Y. H. — colon cancer



Audio When available

Video  Time index 3:00 of part 4 of 4 of the documentary Dying To Have Known.
Professor Hoshino first appears at time index 4:33.


Archived from Charlotte Gerson's book


   In 1992, Y.H., a Japanese professor of medicine, found himself unable
to have a bowel movement. Surgery, combined with a liver biopsy, disclosed
colon malignancy, which had already spread to the liver. Professor
Y.H. agreed to four mild chemotherapy treatments, but these resulted in
the growth of the liver metastases. The patient abandoned the chemotherapy
and embarked on the Gerson Therapy, following the directions
in Dr. Gerson's book. Fourteen years later, he is fully recovered, with a
clean liver, and has successfully treated many cancer patients with the
same method. He described his experience in his book (only available in
Japanese) and has trained a few of his colleagues in the Gerson Therapy.
At present
(2007), he is following up some 500 cancer cases, which have shown
positive responses to the Gerson protocol he now uses.

Librarian's note: See Newsletter Nov/Dec 2006 page 2.
Also see in Newsletter Mar/Apr 1998 page 1.

Update When available