Support Group on FaceBook that she moderates. The group recently exceeded 12,000 members, and is extremely helpful to people who have just been diagnosed with some terrible illness, to people struggling to keep up with the work involved in the Therapy, to believe that changing one's diet will result in reversing a "dread" disease, or to just look for some kindred spirit who has gone through what they are now struggling with. The "old hands" on the group are delighted to share, having been there themselves, people find support, encouragement, resources, and vital information on how to save their own lives. Kathleen spends great amounts of time and energy to make sure the group stays on track, on message, and relevant to its audience.

Celebrating Charlotte Gerson's 94th Birthday with Margaret Straus
March 7, 2016
Charlotte's daughter Margaret will be helping me celebrate Charlotte's 94th birthday, talking about her health, accomplishments, publications, and people around the world whom she has helped.

Cori Brackett, avoiding and recovering from 'incurable' disease
April 18, 2016
Cori Brackett, friend of the show, returns to talk about her recovery from "terminal" MS (multiple sclerosis), her efforts to educate others so that they don't have to suffer the agony of this terrible disease, and her two documentaries, "Sweet Misery" and "Sweet Remedy". Cori also will chat about her upcoming collaboration and guest hosting The Power of Natural Healing on occasion.

Author Jenny Hrbacek, on detecting cancer earlier, and natural treatment options
May 2, 2016
Since Jenny Hrbacek's own experience with breast cancer left her very unsatisfied with the standard medical options and tests she was subjected to, she used her knowledge as an RN to research better tests, more accurate and sensitive tests to detect cancer sooner. She also spent years researching more natural and effective means of treating it. Her distilled knowledge is now very much in demand, and Jenny is a regular speaker at medical conferences, radio shows, and other forums. Jenny is highly knowledgeable, and is committed to sharing her knowledge with the world.

Helen Bairstow's remarkable journey
May 9, 2016
Helen Bairstow of Cairns, Australia was diagnosed with breast cancer five years ago, and opted for conventional therapy. By the time she realized that it had recurred, it had also metastasized and was in bones, spine, lungs and more. As a dynamic businesswoman, author and mother of a young son, she did not just give up, but started on the Gerson Therapy. Two years later, she is virtually cancer free, has produced a lovely recipe book, "Happy Gerson," has a wonderfully positive attitude, and is a winner in every way. Join us in a delightful conversation with Helen!

Jamie Holmes, from 'terminal melanoma' to spectacular winner.
June 20, 2016
Jamie Holmes of Toronto Canada joins us once more, this time nearly 5 years after her diagnosis of "terminal melanoma," to describe her incredible journey to robust, energetic health, what she's learned about herself and nutrition, and how the Gerson Therapy affected her and her family. As an acrobat, dancer, fitness instructor and entertainer, she uses her body hard, but now she knows how to support it so that it will carry her far into the future. Find out how she does it, and how what she knows now can benefit you, your family, and the world.

Thermography, Earthing and Healing with Subtle Energy
June 27, 2016
We will talk with Dr. Gaetan Chevalier and Jessica Luibrand about the rapidly emerging and evolving sciences of subtle energy healing, thermography, interactions between electrical and psychological biological events, scalar energy, and much more. Both have been attending and presenting papers at cutting edge conferences, and are eager to share their exciting new developments with us. Listen in for a mind-bending experience, and a special offer.

Dr. John Apsley and regenerative medicine, healing advanced disease
July 11, 2016
Dr. John Apsley has combined many elements of the Gerson Therapy with a new electronic device from China, inspired by the work of Dr. Gilbert Ling, Dr. Raymond Damadian and many other cutting edge pioneers, and has been rewarded with simply amazing and thrilling results. Regeneration is part of the body's healing agenda, and Dr. Apsley has harnessed it to an incredible extent, restoring humans and animals quite literally at death's door to full and robust good health and functionality. This interview will blow you away! It is not to be missed.
Dr. Apsley's websites as of April 2023 - Librarian
Dr. Apsley's wife's site:

Healing Diabetes the Gerson Way
July 25, 2016
In this live episode, Howard Straus will discuss the pervasive and growing problem of diabetes in the United States. What is diabetes? What is the difference between type 1 and type 2 diabetes? Which type of diabetes is most prevalent, and by how much? What are the possible consequences of diabetes? Is diabetes treatable using the Gerson Therapy? If so, what can be done? Can diabetes be reversed, and if so, how long is the typical treatment for the ailment. How can diabetes be prevented? Listen in for an informative and helpful program that could well save your life!

Healing Arthritis, Bone and Joint Diseases
August 1, 2016
Millions of Americans suffer from illnesses considered arthritic or rheumatoid diseases, including osteo-arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis (RA), scleroderma, ankylosing spondilitis, and more. All are considered chronic illnesses, or "incurable." On this show, Howard Straus will discuss the results experienced by patients of these ailments using the Gerson Therapy. Using conventional medical approaches, these illnesses are, as advertised, incurable, but they yield readily to the Gerson Therapy. The Gerson Therapy is a metabolic therapy that attacks the root cause of the disease, rather than simply masking symptoms, boosts the immune system by flooding it with proper nutrients, flushing out the accumulated toxins from a lifetime of abuse, and lets the body's own mechanisms repair the damage and restore health, often in surprisingly short order. Listen in and learn how to avoid and reverse these painful and crippling conditions.

Healing High Blood Pressure the Gerson Way
August 8, 2016
A stunning one third of all Americans over 20 years old suffer from some level of hypertension, or high blood pressure. Heart disease and stroke are two of the top four disease killers in the United States, after, and not counting the extraordinarily high death rate resulting from the number one killer of Americans: the US medical care system. The standard medical approach uses powerful and dangerous, sometimes lethal chemicals (drugs) to alleviate symptoms of high blood pressure, yet causing other problems ("side" effects). The patient is told that once he starts taking these medications, he must take them for the rest of his life. This is very bad news, because the medications themselves will cause organ damage in the long run. Using the Gerson Therapy to attack the problem, however, doctors at Gerson clinics frequently see hypertension disappear in less than a week, from metabolic treatment only. Find out how to reverse hypertension naturally, and even prevent it.

