Pearls of Health Wisdom


Collected by your humble librarian, Ty Matthew Bumgardner

Jack Lalanne
(Jack's mentor - Paul Bragg of Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar fame)

"If man made it, don't eat it."
this one quote sums it all up for healthy eating

"Exercise is King, Nutrition is Queen,
together you have a kingdom!"


Dr. Max Gerson Resource Library Jay Kordich  Jay Kordich, "The Juiceman"
August 27, 1923 – May 27, 2017
Cured by Doctor Max Gerson
Jay ate fruits and juiced his vegetables per his audio tape.

"Live food for live bodies."

"Dead food, i.e. cooked food, for dead bodies."

"It is the juice of the fiber that feeds you."
"Meat is not fiber, Fish is not fiber,
Eggs are not fiber. Dairy is not fiber."


Dr. Max Gerson Resource Library Charlotte Gerson Charlotte Gerson, Dr. Max Gerson's daughter
March 27,1922 - February 10, 2019

"Most of us are walking about in a state of half-health,
believing ourselves to be well because we are not yet actually sick."
quoted in Fay Hueston's book, "Silent Enemy", Chapter 24.

"Stop digging your grave with your teeth"

"ALL drugs are liver toxic"

"The Gerson Therapy is a patient-centered therapy, and
we spare no effort to ensure the best care possible."
from "The Evolution of the Gerson Therapy" Nov./Dec. 2008 newsletter page 4

"If you are getting better you are not getting worse."
quoted by Charlotte's daughter, Margaret Straus.

Visit the Charlotte Gerson Tribute Page

Dr. Max Gerson Resource Library Howard Straus  Howard David Straus, Dr. Max Gerson's grandson
May 23, 1943 - June 9, 2019

"Genes are not your fate, they are the hand you’re dealt;
your health status reflects the way that you’ve played that hand.
Your health status is NOT due to the number of drugs you take, nor how many surgeries or radiation you get.
It depends on your lifestyle and consumption patterns."
from Howard Straus' podcast description, May 20th, 2013

"Stress does not cause disease, our response to stress does.
When you are under a lot of stress you tend to drop off in your care of your health."
from Howard Straus' podcast, June 26th, 2017, time index 21:40

"Cancer is the body's response to poor nutrition and toxic environment."
from Howard Straus' podcast, June 4th, 2018, time index 28:07


Dr. Max Gerson Resource Library Norman Walker Dr. Max Gerson Resource Library Norman Walker Dr. Max Gerson Resource Library Norman Walker Norwalk Juicer Ad   Doctor Norman Wardhaugh Walker, 99 years old, raw food and juicing advocate
01/04/1886 - 08/06/1985   developer of the Norwalk juicer    View some old Norwalk juicers.
(Norwalk is out of business; replaced by the Pure juicer) The Angel Juicer is also a Gerson patient favorite.

Dr. Max Gerson Resource Library Norman Walker Diet And Salad Suggestions     read online now    html version

Dr. Max Gerson Resource Library Norman Walker Become Younger     read online now    html version

Dr. Max Gerson Resource Library Norman Walker Raw Vegetable Juices     read online now    html version

Dr. Max Gerson Resource Library Norman Walker Raw Vegetable Juices canadian   Canadian Version     read online now    html version

Dr. Max Gerson Resource Library Norman Walker Fresh Vegetable And Fruit Juices     read online now    html version

Dr. Max Gerson Resource Library Norman Walker Water Can Undermine Your Health     read online now    html version

Dr. Max Gerson Resource Library Norman Walker Vibrant Health     read online now    html version

Dr. Max Gerson Resource Library Norman Walker Colon Health     read online now    html version

Dr. Max Gerson Resource Library Norman Walker Natural Weight Control     read online now    html version

Dr. Max Gerson Resource Library Norman Walker Back To The Land For Self-Preservation     read online now    html version

Dr. Max Gerson Resource Library Norman Walker Are You Slipping   still looking for "Are You Slipping?"     read online now    html version

   still looking for "Food And Nourishment For The Human Body"
referenced in "Diet And Salad Suggestions"     read online now    html version

Cathy Justus - dangers of fluoridation - Fluoride Action Network

short letter - Fluoridation Basics
long letter Table of Contents
long letter to municipalities
Howard Straus' Power of Natural Healing 07-08-2013
Howard Straus' Power of Natural Healing 07-21-2014
Howard Straus' Power of Natural Healing 01-12-2015
Howard Straus' Power of Natural Healing 10-17-2016
youtube video ; archived against evil censorship video

Charlotte Gerson toothpaste warning clip from 2010 Health and Healing Crusade

warning on toothpaste box and tube, brand does not matter, use fluoride-free toothpaste!

