Silas(Sy) Harger - Eosinophilic Esophagitis





05-13-2013 The Power of Natural Healing podcast on the Audio page

Sy Harger and his appearance on Anderson Cooper


06-03-2013 The Power of Natural Healing podcast on the Audio page
Jordan and Heather Harger are a Florida couple who has been battling their son's serious illness with natural means. Jordan is a Florida firefighter/paramedic and Heather is a fantastic stay-at-home mom who schools and cares for their four young children. Sy, their six-year-old son, has been battling a condition called Eosinophilic Esophagitis since birth which can eventually cause the esophagus to permanently close. Sy became so allergic and symptomatic that doctors removed ALL foods from his diet for over a year. After years of frustration, desperation, and not getting the answers they needed from allopathic medicine, they were introduced to the Gerson Therapy. Today, after over a year of being on the therapy, Sy enjoys a large variety of whole foods and has experienced a total reversal of his severe symptoms. The Harger family continues to push toward total healing and have been blessed to share their family's remarkable story of faith and perseverance through their blog (No Muck Messages) and recently on Anderson Cooper's national talk show, Anderson Live. It is their goal to encourage others who struggle with any family members’ health and help them understand that there is a better path to wellness!


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