Healing Cancer and Chronic Diseases
August 15, 2016
If you wonder why cancer is such a gigantic and growing problem, or drug addiction, or autism, or rheumatoid arthritis, you will want to listen in. If you or a loved one has one of these ailments and has been told there's nothing that can be done, listen in. If you want to protect yourself and your family by cancer-proofing your body, this is for you. For one, our illnesses are manufactured for Big Pharma's profits! We'd show you how to avoid their diabolically clever "traps", and stay healthy in a poisoned world.
Librarian's note May 2023: some interesting links relating to the
Louis Pasteur versus Antoine Béchamp debate mentioned by
Howard in this show.
4. Ethel Douglas Hume’s book “Béchamp or Pasteur? A Lost Chapter in the History of Biology”

08-29-2016-charlotte-gerson-to italy.mp3
Potpourri with Howard Straus
August 29, 2016
We will be talking about a number of subjects in this show: 1. Charlotte Gerson's relocation to Italy 2. Traditional Chinese translation of Healing the Gerson Way becomes best-seller in Taiwan 3. California criminalizing free speech: if this law passes, you won't be able to speak about, post about, write about 'VAXXED' documentary without going to jail 4. California already removed any vaccine exemptions, despite knowing how dangerous vaccines are 5. Captive, corrupt FDA attempting to outlaw dietary recommendations for healthy foods, because it's like prescribing untested drugs!

Andrew Saul and the Power of Vitamin C
September 19, 2016
Friend of the show Dr. Andrew Saul discusses the incredible power of megadoses of Vitamin C, particularly in regard to Hillary Clinton's pneumonia, as well as new research showing its protective power against radiation, bacterial and viral ailments, and powering the immune system. He points out that animals make far more vitamin C than humans, and the production skyrockets when the animal is sick. Also, research shows that people do NOT die of pneumonia until their body is TOTALLY DEPLETED of vitamin C! Listen in to this lifesaving information about a common, easily available, yet miraculously effective vitamin!

News from Charlotte Gerson, Howard's trip to Japan, deadly drugs, vaccines and food additives
October 10, 2016
This is a mix of subjects. Many people are curious about Charlotte Gerson's move to Italy, and we'll talk about how she's doing and life in Italy. Howard Straus just had a short trip to Tokyo, visiting the HOW company and giving a short lecture on the Gerson Therapy. Incredible response from the audience, and the stories of patient 'miracles' just didn't stop. Then we'll discuss the ever-increasing mandates and requirements from the government for ever more vaccines, rising levels of anti-psychotic -and lethal- pharmaceuticals, demand -and government refusal- to label GMO foods, and speculate on the reasons behind the constant increase in poisonous, untested, yet government-mandated dosing of our population.

Cathy Justus on hidden sources of fluoride poisoning
October 17, 2016
We all know about how poisonous the fluoridation of our water supply is, and how much damage it is doing to our children's bones, teeth and brains. But how about sources that we don't know about? Cathy Justus, of 'Poisoned Horses', and frequent guest of the show, will tell us about the hidden, stealthy yet just as dangerous sources of fluoride poisoning from foods and drinks that we have thus far considered 'safe.' Protect yourself and your family by listening and heeding this information.

Luke Yankee, playwright, author, director, Gerson advocate
October 24, 2016
Luke Yankee is a prominent playwright, director and author who was so impressed by his foray into natural healing that he started to do deeper research. This turned up Dr. Gerson's name and story, and inspired Yankee to write a play, and eventually a screenplay about Dr. Gerson's struggles with the allopathic, for-profit medical system, called 'The Man Who Killed the Cure.' We'll talk with Luke about his journey, health, work and life.
Librarian's note May 2023: Luke's website is now
Watch advertising video clip of "The Man Who Killed the Cure"
Read the synopsis of the play.

Steve Kroschel explains health benefits of Gerson Therapy and grounding
October 31, 2016
Steve Kroschel, amazing wildlife cinematographer, discovered the Gerson Therapy about 15 years ago, and got phenomenal health results. Inspired, he made three major documentaries that have been seen by millions around the world. When he found out about Earthing on The Power of Natural Healing and its amazing health benefits, he made two more documentaries that introduced Earthing to millions more. Steve talks about the health benefits of a clean diet and connecting with the Earth, and identifies the deterioration of our environment by pollution, chemical attacks on our health, vaccinations, medications, empty processed and toxic foods, and urges people to take control of their own health.

Stress, diet, and keeping healthy over the holidays
November 21, 2016
It's almost a cliche, isn't it? We have the holidays all in a row, celebrate New Year's, and then, like clockwork, get "the flu that's going around." But do we have to? On this week's Power of Natural Healing, we'll discover the reasons we get sick, depressed, even suicidal during a time when we are celebrating, or have just finished celebrating with our family, friends, lights, feasts, parties. This all leads us back to discussing the connections between stress and disease. We are repeatedly told that many illnesses have their roots in today's stressful lifestyles, financial challenges, bad bosses, political turmoil. Is that the case? We'll discuss how to stay healthy during this very stressful time, and any stressful period in your life, and NEVER have to put up with the "flu that's going around" again!

Nancy Kremer, producer, and the Max Gerson film
January 9, 2017
Producer Nancy Kremer is deeply imbedded in the Los Angeles film industry, with a long history of successes. She was first drawn to the story of Dr. Max Gerson after her father recovered from advanced prostate cancer on the Gerson Therapy, living an additional 14 years after his short and grim prognosis, eventually dying of lung fibrosis, cancer free. Nancy has written a screenplay based on the biography "Dr. Max Gerson: Healing the Hopeless," which dramatizes the struggle of this great healer against the forces of medical tyranny. Her goal is to tell Max Gerson's story to millions of people around the world.

view trailer video
view promo video
view actor ryan mccartan video
view full 13 minute video

The Power of Whole Food Plant Based nutrition: Eating You Alive
January 23, 2017
Paul Kennamer and Merrilee Jacobs, co-producers of the splendid documentary "Eating You Alive" have made an inspirational film about the incredible changes that can be yours simply by changing your eating habits to that of WFPB (whole food, plant based) nutrition. From minor aches and pains, tens of excess pounds, to diabetes and cancer, they show the testimony of not only ordinary people who have benefited, but of numerous well-known MDs and scientists who advocate a WFPB diet for health and healing. They go on to show that this can be a delicious way to live, show recipes and "before and after" images of their subjects. Everyone should see this film.

Dr. Andrew Saul, finding the resources to achieve good health
January 30, 2017
We are beset by the massive medical fraud perpetrated by our government and big pharma, and don't know where to turn for real information. The MSM (mainstream media) are totally censored by the big money forces in our culture buying massive amounts of advertising (hush money). Our alphabet soup government agencies are acting against our best interests, on our salaries. The government and elite agendas are not what we hope for: they are working against us 24/7. So where do we look? Dr. Andrew Saul's encyclopedic knowledge comes to the rescue! His website, documentation, common-sense, no-nonsense information will give you all you need to maintain, recover, extend your good health, that of your children, family, neighbors and friends. Listen in to this episode, get the information, and USE IT NOW!

