Page contents archived from Howard Straus' defunct and websites.

Howard David Straus, Dr. Max Gerson's grandson
May 23, 1943 - June 9, 2019


This is a bibliography of Dr. Gerson's publications over the course of over half a century.
Some of the below publications are available online, by clicking on them. The English language ones are mostly in .PDF format; the German language files are in image (.JPG) form.

- Einige Resultate Der Diattherapie Bei Kavernen Nach Vorausgegangener Chirurgiseher Behandlung, Von Dr. Max GersonVerh D Ges F Inn Me – 1900.

Google Translation: Some results of diet therapy in cavities after previous surgical treatment, by Dr. Max Gerson Verh D Ges F Inn Me – 1900

- Gerson, M. Eine Bromoformvergiftung. Aerztiliche Sachverständigen-Zeitung. (Aus der innern Abteilung des Stadt. Krankenhauses im Friedrichshain zu Berlin). S. 7, 1910.

Google Translation: Gerson, M. A bromoform poisoning. Medical expert newspaper. (From the internal department of the municipal hospital in Friedrichshain in Berlin). p. 7, 1910.

- Zur Aetiologie der myasthenischen BulbarparalyseBerl. Klin. Wchnschr. 53:1364, 1916. (On the Etiology of Myesthenic Bulbar Palsy)

Google Translation: On the etiology of myasthenic bulbar paralysis. Berlin Clinical Weekly 53:1364, 1916.

- Über Lähmungen bei Diphtheriebazillenträgern. Berl. Klin. Wchnschr. 56(12):274-277, Mar. 24, 1919.

Google Translation: About paralysis in diphtheria bacilli carriers. Berlin Clinical weekly 56(12):274-277, Mar. 24, 1919.

- Phosphorlebertran und die Gerson-Herrmannsdorfersche Diät zur Heilung der Tuberkulose. Deutsche. med. Wchnschr. 56:478-480, Mar. 21, 1920.

Google Translation: Phosphorus cod liver oil and the Gerson-Herrmannsdorfer diet for the cure of tuberculosis. German. medical Weekly 56:478-480, Mar. 21, 1920.

- Zur Aetiologie der multiplen SkleroseDeutsche. Ztschr. f. Nervenh., Leipz. LXXIV, 251-259, 1922. (On the Etiology of Multiple Sclerosis)

Google Translation: On the etiology of multiple sclerosis. German. Ztschr. f.nervenh., Leipzig. LXXIV, 251-259, 1922.

- Über die konstitutionelle Grundlage von nervöösen Krankheitserscheinungen und deren therapeutische Beeinflussung. Fortschr. d. Med., Berl. 42:9-11, 1922.

Google Translation: About the constitutional basis of nervous diseases and their therapeutic influence. progress i.e. Med., Berl. 42:9-11, 1922.

- Die Entstehung und Begründung der Diätbehandlung der Tuberkulose. Med. Welt. 3:1313-1317, 1929.

Google Translation: The origin and justification of the diet treatment of tuberculosis. Medical world. 3:1313-1317, 1929.

- Korrespondenzen. Rachitis und Tuberkulosebehandlung. Deutsche. med. Wchnschr. 55(38):1603, Sep. 20, 1929.

Google Translation: correspondence. Rickets and tuberculosis treatment. German. medical weekly 55(38):1603, Sep. 20, 1929.

- Comment on Wichmann’s article of December 17Klin. Wchnschr. 9:693-694, Apr. 12, 1930.

Google Translation: Clinical weekly 9:693-694, Apr. 12, 1930.

- Salt association with migraine (an early factor in dietary treatment). Verhandl. d. deutsche Gesellsch. f. inn. Med. 23:127, 1930.

Google Translation: negotiation i.e. German society. for. inside Med. 23:127, 1930.

Einiges Zur Diaetbehandlung Der Lungentuberkulose, Von Dr. Max Gerson Zeitschrift Fur Arztliche Fortbildung, Vol 27, #11 6-1-30, Pp 349-354 – 1930

Google Translation: Some of the dietary treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis, by Dr. Max Gerson Journal of Continuing Medical Education, Vol 27, #11 6-1-30, Pp 349-354 - 1930

- Einige Ergebnisse der Gerson-Diät bei TuberkuloseMed. Welt. 4:815-820, Jun. 7, 1930.

Google Translation: Some results of the Gerson diet in tuberculosis. Medical world. 4:815-820, Jun. 7, 1930.

- Grundsätzliche Anleitungen zur Gerson-Diät. Münch. med. Wochnschr. 77:967-971, Jun. 6, 1930.