Why? Use Suncooked Juice Foods Daily! by Dr. Jesse Mercer Gehman N.D., M.N. 1959

book page 73
"...with fresh calve's liver; and the more recent use of
raw liver in the treatment of cancer by the late Max Gerson,
M.D., which he used in conjunction with liberal amounts of
fresh vegetables and their juices, is further confirmation."

Dr. Max Gerson Resource Library Why? Use Suncooked Juice Foods Daily

Read pdf now

book page 75
"But then man began to use so-called
science for preserving foods with the result that eventually it
was found something was missing, and his super fixed foods
would not support llife
Cooking was unduly applied, and certain life elements
were altered. Vitamins and minerals were greatly diminished
but not completely destroyed, except in one or two instances
so far as is known. But it appears the active life giving factor
was destroyed. Cooked peas, beans, or lentils provide food to
sustain life, but they can not be made to sprout, they can not
reproduce themselves in the soil as the life element is destroyed.
The life element is killed."



Fruits are nature's cleansers.

Vegetables are nature's builders.


Largest, strongest animals on Earth (elephants, gorillas, etc.) eat a plant-based diet.

Nathan Pritikin, founder of the Pritikin Diet -
diagnosed with ischemic posterior wall heart disease in 1957,
diagnosed with leukemia in 1958, autopsy in 1985 showed a
near absence of atherosclerosis.


Burt Baskin, co-founder of Baskin-Robbins Ice Cream
- passed away aged 54 from heart attack; reportedly
ate a lot of ice cream throughout his life according to
nephew John Robbins, author of "Diet For A New America".

Irv Robbins, co-founder of Baskin-Robbins Ice Cream -
passed away aged 90; reportedly changed to a vegan
plant-based diet in his late 60's according to son John.


Michael Landon, actor, passed away aged 54 from pancreatic cancer;
reportedly ate a lot of pepperoni and beefstick on the set of the
TV series “Bonanza”. ( I saw the photo in a magazine article.)


The Food Cure Documentary archived against evil censorship 720P resolution, 974 mb file size

The Food Cure Documentary archived against evil censorship 480P resolution, 602 mb file size

view on youtube

Professors Arnold Ehret's Mucusless Diet Healing System 1924

A precursor to Doctor Max Gerson

Dr. Max Gerson Resource Library Professor Arnold Ehret's Mucusless Diet Healing System

Download here

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Rockefeller Medicine Men by E. Richard Brown

Read the story of the beginning of the decline in medicine in America.
Doctors are no longer healers, but are now pill pushers and parrots for the drug cartels.

Dr. Max Gerson Resource Library Rockefeller Medicine Men

Download here

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How To Treat The Sick Without Medicine by Dr. James C. Jackson, MD

Dr. Max Gerson Resource Library How To Treat The Sick Without Medicine

Download here (560 pages 411 mb file size)

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Read Dr. Andrew Saul's story about visiting the old Jackson Hospital in 1979.

'Tis Nature cures the sick;
Like God, she touches weakly things, and they
Revive, and put forth wondrous beauty. Bring
Your sick and suffering ones, where gently she
Can handle and caress, and nurse them. Then
Their forms, though delicate and frail, shall grow
To strength and large endurance.

THERE are two ways of treating human invalids;
the one by means which are abnormal or unnatural,
and in which agents are sought to be used, which are
of such a nature or character as, when used by persons
in health, make them sick or tend to make them sick;
the other, by means which are normal or natural, and
which confines itself to the use of agents, instrumentalities
and influences, whose effect on the human body,
in health, is to keep it in health. The former way I
discard; the latter way I accept and follow.

You Don't Have To Die by Harry M. Hoxsey, N.D.

Dr. Max Gerson Resource Library You Don't Have To Die

Read pdf now

November 1953 Defender Magazine article on the Hoxsey War with the AMA/FDA cabal

Video Hoxsey: Quacks Who Cure Cancer? by Ken Ausubel & Catherine Salveson

How I Conquered Cancer Naturally by Eydie Mae Hunsberger 1976

Not based on Dr. Gerson but on Ann Wigmore's teachings. View the archived video on Rumble.