The Man Who Killed the Cure world premiere in February
February 6, 2017
Prominent playwright Luke Yankee experienced excellent health effects when he shifted his intake to juicing and a whole food, plant-based diet, using the Gerson Therapy. In fact, he felt so good that he decided to share the information on the benefits by telling the story of Dr. Gerson's struggle with the medical/pharmaceutical cartel by writing a play, The Man Who Killed the Cure, about it. Dramatic license and play format demanded that some of the characters be simplified, but Dr. Gerson's work and that of his daughter, Charlotte Gerson are faithfully shown. Yankee says that "a cure for cancer has existed" for upwards of 50 years, and been suppressed. The world premiere of the play is at UC Irvine in the week of February 25, 2017 Yankee, and his partner, Don Hill, who is the director of the play and a professor at UC Irvine, will join us on this exciting show. Yankee's last play, The Last Lifeboat, about the owner of the Titanic, is now playing in 20 US cities.

Potpourri: Depression, Addiction, Pain, Emotional Detox, Censorship
March 6, 2017
We will be discussing a range of subjects that we normally do not, since they are not such dread diseases, yet are so prevalent and disturbing. What do depression and addiction have in common with pain? They are caused by the same factors that cause all chronic illnesses. Can they be banished by the Gerson Therapy? Absolutely. Tune in and find out how the power of your own healing system can reverse these widespread problems.

no description

Sophie Biddle, self discovery of healing power, life coach
April 17, 2017
Sophie Biddle is an extraordinary young woman who got a terrible start in life. In her first decade, due to her mother's untimely death, she survived on junk food, soda, and very poor nutrition. Her stepmother introduced her to healthy food, and the immense difference it made to how Sophie felt and functioned launched her into a lifetime study of nutrition, healing and well-being, eventually leading to coaching, healing, and instructing others in many diverse fields and stations in life. Her picture is a testimony to the rejuvenating and energizing power of whole, natural food. Sophie will share some of her insights, so that everyone can look and feel as clear, energetic and youthful as she does. Hint: she is NOT a young girl!

Guest detail:

Sophie Biddle has led an extraordinary career for over 20 years as a health strategist, nutritional adviser and body worker in the entertainment industry, with CEOs of fortune 500 companies, athletes, European royalty, and many others. Through her studies she has gained useful knowledge of powerful holistic approaches to healing. After completing postgraduate work, she studied under Deepak Chopra, Master Wo of the Beijing Institute and Anne-Marie Colbin of the National Gourmet Institute. She’s worked with dancers, sports stars and triathletes, helping them dramatically decrease their injuries and recovery time between work-outs, noticeably improving their strength and performance. Sophie recently began to specialize in alternative and complementary medicine, addressing chronic diseases with remarkable results. She is a gifted public speaker inspiring people to take charge of their health. Feel free to contact her for lectures and speaking engagements at

Things we THOUGHT were okay, but aren't!
May 1, 2017
Our opinions of what is safe and what is not safe are often shaped by forces that we have no idea are manipulating our opinions. Big corporations do it for their profits. Our government does is because they want us to believe certain things, and because they really are working for the corporations! The alphabet soup agencies have been "captured" by industries, and now work in their interest, though WE pay their salaries. By constant repetition and keeping any contradictory information from us, they drill into us "self-evident" thoughts that are often completely false! Some we will be discussing today: "Milk does a body good!" "Cosmetics are completely harmless." "Vaccinations are necessary for the good of the community." "The FDA makes sure that pharmaceuticals are safe and effective before they approve them for the marketplace." These are all complete propaganda, and we'll explain why you should protect yourself and your family from them.

Helen Saul Case and her new book, Orthomolecular Nutrition for Everyone
May 15, 2017
Helen Saul Case, author, lecturer, expert on nutrition and supplementation, talks about her new book, Orthomolecular Nutrition for Everyone. She explains how most illnesses in the United States are the result of deficiency and shortages of critical vitamins, minerals and enzymes, and how she has overcome these by generous use of supplements. All our cells are made of nutrients, and NONE from pharmaceuticals, so useless and generally toxic pharmaceuticals will not solve the problems. She also will explain that, although there are hundreds of thousands of cases of damage and death annually from pharmaceuticals approved by the FDA, there are NONE from vitamins and supplements. NONE! Tune in and listen to Ms. Case's riveting presentation!

Sherry Rogers, MD recounts her journey from sickness to health
May 22, 2017
Dr. Rogers was raised in a household that had no clue about healthy eating, and it resulted in her being afflicted by every nagging illness imaginable by college. When she discovered the power of food to heal and started to change her lifestyle, her life changed so radically, she became a strong advocate for nuntritional health, and an MD. Since then, she has written more than two dozen books, consults with clients 'round the world, lectures and gives radio interviews regularly. Her heroes? Dr. Max Gerson and his daughter, Charlotte Gerson! Now healthy and vibrant at an age when many of her contemporaries are in nursing homes, she plays tennis five times a week.
Librarian's note May 2023: Dr. Roger's website:

James Colquhoun, filmmaker founder of FoodMatters
June 5, 2017
We will be interviewing James Colquhoun, founder of Starting out with his now-famous documentary "FoodMatters," James continued his quest into clean food, nutritional health and exposing the lies and atrocities of our food and medical corporations, in close league with the government in tainting our food supply with the goal of destroying our health. He has since put together a company that distributes and streams many health-related videos, including all four Gerson Therapy documentaries. FoodMatters contains appearances by Charlotte Gerson. Listen into this focused, intense documentary film-maker for insights into the connections between food and health.

Helen Saul Case's new book, Orthomolecular Nutrition for Everyone
June 19, 2017
Helen Saul Case grew up with the knowledge and practice of her father, Andrew Saul, PhD. He and his wife inculcated her in the use and benefits of healthy eating and the use and usefulness of vitamins. Now Helen has extended her hand to many, many others to teach them about health and vitamin therapy, plus good, whole food nutrition. She has written several books, the latest being "Orthomolecular Nutrition for Everyone," and it is full of great information, including very important papers by experts in nutrition and vitamins. She does not just cite the papers, she includes them in the book! Helen's writing style is straightforward, uncomplicated, to the point and delightfully humorous at times, and she includes many stories about her own use of the substances and methods she promotes, which have left her with two healthy children and looking 10 years younger than her chronological age. See why she is one of our favorite guests.