Google Translation: Basic instructions on the Gerson diet. Munch. medical weekly 77:967-971, Jun. 6, 1930.

- Erwiderung auf die Arbeit; Die Gründe der Ablehnung der salzlosen Diät durch die Tuberkuloseheilanstalten von Prof. O. Ziegler. Deutsche med. Wchnschr. 57:334-335, Feb. 20, 1931.

Google Translation: response to work; The reasons for the rejection of the salt-free diet by Prof. O. Ziegler's tuberculosis sanatorium. German medical Weekly 57:334-335, Feb. 20, 1931.

- Einiges Über die Kochsalzarme Diät. Hippokrates. 3:627-634, Mar. 1931. (Observations on a Low-Salt Diet)

Google Translation: Some About the Low Salt Diet. Hippocrates. 3:627-634, March 1931.

- Störungen der Lupusheilung durch Nicotin. Verh. der deutschen Ges. f. innere Med., pp. 461-462, 1931. (Nicotine as a deterrent factor in the dietary treatment of Lupus)

Google Translation: Disturbance of lupus healing by nicotine. Behavior of the German Society for Internal Medicine, pp. 461-462, 1931.

Opening Discussion, Modern Dietetic Problems in the Treatment of Tuberculosis, J State Med, 39:8, pp. 443-45, Aug. 1931

- Erwiderung auf die Arbeit C. v. Noordens ‘
Kritische Betrachtungen Über Gerson-Diät in Besondere bei Tuberkulose.’ Med. Klin. Wchnschr. 45:1116-1117, Sep. 9, 1932.

Google Translation: Response to the work of C. v. Noordens 'Critical considerations of the Gerson diet in particular in tuberculosis.' Med. Clinical Weekly 45:1116-1117, Sep. 9, 1932.

- Blutsenkung bei Diätbehandlung der Lungentuberkulose. Zeitschr. f. Tuberk. 63:327-337, 1932.

Google Translation: Blood reduction in diet treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis. journal f. tuberk. 63:327-337, 1932.

- Einige Resultate der Diättherapie bei Kavernen nach vorausgegangener chirurgischen Behandlung. Verhandl. d. deutsche Gesellsch. f. inn. Med. Kong. 44:222-224, 1932.

Google Translation: Some results of diet therapy in caverns after previous surgical treatment. negotiation i.e. German society f. inn. Med. Kong. 44:222-224, 1932.

- Diätbehandlung bei Migräne und Lungentuberkulose. Wiener Klin. Wchnschr. 45:744-748, Jun. 10, 1932. (Dietary Treatment of Migraines and Lung Tuberculosis)

Google Translation: Diet treatment for migraine and pulmonary tuberculosis. Wiener Clinical Weekly. 45:744-748, Jun. 10, 1932.

- Psychische Reaktionen während der Gerson-Diät bei Lungentuberkulose. Psychotherapeut. Praxis. 1:206-213, Dec. 1934.

Google Translation: Psychological reactions during the Gerson diet in pulmonary tuberculosis. Psychotherapist. Practice. 1:206-213, Dec. 1934

- Unspezifische Desensibilsierung durch Diät bei allergischen Hautkrankheiten. Dermat. Wchnschr. 100:441, Apr. 20, 1935.

Google Translation: Non-specific desensitization by diet in allergic skin diseases. dermatological weekly 100:441, Apr. 20, 1935.

- Unspezifische Desensibilsierung durch Diät bei allergischen Hautkrankheiten. Dermat. Wchnschr. 100:478, Apr. 27, 1935.

Google Translation: Non-specific desensitization by diet in allergic skin diseases. dermatological weekly 100:478, Apr. 27, 1935.

- Bemerkungen zum Aufsatz von Neumann "Ernährung der Tuberkulösen". Wien. Klin. Wchnschr. 48:272-273, Mar. 1, 1935.

Google Translation: Remarks on Neumann's essay "Nutrition of Tuberculosis". Vienna. Clinical Weekly 48:272-273, Mar. 1, 1935.

- Rückbildung von Entzündungen bei Gerson-Diät unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Tuberkulösen Entzündung. Wien. Klin. Wchnschr. 48:847-853, Jun. 21, 1935.

Google Translation: Regression of inflammation in the Gerson diet with special reference to tuberculous inflammation. Vienna. Clinical Weekly. 48:847-853, Jun. 21, 1935.

- Anmerkung zur obigen Ausführung von W. Newmann. Wien. Klin. Wchnschr. 48:1069, Aug. 23, 1935.

