History of the Gerson Therapy

Patricia Spain Ward, author of "History of the Gerson Therapy", is one of a baker's dozen best medical historians in the United States. This paper was originally written by Dr. Ward under a contract to the U.S. Congressional Office of Technology Assessment (OTA) during its evaluation of alternative methods of cancer management. This article, along with two others by Dr. Ward, were suppressed by OTA staff until their release under pressure from U.S. Senator Charles Grassley of the Technology Assessment Board of Congress. Her experience with OTA, the process which led to drastic changes in the "Unconventional Cancer Treatments" document, and her impressions of important participants in that process, have had a significant impact on her and on U.S. cancer medicine.

by Margaret Hope Gerson - Dr. Max Gerson's widow
from the ending of her incomplete biography of Dr. Max Gerson
"A Life Without Fear"

A Life Without Fear
by Margaret Hope Gerson, Dr. Max Gerson's widow
unpublished incomplete biography of Dr. Max Gerson

Charlotte Gerson Tribute Page
March 27,1922 - February 10, 2019

future historical document

future historical document

future historical document