Matthew Grace: Nutritional healing from MS
June 26, 2017
Matthew Grace was a health advisor, host of his own TV show, bodybuilder and ate as well as he knew how. But he allowed the opposition of the conventional world and its rejection of proper nutrition to upset him to the point where he became addicted to working out. Doing anything to excess is dangerous, and he worked himself into a diagnosis of MS, when he went into a wheelchair. At least he had the presence of mind and background to reject the ineffective, and probably deadly treatments offered by allopathic physicians, and found nutritional treatments that would work. Contrary to the allopathic prognoses, he worked himself back to good health and strength, and now is a tireless and fierce advocate for nutrition and health, and has made himself into a walking billboard for his methods, as well as writing books that pull no punches.

Processed meat, Hospital expense, cosmetics danger, vaccine horror
July 10, 2017
Howard Straus will discuss the currently unfolding story of processed meats and cancer. The WHO and AMA have declared processed meats to be class 1 carcinogens ("Will cause cancer"), on a par with asbestos and tobacco, while the processed meat industry continues to insist that they are totally safe to consume. They support this assertion by slathering the media with advertising revenue, keeping them on a leash of gold, throwing our population under the bus. Medical expenses in this country are wildly out of control, and are well on their way to bankrupting the country, as they have bankrupted so many families who have been touched by chronic illnesses. Why can't we cure these illnesses, or prevent them? Where are the billions in medical research going? And the biggest question of all: do we really want to cure or prevent these diseases? Carcinogenic, neurotoxic and mutagenic chemicals in cosmetics? Find out how women sabotage their health in the name of "beauty".

Nicolette Richer and the Green Moustache phenomenon
July 17, 2017
Nicolette Richer of Whistler, British Columbia, is a ball of fire. She has a master's degree in psychology, is a Gerson Therapy home setup trainer, founded a chain of organic, whole-foods restaurants that is growing like wildfire, has been invited to help British Columbia hospitals improve their dietary offerings to healing rather than damaging foods, gives seminars, and has started to franchise the restaurants. She has so much energy, it's going to be hard to corral it all in a tiny one-hour interview, but we'll try. Bubbly, full of plans and ambitions, with a tool that she knows will help anyone who picks it up. Listen in for an exciting interview!

Why is the medical world hiding so much vital information?
July 31, 2017
In the past couple of years, we have seen a tremendous amount of information and events covered up and simply not reported in the media, which easily makes people believe there is little or nothing newsworthy to be reported. On the contrary. The "news" media, electronic, print, and otherwise, have completely ignored some vitally important information. We'll talk with Margaret Straus about the Italian legislation mandating a dozen or more vaccinations for infants and children or they can't attend school. Italians by the hundreds of thousands are protesting this move, some even moving out of Italy, but the politicians ignore the people, as usual. In France, similar scenes are playing out, as the French move to mandate vaccines. Add to that Poland, Romania, Austria and the UK, and you can see the magnitude of the problem and the coverup. In the United States, a program of assassination and silencing of doctors has been in progress for two years, unreported by the media.

Dr Andrew Saul: Honoring Dr Abram Hoffer's Centennial
August 7, 2017
In this centennial year of Dr. Abram Hoffer's birth, we honor the immense accomplishments and pioneering work of this amazing physician, psychiatrist and scientist. With Nobel Laureate Linus Pauling, Hoffer founded the Orthomolecular Medicine Society, and showed that vitamins and nutrition have far more beneficial and powerful effects on "mental" disease than any single or combination of dangerous pharmaceuticals, and do it without ANY negative side effects! He proved it in many published scientific papers, and on thousands of happy, recovered patients. Listen in for the information about nutritional and supplemnental healing, and for the accomplishments of this great man.

Annie Juneau, ND Gerson Therapy practitioner in Canada
August 28, 2017
We interview Annie Juneau, a dynamic, multi-talented woman with passion and enthusiasm for the healing arts. With a career spanning professional tennis, modeling and naturopathy, she brings commitment, talent and enthusiasm to everything she approaches. Annie now supervises 15 Gerson patients in her Montreal clinic, and wants to bring healing and good lifestyle to her Canadian countrymen. Listen as Annie lights up the airwaves with her energy!
Librarian's note May 2023: Dr. Juneau's website:

Andrew Saul on the secrets to great health
September 11, 2017
Join us with Andrew Saul, PhD, one of our favorite guests, as he shares his encyclopedic knowledge of human physiology to help us keep ourselves in vibrant good health. Along the way, we'll talk about his new film, "That Vitamin Movie," the Gerson Therapy, growing your own food, and the boundless differences between the FDA's deadly yet approved drugs and vitamins and supplements that have YET to kill ANYONE. Why, then, is the FDA and the entire US government trying to suppress and destroy the vitamin industry, while simultaneously pushing their deadly chemical concoctions? Part of the reason may be phrased in that old attorney's truism: "Follow the money." Find out how to avoid falling into the medical quicksand trap, and how to achieve and maintain vibrant good health for yourself!

Gerson in China
October 9, 2017
We just returned from a trip to Beijing, China to meet with doctors, patients and government officials to introduce them to the Gerson Therapy. This is the first visit by a member of the Gerson family to the country to discuss the Therapy, especially with regards to natural healing and prevention. China has many health problems, and the government pays for all medical care. Thus, it is in their interest for the population to be healthy and productive rather than in need of medical intervention. A translation of Healing the Gerson Way into Simplified Chinese is in progress, and our host, N.99 Health, is exploring supplements, devices and training to help the many sick patients in China. We visited organic farms, the site of the 2022 Winter Olympics, the Wall (of course) and had many productive meetings. Listen in!

Kathleen Blake and the Gerson Therapy Support Group
October 23, 2017
Friend of the show and recovered thyroid cancer patient (31 years on Gerson Therapy), and stays close to its principles still. She took over moderating a Facebook discussion called "Gerson Therapy Support Group" when there were a few hundred members, and has shepherded it faithfully for years, to its current membership of over 21,000 members. This group is dedicated to people helping each other with the ins and outs of the Gerson Therapy, the myriad questions that arise, and the alleviation of the feeling of being totally isolated and alone. People who have recovered help people who are struggling; people who are considering the Therapy can ask those doing it about their experience. Kathleen has expended untold hours of care and assistance to this group, and has gotten in return the satisfaction of seeing hundreds of people helped.

