Yvonne Nienstadt - asthma



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Archived from Charlotte Gerson's booklet


   Yvonne had a typical long history of having damage done to her
body by undergoing drug treatments. When she was about 12, for
a period of two full years she was given strong hormones, Enovid
for treatment of her acne. This was the first birth control pill that
came on the market, and was much stronger than the present type.
She also received the antibiotic, tetracycline, to control her acne.
This produced side effects, including weight gain, mood swings,
depression and constipation. Then to control her weight gain, she
was also given diet pills.

   Yvonne was able to deal with the drugs' side effects until, at the
age of 18, she had an accident. She was riding a bicycle and was
hit by a car. This caused her injuries to the head and it impacted
her spine. The combined physical, emotional and psychological
traumas caused serious breathing problems. She went to the best
allergist and was diagnosed with severe asthma. The chest X-rays
even showed white spots on her lungs - suggesting possible
tumors; but they were not further examined or investigated. The
doctor prescribed a number of drugs, including allergy shots,
bronchodilators and muscle relaxants that she was to take when
she could not breathe. Her doctor also stated that she would have
to take these for the rest of her life.

   Yvonne possessed a lovely voice and during her student days
had sung coloratura parts. But obviously, once her breathing
problems started, she was unable to continue singing.

   She was well aware that she couldn't continue living in this
unhealthful way, and started to work with herbs and raw foods.
During that time, she more or less held her own. Then she moved
into a large old house that was dusty and had a great deal of
mold. Moreover, as it was discovered later, there was a gas leak
right under her bed. Her condition became so serious that, at
times, she needed adrenaline just to be able to breathe.

   At age 24, bedfast and in great pain, Yvonne started the Gerson
Therapy. Some time before, since she was interested in nutrition,
she had obtained the Gerson book. But because she had managed
to control her asthma fairly well with herbs and diet before she
moved into the old house, she had put the book on a shelf.
Besides, the Gerson Therapy had seemed too complicated.

   It was only when Yvonne was totally disabled and in pain that
she began trying the Gerson Therapy on her own, at home. After
the first week on the strict treatment regimen, she had an
extremely heavy healing reaction, with fever up to 1060 F. These
reactions recurred at first in two week intervals, later in two to
three week intervals. In three months, she was able to go back to
work, starting with six hours a day.

   Yvonne stuck with the stringent Gerson Therapy for about two
years, and stayed with the "maintenance diet" for much longer.
Even now after 25 years, she is careful to eat organic food - and
she "feels great."

   Yvonne works at a posh health spa. She loves to communicate
the advantages of healthy foods and teaches health education.

   Last news: December 2002.

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