Google Translation: Note to the above statement by W. Newman. Vienna. Clinical weekly 48:1069, Aug. 23, 1935.

- ; von Weisl, W. Lebermedikamentur bei der Diättherapie chronischer Krankheiten. Wien. med. Wchnschr. 85:1095-1098, Sep. 28, 1935.

Google Translation: ; von Weisl, W. Liver medication in the diet therapy of chronic diseases. Vienna. medical Weekly 85:1095-1098, Sep. 28, 1935.

- ; von Weisl, W. Flüssigkeitsreiche Kalidiät als Therapie bei cardiorenaler Insuffizienz. Münch. med. Wochnschr. 82:571-574, Apr. 11, 1935.

Google Translation: ; von Weisl, W. Fluid-rich potassium diet as therapy for cardio-renal insufficiency. Munch. medical weekly 82:571-574, Apr. 11, 1935.

Feeding the German Army.New York State J. Med. 41(13):1471-1476, Jul. 1, 1941.

Some aspects of the problem of fatigue. Med. Record. 156(6):341, 1943.

Dietary considerations in malignant neoplastic disease, A Preliminary Report. Rev. Gastroenterol. 12:419-425, Nov.-Dec. 1945.

Case histories of ten cancer patients: clinical observations, theoretical considerations and summary.National Archives, Center for Legislative Archives, Rec. Grp. 46, Rec. US Senate, Papers Relating to Specific Bills and Resolutions, S.1875, 79th Cong., 2nd Session. Box 110, 8E2 24/14/4, Jul. 1946.

The Jew and Diet. The Jewish Forum, New York City, Apr. 1948.

Effects of combined dietary regime on patients with malignant tumors. Exper. Med. & Surg. 7:299-317, Nov. 1949.

- Theorie der diätetisch-medikamentösen Krebs-Behandlung. Der Wendepunkt, Zürich, Switzerland, XXVI(12):379-386, Nov. 1949. (Theory of dietetic-medication in cancer treatment.)

Google Translation: Theory of dietary drug treatment for cancer. The turning point, Zurich, Switzerland, XXVI(12):379-386, Nov. 1949.

- Kein Krebs bei normalem Stoffwechsel; Ergebnisse einer speziellen Therapie. Med. Klin. 49(5):175-179, Jan. 29, 1954. (No cancer in normal metabolism: Results of a Special Therapy.)

Google Translation: No cancer with normal metabolism; Results of a special therapy. Med. Clinic 49(5):175-179, Jan. 29, 1954.
- No Cancer with Normal Metabolism: Results of a special therapy


- Krebskrankheit, ein Problem das Stoffwechsels. Med. Klin. 49(26):1028-1032, Jun. 25, 1954. (Cancer, a problem of metabolism.)

Google Translation: Cancer, a problem of metabolism. Med. Clinic 49(26):1028-1032, Jun. 25, 1954.

- Zur medikamentösen Behandlung Krebskranker nach Gerson. Med. Klin. 49(49):1977-1978, 1954. (On the medication treatment of cancer patients after Gerson.)

Google Translation: On the drug treatment of cancer patients according to Gerson. Med. Clinic 49(49):1977-1978, 1954.

- Sind Boden, Nahrung und Stoffwechselschädigung grundlegend für die Krebsentwicklung? Ernährungs-Umschau, Book 6, pp 128-30, Dec. 1955.

Google Translation: Are soil, diet and metabolic damage fundamental to cancer development? Nutrition Review, Book 6, pp 128-30, Dec. 1955
(Are Soil, Nutrient and Soil Degradation the Foundations for the Development of Cancer?)

- A New Therapeutical Approach to Cancer. Herald of Health, Apr. 1957.

Can Cancer Be PreventedPrevention Magazine, pp. 36-42, Apr. 1957

- Cancer - Reflected Symptom of Abnormal Metabolism. Let’s Live Magazine, Los Angeles, CA, 1957.

A Cancer Therapy: Results of 50 Cases. Whittier Books, New York City, NY, 1958.

The cure of advanced cancer by diet therapy : a summary of 30 years of clinical experimentation. Physiol. Chem. Phys. 10 (5):449-464, 1978.


The following is an article that appeared in Prevention Magazine in August 1955. Though not an article by Dr. Gerson, it is an article in a respected health magazine about Dr. Gerson's therapy.
The Gerson Treatment for CancerPrevention Magazine, Aug. 1955.


This page Copyright © 2006 Howard Straus, all rights reserved. Reproduction in any medium strictly by permission only.