What exactly IS the Gerson Therapy?
November 6, 2017
Many of our listeners have only recently been introduced to the Gerson Therapy, thanks to the rapid increase in our listening audience. We are grateful that more people are tuning in, but often, their knowledge of the actual therapy that is producing the miraculous results that we speak about, is sketchy. This program will answer many of the most basic questions for newer listeners, and refresh the knowledge for those who know what we are talking about. When that knowledge is available, listeners will be able to make the connection between the Therapy and the healing of advanced chronic illnesses that it enables, and have a basic understanding of the mechanisms involved. Listen in, and learn.

Denatured toxic foods, addictions, and the opioid epidemic
November 20, 2017
The opioid epidemic in the United States has reached crisis proportions, killing an average of 140 people EVERY DAY, a tally of over 50,000 people annually. As a further tragedy, many, many of these deaths are young people, high schoolers, college students and that vicinity. How did this happen? Who is responsible? Can it be stopped? We'll explore the culprits (yes, there are people and agencies who have cynically encouraged opioid use, and overuse, for the sheer profit they reap), and can they be held accountable? Is there another way to avoid the chronic pain, the addiction, the deaths? In the end, this is a cynical ploy to sell more pharmaceuticals, like so many of Big Pharma's schemes, with no consideration of the dire consequences that WE suffer, nor the expense incurred by families and individuals attempting to rescue the life of a loved one from this terrible plague.

Colds, flu and shots, Oh, my!
December 4, 2017
This is the time of year when, due to parties, poor nutrition, not enough sleep, stress due to finances, fatigue, alcohol, reduced sunlight, people all around you are, or will be getting colds, the flu and other infectious illnesses. Some of these, if the past is any guide, will progress into pneumonia, with potentially fatal consequences. At the same time, the pharmaceutical industry and the vaccine manufacturers are working day and night to develop hundreds of more vaccines, and lobbying for all they are worth ($$$) to get every single one designated as "mandatory". Dr. Andrew Saul, vitamin, nutrition and supplement expert, great friend and frequent guest on The Power of Natural Healing, will share techniques for protecting yourself from, even reversing the ill effects of untested and unsafe vaccines, and will show you how to protect yourself from colds and flu, even if they have progressed to pneumonia. You need to listen to this show!

EPA Suppresses fluoride science and experts
January 8, 2018
Recently, Paul Connett and his wife, both experts on the deadly substance fluorine, went to Washington to testify in the EPA hearings on water fluoridation. They drove for hours from upstate New York to Washington, and were put on the agenda to testify as to the science and effects of fluoride. When they were scheduled to testify, they were told that they had THREE MINUTES to talk, and no more would be allotted, although there was ample time in the schedule for speakers to allow them to speak longer. Any dissent, any mention of the actual science behind the opposition to water fluoridation was completely silenced and suppressed, showing that the EPA is NOT a science-driven agency, but a political agency driven by imperatives different from protecting the environment and population of the United States. Time for this agency to change administrators and/or be abolished, as it is NOT serving its stated purpose, rather just the opposite.
Librarian's note: June 2023, Dr. Connett's
current website is

Flu vaccine and flu epidemic, corporate and government cynicism
January 22, 2018
Despite the huge success of the flu vaccination programs across the United States, including huge and universal coercion by medical, academic, military and employers, there is an immense "epidemic" of flu in all 50 states. Emergency rooms are filled to overflowing, temporary shelters have been pressed into service, and there has even been publicity about vaccine shortages. What is going on? If the number of people who have been vaccinated is at an all-time high, why is flu spreading at such a high rate? We have spoken on this program in the past about vaccines not being tested for safety and effectiveness, about vaccines being the only product exempted from product liability in the US, and this is still the case today. We'll also talk about the cynicism of food manufacturers and the animal food industry, pushing products known to be carcinogenic by the WHO, and hiding that information from us by corrupting the press.

Wait ... what? FIBER? Why should I be interested?
February 5, 2018
Dr. Andrew Saul, frequent guest on The Power of Natural Healing, ardent proponent of natural health, active practitioner of excellent health practices, focuses on dietary fiber in today's episode. Though it may sound boring, Dr. Saul traces the fascinating history of how the importance of fiber was discovered, exploited and used for military purposes before being accepted by the medical world. One British naval physician found, by sharp observation that sailors who ate bran with their food remained far healthier (thus more able to do their duty and fight for king and country) than if they did not. He convinced the Royal Navy to require the consumption of fiber by their crews, mirroring the adoption of citrus to avoid scurvy, a common affliction of long-distance sailors in past centuries. Lack of fiber is common in modern processed food consumers, and it affects health powerfully. Listen in and find out why!

Heart health information in Heart Month
February 12, 2018
Dr Sherry Rogers, noted author and natural health advocate, will discuss the roles of potassium, magnesium and other substances in keeping the heart healthy, in this "Heart Month", appropriately named as Valentine's Day is right around the corner. Having recently attended a symposium full of cardiac specialists, Dr. Rogers was appalled at the level of ignorance of basic physiological information exhibited by these benighted specialists. Time to dispel myths and give the audience some REAL information, not driven by Big Pharma's need to keep everyone addicted to their deadly chemical concoctions!

Nicolette Richer: Healing with delicious foods
March 5, 2018
Join us in a conversation with Nicolette Richer, an energetic and powerful entrepreneur, committed to showing the world that plant-based nutrition can be delicious and fun in addition to being healing and life-sustaining, good for you, your family, your community and your children, and eventually, the Earth. Nicolette will tell us about her upcoming book (I can't wait) and her latest projects. She will share with us why her plant-based food restaurant became so popular that she had to branch out, starting a total of five more, and getting a wide reputation for great food. You'll enjoy the bubbling enthusiasm and high energy of this powerful woman!

Who does our government work for?
March 19, 2018
In the past decade, we've seen many changes in our government, as corporations and the ultra-wealthy have found more and more ways to have their voices heard to the virtual exclusion of the voters who put them in office. Even that process has been warped beyond recognition by the corrupting influences of money, special interests and power, so that today, candidates and parties pick their voters as opposed to the ideal where voters pick their candidates. The result of this distortion has been that the government seems to work only for the monied interests, and the concerns that the rest of the population are essentially ignored. Our food, medicine, educational system, administration of justice, electromagnetic spectrum, communications (telephone, Internet, TV, radio) are all being used as weapons against us, as cudgels to force our participation in systems that put us at a disadvantage. We'll be discussing the implications on our health, wealth and survival. Join us!

