Yoshihiko Hoshino, M.D. - colon cancer



Audio When available

Video Time index 3:00 of part 4 of 4 of the documentary Dying To Have Known.
Professor Hoshino first appears at time index 4:33.


Archived from Charlotte Gerson's booklet


   It is always a pleasant surprise when an unknown person
from some remote part of the world gets in touch with
Charlotte Gerson, to report on his or her recovery from some
serious life-threatening condition on the Gerson Therapy, solely
with the help of Dr. Gerson's classic book, A Cancer Therapy
- Results of Fifty Cases.

   One such occasion was on December 30,1997, when a let-
ter arrived from Professor Hoshino, MD., who teaches at the
Fukushima Medical College in Fukushima, Northern Japan.
By then Dr Gerson's book had appeared in a Japanese translation,
which explains how Professor Hoshino had found out
about the Gerson Therapy.

   According to his letter, in 1992 Professor Hoshino was
diagnosed with colon cancer, which had spread to his liver; he
recovered from both by using the Gerson Therapy and other
immune therapy. He added, "Now I am writing a book introducing
the Gerson Therapy to Japan. This will be the first
book about the Therapy written by a medical doctor in Japan."

   In the fall of 1998, his book was published. In it the
Professor described not only his own recovery on the Gerson
Therapy, but also how, while curing himself, he also treated
some twelve cancer patients. The latter belonged to various
age groups and suffered from a variety of cancers, including a
child with a brain tumor. All those patients made a full recovery.
Our only regret is that, owing to the obvious language
difficulty, we are unable to read this pioneering work.

   Answering to a query from the Gerson Institute,
Professor Yoshihiko sent a message on October 28 2001, in
which he confirmed that he had never had any chemotherapy,
having refused it as an option. Instead, he wrote, "I treated
my disease by operation for the colon cancer, and with the
Gerson Therapy and urine therapy for the liver cancer."

Librarian's note: See Newsletter Nov/Dec 2006 page 2.
Also see in Newsletter Mar/Apr 1998 page 1.

Update When available