Dr. Max Gerson Resource Library How I Conquered Cancer Naturally

Read 1976 pdf now

Read 1992 reprint pdf now

Healing Cancer From The Inside Out Documentary archived against evil censorship
Gerson section time index 41:58 through 46:00

view on youtube

Live Food Juices by H. E. Kirschner M.D. 1957

Librarian's Note: This pdf is of poor quality. I have two paper copies inbound which I will use to create a better pdf copy. September 2023

Dr. Max Gerson Resource Library Live Food Juices

Read pdf now

Nature's Healing Grasses by H. E. Kirschner M.D. 1960

Librarian's Note: Charlotte Gerson wrote about the dangers of cancer patients using Alfalfa sprouts.
Mature leafy greens should always be used.

from "The Evolution of the Gerson Therapy" by Charlotte Gerson Nov/Dec 2008 newsletter page #4
"...• We tried (and rejected) alfalfa sprouts
that contain, as was later shown by animal
research, an immature, toxic protein
(l-canavanine) that damages the immune
system. It is a tantalizing hint to sprouts’
toxicity that animals don’t eat sprouts!..."

also see Gar Hildenbrand's newsletter article from Jan/Feb 1986 page #1

Dr. Max Gerson Resource Library Nature's Healing Grasses

Read pdf now

Tribute to Dr. Max Gerson from the book The Genial Seed by Giuliano Dego

Dr. Max Gerson Resource Library The Genial Seed

"Those who say they would like to help, often tell me that

they cannot. They regret not being able to assist me for fear of

losing their position in hospitals and laboratories. I have long

abandoned thoughts of attaining any kind of recognition, nonetheless

I continue on my way ...."

                     From a letter of Dr. Max Gerson to Dr. Albert Schweitzer,

                     October 1st, 1954.

"I see in him one of the most eminent medical geniuses in

the history of medicine .... Those he cured will now attest to the

truth of his ideas .... "

                                                 From a letter of Dr. Albert Schweitzer

                                                 to Mrs. Gerson, March 10th, 1959.


Socrates and Jesus Christ were put to death publicly as blasphemers,

and so have been many who dared to oppose the most

notorious abuses of the mind and body of man. But persecution

is not refutation, not even triumph. Dr. Max Gerson was probably

happier with his patients and in the seclusion of his study and

of his heart than the most despotic of his assailants could ever

be in their palaces of glass and alchemy. His work has indicated

a way towards the understanding of the physical and mental

sanity, or insanity, of mankind that goes far deeper than any

interpretation given by the philosophers.

Dr. Gerson's suffering for conscience's sake, the record of his

extraordinary successes, and his courageous and lonely fight

against the forces of organized medicine will in due time make

more proselytes than the example of those who in their oath,

"First do no harm", insult the world, betraying the name of

Hippocrates. The line of defectors from orthodox thinking has

already begun.

As an ex-Gerson patient myself, and in the fashion of the

poets of antiquity, with these occasional lines I wish to extend

a thought to the numberless legions of those who died in vain,

to their families and all men of good will who tried to help and

were defeated. My lines of tribute are addressed to them, to

Dr. Max Gerson, and to the many Gerson patients who right now

are struggling in solitude.

I have no wish to trample on the dishonoured; but it would

be well if the adherents to cliques from whence the tyrants spring

abated a little of the technological arrogance which, applied to

man, as opposed to machines, has already become the longest

standing crime against humanity.

August 20th, 1981                                     Giuliano Dego

                                                                 University of London

The China Study, 2006, by T. Colin Campbell, MS, PhD

Dr. Max Gerson Resource Library The China Study
Watch Charlotte Gerson discuss The China Study
from the Cancer Control Society's 33rd convention, time index 02:26.

read 2006 edition online now

read 2016 edition online now

Pottenger's Cats - details how improper diet causes increasingly more sickly generations

Dr. Max Gerson Resource Library Pottenger's Cats

Watch Charlotte Gerson discuss Pottenger's Cats
in the Therapy At Home Video Series Volume 2 time index 34:09
also in audio mp3 file Tape 1 Side 2 time index 05:40
book is mentioned in 1999 Newsletter article "Where Do We Get Out Proteins", page 4.

read online now

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visit the online Price-Pottenger Foundation