What do you do when you don't have time for the pain?
April 9, 2018
This was the tag line for a commercial for pain killers. The question is a bigger one, though. Why are we, as a culture, in so much pain all the time. If you think about it, we are terribly prone to addiction, constantly self-medicating with toxic substances (alcohol, tobacco, drugs). Why is this the case? The best-selling class of OTC (over the counter) pharmaceuticals sold in the US is analgesics (pain killers). Most of the opioid abuse that is sweeping the country starts out coming from licensed physicians and hospitals treating injury or post-operative patients. Why are so many succumbing to it? We'll talk about the roots of addiction, source of chronic pain, and ways to prevent pain, removing the sources rather than putting a band aid on it. This program can save your life, and more importantly, that of your children!

Chemical warfare and 'mental' illness
April 16, 2018
There has been much discussion lately (ongoing now) about mental health issues. From skyrocketing teen suicide rates to violent psychotic episodes, school shootings, people going apparently nuts for no reason at all, it's happening in our cities, towns, and in rural areas, in poor and rich neighborhoods, schools and streets nationwide. At some point, the discussion always turns to the fact that the perpetrator of whatever atrocity just happened (and they keep happening) was "disturbed" and was "under treatment" for psychological problems. Where is all this weirdness coming from? When I asked frequent guest of the show Dr. Andrew Saul, Ph.D. if he would like to discuss mental illness on The Power of Natural Healing, he responded, "I'd be crazy not to!" Tune in for this interesting and delightful conversation about serious topics, and how you can save your family from the awful plague besetting our population.

Why are we so depressed? How to beat it.
May 14, 2018
It is a very sad statistic that today, over 10% of all Americans have suffered at least one bout of severe depression, often clinical depression. Lest you think that sadness is the only effect, and that it is not all that dangerous, remember that antidepressants and antipsychotics are some of the most dangerous pharmaceuticals that there are. Virtually all, if not all school mass shootings are perpetrated by people who are being treated with one or more of these drugs, and the shooter often ends up dead, or in prison for the rest of his life. These drugs have expectable side effects of violent psychotic episodes and suicidal ideation and actions. So it would be ever so much easier to simply avoid, or repair the dysfunction, rather than deal repeatedly with schools and universities turned into graveyards. We'll talk about what depression really is, and how you can avoid the factors that put you in that state. If there is time, we'll talk about a linked problem: migraines.

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What is the Gerson Therapy?
June 4, 2018
This show will be an overview of the Gerson Therapy, as it has been a long time since we have concentrated on the Therapy itself. What is it? Where did it come from? Why does it seem to work, despite all the calumny from the conventional, allopathic medical industry? Most people by now understand that the Therapy is based on a vegan, organic diet, complemented by juices and detoxification, but that seems a bit simplistic an approach for a disease like cancer, with all its complications and variants. What is the real story here? If this therapy really can affect the progression or reversal of chronic illnesses, then why is it not more widely known and accepted? And why should we adopt this labor-intensive lifestyle, when we have modern medicine?

Various aspects of the Gerson Therapy
June 25, 2018
There are many details about the Gerson Therapy that are counter-intuitive, and we'll talk about those in this hour. Why, for instance, is "drinking water" on the "forbidden" list? Aren't we supposed to stay hydrated? What about the millions of people around the world who tote around their clear plastic water bottles? And why are berries and pineapple on the list as well? Shouldn't natural, organic fruit be good for us? I thought that avocado would be a good thing. It's on the list, too! These, and other oddities will be discussed and demystified. Listen in.

Why the Gerson Therapy is important
July 2, 2018
It may seem odd to many that a therapy that has been around for almost 100 years, and is still not very well-known or embraced by the conventional (allopathic) medical world, insurance companies, government agencies, hospitals or health professionals in most of the world should hold such a fascination for your host, or even be relevant to today's culture. Haven't medicine and science advanced so far as to make it irrelevant? Why is it important in the world of "wonder drugs," high tech medicine, and genetic engineering? Why bother with this obviously outdated method? The answer is, unfortunately, simple. "Incurable" illnesses abound, and cures recede into the distance. Medical treatment becomes more expensive as it loses effectiveness. A NEW direction is imperative, and, surprise, it is an OLD direction: the Gerson Therapy.

Odd 'do's' and 'don'ts' on the Gerson Therapy
July 16, 2018
There are many details to be considered when doing the Gerson Therapy. Dr. Gerson was very specific in his directions. Each stricture was carefully researched by trial and error, and proven over the years. Some are counterintuitive, some are obvious. In general, a healthy person doesn't have to be so very precise about following the restrictions, but a patient trying to beat a serious illness must understand that there is a reason for each of the directions. We'll be talking about some of them on today's show.

Casual, invisible, virtually undetected threats to our health
July 30, 2018
Why are we so sick as a society? I might be asking this of the United States, but my recent travels to Asia and other Western Hemisphere countries have shown me that other countries are under attack, too. But what is it that is causing all this illness? The human immune system has been robust and powerful enough to carry us through dozens of millennia of plague, war, ice age, tectonic shift, Earth changes, mass extinctions. Why is it failing worldwide on such a grand scale, just now? It is about the unfortunate dark side of untrammeled capitalism. In short, this philosophy supports the worship of wealth accumulation above ALL ELSE. All else, in this case, is human health, infant development, schools, infrastructure, a living wage for all, even, to be blunt, survival of the species! Our much touted "health care" system, constantly praised by the commercialized practitioners as the "best in the world", actually produces results closer to those of third world countries.

Nancy Kremer and The Forbidden Cure: Burbank Film Festival
August 13, 2018
In the interest of showing what is possible with this story, film-maker Nancy Kremer has produced a short film of a vignette from Dr. Max Gerson: Healing the Hopeless. It has been accepted as a semi-finalist at the Burbank International Film Festival, and will be shown Friday, September 7, between 8:00pm and 9:00pm. Tickets are available on the Burbank International Film Festival website ( There is a trailer available on Tickets to the event include an invitation to the "after party," an opportunity to socialize with the producer, the author of the biography the film is based on, the director, cinematographer and other people involved with the film's production. You can also find more about the film at It should be quite a party! Come join the festivities, and see Max Gerson's story come to life on the big screen. See you in Burbank!
view trailer video
view promo video
view actor ryan mccartan video
view 13 minute video with asian subtitles

Andrew Saul Raising and Nourishing Healthy Children
September 10, 2018
Dr. Andrew Saul has the knowledge and experience, backed up by solid science, to help you raise your children to be healthy and keep themselves healthy. From simple but productive gardening to avoiding doctors' visits, to food choices that will keep your children (and yourselves) healthy, Dr. Saul is knowledgeable and delivers his information with wisdom and gentle humor. One of our perennial favorite guests, Dr. Saul has hundreds of publications to his credit, and a dozen books. Listen in for a helpful, brilliant and amusing session with this delightful man.

