09-22-2014 The Power of Natural Healing podcast
on the
Kevil Murray, 8 year recovery from 'terminal' testicular cancer
September 22, 2014
In 2006, Kevil Murray was a young college student of 22. He had just
returned from a vacation in Mexico, was taking an exam, and suffered a
sharp pain in his groin. A urologist told him he had metastasized
testicular cancer, and even with chemo, surgery and radiation, would
probably not last six months. Kevil came from a family steeped in
"alternative" medical solutions, and declined. Instead, he and his
chiropractor mother found the Gerson Therapy, and it resonated with him.
Hear his inspiring story of total recovery, and what he is doing with his
life and health today.
Archived from Howard
Straus' gersonmedia.com website
October 2006
“On October 12, 2006 I, Kevil M, was diagnosed with Testicular Cancer. My
left testicle was surrounded by a tumor like a baseball mitt surrounding a
glove. My Urologist at the time removed the tumor, however, the team of
doctors didn’t want to stop there; after abducting my testicle, they then
wanted to do a little searching around, where they would split me open
from chest to navel and remove the problem lymph nodes at the site of
metastasis and then follow it up with chemotherapy and possible radiation,
almost like toppings to a banana split. Metastasis, after all, was the
reason that they gave me a six month prognosis. Six months, not long even
in dog years, has come and gone as the seasons, and yet I am still here,
breathing, living, and enjoying life like never before. All this, thanks
to Dr. Max Gerson, Charlotte Gerson, Howard Straus, and the multitudes
that have continued his legacy of “healing the hopeless,” as Howard
Straus’s biography on Dr. Gerson’s life testifies.
Perhaps those doctors were right, and a therapy such as the Gerson Therapy
is hogwash, but if that is the case then I will join the ranks of the
“naďve” patients that have chosen to take control of their health by means
of juicing, supplementation, and coffee enemas. After all, proof is in the
organic vegan pudding, and having outlived the doctors six month
prognosis, I can say that they have no right to play god and tell patients
how long they have to live. These doctors are fooling the world as they
set out to eliminate us with trickery and deceit, whereby a five year
survival is deemed a “cure,” and even at that they receive extremely poor
results. Given this fictitious five year survival cure, of course it makes
sense that if the patient detects the cancer early that patient will be
“cured.” I’m sorry, but this blatant lye and disregard for the body, the
only living temple on earth, will no longer pass. We must stand up for
ourselves, whether we have cancer or not, because no one in the allopathic
medicine mega-industry appears to be looking out for us. I for one do not
want to be a statistic, and I know many that feel the same way.
Thanks also to my parents (Lightfoot M. and Dr. Kate K.), my caretaker of
seven months, Sarah D, horse-whisperer Rene, the Buddhist monks, the
honorable staff of the Gerson Institute, the Mexican Gerson Therapy
clinic, and the select family and friends that believed not only in me but
in the Gerson therapy, because Gerson saves! I am a certified Gerson
Caregiver, and hope to guide others along the path of wellness. I would
like to invite emails, and as I think no one should be excluded from
receiving help with the Gerson Therapy, am willing to work for travel,
juices/food and coffee enemas. Primarily, I hope to assist others out of
the bottomless pit known as cancer, and show them that we created the
abyss, and therefore we can get ourselves out of it. You can email me.”