Burbank Film Festival, Max Gerson Foundation, China project
September 24, 2018
Various items of interest about news that concerns The Gerson Therapy, the film short "The Forbidden Cure," the Max Gerson Foundation and the China project. Some more details about items that people have asked about that seem to be incongruous, but are not.

Water, water, everywhere, BUT...
October 1, 2018
We are all very familiar with the standard urging to drink "at least" eight glasses of water every day. It is a rarity to see someone now, out and about, doing any kind of sport, without a water bottle of some kind close at hand. It is so "normal" that billions of water bottles are clogging even the oceans, large as they are. So, strongly advising people NOT to drink water is seen as madness. What are you thinking? Why on Earth would water be on the "forbidden foods" list? Water?! We'll go through the very strong arguments for avoiding water when you are on the Gerson Therapy, and the important reasons that you should be drinking anything but water when you are trying to heal (and at all other times, too). And, just for the record, since the next question is so predictable, yes, I avoid water as much as possible. I will never reach for a water bottle at any time. Yet, I do not get dehydrated. I'll explain it in detail. Listen in to Monday's The Power of Natural Healing.

Jenny Hrbacek, RN on her 5th Edition of Cancer Free!
October 15, 2018
After Jenny's breast cancer diagnosis in 2009, she did the treatments recommended by her oncologist: chemo, surgery, but the cancer kept recurring. That is when she started using her medical knowledge to research effective cancer diagnostics and treatments. She compiled a phenomenal source of information and help, and reversed her cancer completely. Today, she is a vibrant, energetic woman, dedicated to bringing this knowledge to a worldwide audience to spare millions of men and women the fear and uncertainty following a diagnosis of cancer. In addition, if you can reverse cancer, you certainly know how to prevent it, and that is a part of Jenny's crusade. Her book, Cancer Free! Are You Sure? is now in its fifth edition, picked up by a national publisher, and she has founded the Cancer Free University. Listen in!

Potpourri: Gerson Play, Chinese and Indian translations
October 29, 2018
We have a number of new projects going on, and are very proud of them. The new Simplified Chinese translation of Healing the Gerson Way is now available on iPhone readers, there is a translation underway in an Indian language (Telugu) spoken in Hyderabad and its state, Telangana, with a view towards starting Gerson clinics in India. Foundations have been poured for the first Chinese Gerson center, and training courses have been very well-received. The play "The Man Who Killed the Cure" will be presented in Dayton, OH before Thanksgiving, and I shall be there on Nov. 17, along with Luke Yankee, the playwright. Join us!

Amy Johnson, recovery from ovarian cancer
November 12, 2018
Amy Johnson was a dynamic young woman who suffered from a number of "minor" ailments, and thought of herself as being in relatively "good" health. So it was a total, and devastating shock to be diagnosed in 2013 with clear cell ovarian cancer in her right ovary. When she went for surgery to remove the ovary, it was discovered the cancer was spread to both. She made the harsh decision to have a total hysterectomy, since she had hoped to have children one day. However, despite the warnings of the conventional medical community (including her mother, a nurse), she declined chemotherapy, and instead, in extensive research, found the Gerson Therapy, which resonated with her core beliefs. She and her mother attended the Gerson Therapy clinic in Mexico in October, 2013. Today, Amy is a high energy, healthy, active young woman who acts and looks decades younger than her chronological 48 years, has her own design business, and takes every opportunity to tell others about her journey.

First performance of The Man Who Killed the Cure
November 19, 2018
This last weekend, I spent in Dayton, Ohio, attending the first public performance of The Man Who Killed the Cure, a play by noted Los Angeles playwright, Luke Yankee, about the suppression and eventual assassination of Dr. Max Gerson. I'll tell you about the play, the audience, and the reaction to the information. It's a dramatic story, and one that we hope will ignite curiosity and research into the reaction of the American medical community to alternative medicine in general, and the Gerson Therapy in particular. Renowned theater critic Rex Reed has penned a glowing review of the play, particularly focusing on the information presented, saying, "Everyone should see this play, at least twice!"

Nicolette Richer: New book, Crowdfunding, trip to Malawi
November 26, 2018
Friend of the show Nicolette Richer, founder of the Green Moustache restaurants, Richer Health Consulting and author of Eat Real to Heal, will tell us about her most recent projects. Eat Real to Heal has been the number one Amazon new release for months, and is a powerful argument for eating whole, organic, plant-based foods, with an eye towards good health through nutrition. She bases her deep knowledge on the Gerson Therapy, plus her years of health consulting with her Canadian neighbors. Nicolette is now launching a crowdfunding campaign to bring this healing food to hospitals, schools, universities, and other organizations, and has given TEDx talks on Canadian television. She is a dynamic, brilliant young woman with a healthy family and a drive that just does not quit. Nicolette just returned from a trip to her ancestral homeland, Malawi, and was highly impressed by the natural and healthy people she met. Join us for a dynamic hour with Nicolette Richer.

It's that time of year again ... Stay healthy!
December 17, 2018
I am sure that many of you have experienced the unpleasant time in late January and early February when you are down with sniffles, fever, cough and worse. Most people attribute it to the stress of the holiday season, the cold winter weather, the financial stress we subject ourselves to in order to provide gifts and parties to our families, travel, and other causes. But I don't believe it! Over the years, I have often worked in close proximity with a work group of six or eight others, all of whom suffer during this period from "the flu that's going around". Since everyone has it, the assumption is that it is inevitable, universal and must be borne. NOT TRUE! Listen in and find out how to stay healthy during this period, and far beyond it. Illness is NOT inevitable. Our bodies are more than capable of keeping us healthy even in the worst winters, under the most stresses. We'll talk about that and more.

Jesse Yu, 5 year recovery from malignant melanoma
December 24, 2018
When Jesse Yu, a young engineer and management consultant, was diagnosed with malignant melanoma in 2013, he was in shock. Only 31, and he thought he ate "healthy" food, took care of himself, and yet he suddenly found out he might not live another year! He scheduled surgery, but his mother begged him to instead try an alternative therapy she knew of: the Gerson Therapy. He knew nothing of it, but trusted his mother. Jesse then set out to find out as much about the results and science behind the Therapy, and became convinced that it was the right way to go. Today, five years since his diagnosis, he is healthy, married to a wonderful and supportive woman, and they have a 7-month-old boy, whose middle name is "Gerson".

Want to get rid of the extra holiday pounds?
January 7, 2019
Around this time of year, specifically (in the US) between Thanksgiving feasts, Christmas parties and treats, and New Year's celebrations, it is an unfortunate side effect that there will be many more calories coming in to our bodies. At the same time, because of the inclement weather, cold, rain and snow, we'll be spending less time outdoors walking, hiking, exercising. The net result? Many of us will pack on extra pounds that will be difficult to get rid of in the coming months. Yet, your body gets rid of over 100 pounds of fat each and every year! If we didn't keep pumping fat into our systems, it would dump all the weight it needed to in order to return to a healthy and sustainable weight. The opportunity this represents is that we don't have to work hard to maintain a healthy weight; our body will do it for us! Join us for your guide to maintaining a healthy weight effortlessly.

Amazing health opportunities we usually ignore
February 4, 2019
We've spoken about several of these health opportunities before, but we're going to do a brief review. These are things you can do to lose weight you need to get rid of, to heal and prevent chronic illness with a minimum of effort, to relieve pain naturally and without any harmful side effects. The great news is that the changes you can make will be virtually FREE! More great news: the results you will experience will FAR outweigh the effort involved. Listen in as we explore these astounding techniques!

The passing of a Grande Dame - Charlotte Gerson
February 18, 2019
Charlotte Gerson passed away February 10, 2019. She was an iconic figure, and a leader in the field of alternative medicine. For over 40 years, she was the face and voice of the Gerson Therapy, author of several books that have been translated and published around the world, founder of cancer clinics, teacher, healer and authority on healing cancer and other chronic illnesses. For years, her appearance was mandatory on any serious documentary on alternative cancer therapies, including four of her own, which have all been named on the list of "Ten Best Cancer Documentaries of All Time," by no less an authority than Food Matters. She honored and continued the work of her father, Dr. Max Gerson, and spoke with authority and integrity in venues in Europe, Canada, and the US. The patients suffering from chronic illnesses who owe their lives to Charlotte number in the tens of thousands. She will be missed.

Dr. Andrew Saul, Charlotte's passing, food and health
March 4, 2019
Dr. Andrew Saul, one of my favorite guests of all time, puts his razor-sharp intellect and vast knowledge to work to show how to take control of your own health. He also relates some humorous interactions with Charlotte Gerson, who passed away on Feb. 10, and calls the for-profit medical industry to task for their lack of progress. He is a pleasure to listen to!

Seeing how the Other Half Lives
April 29, 2019
I recently took a vacation on a cruise ship, transiting the Panama Canal for the first time in my life. My family had some direct connection to the Canal: my wife's grandfather had worked on the Canal in his youth, and one of the French engineers, Philippe Jean Bunau-Varilla, had worked on the original French attempt to build it, as well as having worked on the Suez Canal. Bunau-Varilla was a patient of my grandfather's in Paris, during his sojourn there. The contrasts that I witnessed on the cruise were immense. In some countries, people could barely put a roof over their heads, and worried about where to find the next meal for their families. Some countries were emerging into middle class existence, even a modicum of prosperity. Then there were many of the passengers on the ship who outweighed me by 100 pounds or more. It was instructive, and stunning. It looked like they were trying to eat the world.

The Opioid Epidemic can be solved
May 6, 2019
For a decade or more now, we have been in the grip of a lethal epidemic, one that is not caused by a virus or a pathogen, but that still kills tens of thousands of our young people, in cities, rural towns, plains, mountains, and everywhere in between. It places immense burdens on our medical system, not to mention the grieving parents, siblings, classmates and children of the victims. The epidemic is a problem that is self-inflicted, the Opioid epidemic. The terrible news is that we KNOW how to stop it, how to avoid it and save thousands of lives, and billions of dollars, but profit and politics gets in the way. Listen in and hear the epidemic explained, its solution described, and save someone near and dear to you.

Protect your kids from toxic vaccines
May 13, 2019
All too many children, and even adults, have been damaged by toxic, dangerous vaccines that are now being forced on us by a cynical and uncaring medical system. Forcing us to take these poisons, and forcing us to give them to our children under draconian threats does not make them safe, nor does it inspire confidence in our government or medical establishment. In many states, if we do NOT accept the REQUIRED vaccines, our children are taken from us, and we face extreme consequences. So we MUST take them, and risk our children's brains, even lives. Dr. Saul will recount his recent encounter with a vaccine-damaged grandchild, and how he dealt with it, saving the child from lifelong brain damage, and how YOU CAN protect your family as well, even if you MUST take the vaccines. This is vital information, and a must listen show!

Dr. Levy on Healing and Preventing chronic illness
May 20, 2019
Dr. Thomas E. Levy, recently inducted into the Orthomolecular Hall of Fame, discusses the cause of ALL chronic illness, increased oxidative stress brought on by the host of toxins that we eat, breathe, drink and live in every day of our lives. The source of most illnesses and toxicity is hidden infections and abscesses in our mouths, and these, according to Dr. Levy, cannot be eliminated. Thus the only good way to beat the resultant illnesses is to use the powerful and universal detoxification properties of large doses of Vitamin C. He discusses the anti-oxidant properties and the anti-toxin properties of Vitamin C, and how you can use it to improve and recover YOUR health. Highly useful information!

New directions for the Max Gerson Foundation
June 3, 2019
The Max Gerson Foundation has recently upped their game. Since there has been a recent problem of patients being unable to reach the scheduling activity of the Gerson Clinic in Mexico, we have committed ourselves to help make the critically needed connection in a timely and knowledgeable manner. Patients needing to schedule stays at the clinic may now call the Max Gerson Foundation to schedule stays at the only Gerson certified center in North America, founded by Charlotte Gerson and in continuous operation for four decades. We will do everything we can to return telephone calls and answer emails within less that 24 hours, with knowledgeable team members able to help patients. The Foundation will also accept patients to the Mexican clinic from China through Gerson China until our Chinese clinic opens.


Howard David Straus, Dr. Max Gerson's grandson
May 23, 1943 - June 9, 2019