Tatiana Corcoran- breast cancer



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youtube interview on healthtalk180
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I was born and raised in Moscow, Russia. Moscow is a huge exciting city, but a big city always comes with chlorinated water, bad air pollution, stress and a pointless "rat race". Despite having the respiratory issues too often I was a healthy, fit and happy kid.

I moved to Phoenix, Arizona with my son in 1994, and just in year my son and I gained a lot of weight. When we went back to Moscow for our vacation, my mom looked at us with a big surprise and asked “wow, what did happen to you both in America? You are so fat now”. Hmm, first sign of trouble?

In 2014 my husband and I moved from Phoenix, Arizona to Raleigh, North Carolina with a plan to buy a big piece of land and build our dream home. We rented a house and started working on our plan. Well, in November of 2014 I noticed a strange dimple on the upper part of my right breast, and in December, right before Christmas I was diagnosed with breast cancer, stage 2. Er and Pr positive, HER2 negative 3.3x2x1.5 invasive ducal carcinoma, grade 1. My first oncologist recommended to choose one of three options:

1. Lumpectomy, plus radiation
2. Right breast Mastectomy, plus reconstruction, following that I will take Femara
3. Bilateral Mastectomy, plus reconstruction, plus Femara

A couple years before that event we learned about the Gerson therapy from one of the documentary movies. Dr. Max Gerson fully understood cancer metabolism, and his therapy is pure genius if the patient can stick with it! We decided then if something bad happens to our health, then we will choose this path. We even started changing our diet then.

So, when I was diagnosed with cancer, we didn’t think twice about what to do. My doctors here wanted me to do all standard therapies and they called me a few times a day to scary me to do it "immediately". My husband told them he was going to call the cops for harassing us, and then they stopped calling. I refused radiation and chemotherapy. We applied to go to the Gerson clinic in Mexico for 2 weeks. While waiting for their reply I started making 13 juices and doing 5 coffee. We bought all needed books, Norwalk, a huge distiller, and other supplies. I got accepted to go to the clinic, but they asked me to slow down with the juices and coffee enemas because I wasn't taking the right supplements yet, and wait until I get to the clinic.

I did really well in the Gerson clinic, and I had a nice birthday there with a special cake from the sweet ladies in the kitchen. I was on the second day staring there I started doing a full protocol-13 fresh juices, 5 coffee enemas, all Gerson supplements, and a castor oil enema every other day. For years I was suffering from an insomnia, but just after two days of following my protocol I started sleeping well. Well, a day before our trip back home I got hit by my first healing reaction. I was nauseous, had a headache, and was tired, but I wasn't scared, because Dr. Cervantes had explained to us it was OK to go through such unpleasant reaction.

After our return back home, I really wanted to do the therapy in our own house, so we took some time between the juices and went to look at a few houses, and we bought one, which was a huge mistake. My girlfriend flew from Seattle to stay with us for a month and she helped us, while we were moving into our new house.

After four months into the therapy my tumor had shrunk almost a half of its size, and I desided to do a lumpectomy, with no lymph nodes removed. I thought our Creator gave them to us for a reason, and I really didn’t care if they had cancer in them, because I wouldn’t have changed my treatments anyways. The doctor refused to perform a lumpectomy if I didn’t come back for radiation. I said “ I will do it”, and in April 2015 I had the rest of tumor removed with clear margins, but I never went back for radiation.

In June 2015 I pulled 4 root canal treated teeth. My dentist didn't want to pull them out, because the X-rays didn't show any infections, but we all were very happy when he did it, and he saw every single tooth was infected with some "silent" bacteria. He said "Good Call!" I believe he learned a new lesson that day.

I recall a few healing reactions, as loosing an appetite, headaches, skin rash, that would come and go. One night I woke up to use the bathroom, and after I turned the light on, I looked at myself in the mirror, and I noticed a bunch of super large drops of sweat on my chest that wouldn’t run down. I touched them and to my surprise they were thick, oily and shiny….and huge, just sitting on my chest, and it was like some bizarre sci-fi movie. Then I realised my body was pushing a lot of toxins out through my skin. We all know it’s better out than in, right? During first year on the therapy I lost a lot of weight, and my lowest was 105 lb. I am 5’4. And again, I was scared about it, because I knew that loosing extra weight means loosing extra toxins.

Since April 2015 all my scans and blood work were really good, but I was getting sicker and sicker. Intuitively I felt “something” in the house was killing me. We decided to test our house for toxic mold, and the result came positive. While healing from cancer I was getting poisoned from mold. And then, for 3-4 months I had to combine my new protocol for mold, which was Dr. Shoemakers protocol, with the Gerson protocol, and they were completely different and totally opposite. It was SO hard!!!!! A total nightmare! Detox was harsh. I was taking a special binder and it damaged my digestive system to even a higher degree. My nervous system stopped working properly, and I started experiencing Mast Cell Activation syndrome. I was suffering so badly that I thought I was at the end. I was skin and bones. I hardly could walk. We couldn't hire any help because I was afraid of any exposure to mold toxins. So my husband was my caregiver, and he did an amazing job!!!! This guy deserves to be called a REAL man who on our wedding day promised to me "for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part" , and he kept his promises. Actually, for two years he was eating the same Gerson meals as I did. He said many times :”what’s good for you is good for me”.

Healing from toxic Mold we had to leave everything behind and we started our life from the beginning. We rented an apartment, and actually we had to move a few times trying to avoid any Mold contamination. And, after fourteen months into the Gerson Therapy for healing from cancer I got a new diagnosis - Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome(CIRS) or mold illness. I discovered that I have a genetic inability to clear modern mold toxins from my body, and since mold is almost everywhere I am permanently allergic to modern civilization itself.

In April 2018 I found a tiny nodule on the lumpectomy scar. The oncologist didn’t have any concerns and cut it out right in her office and sent it to the lab for a biopsy. The result was interesting It was a cancer with the exact characteristics as the the first one -0.7x0.5x0.4 cm fragment of white fibrous tissue with attached adipose. The oncologist did one more surgery to make sure that the margins were clear. I was corresponding with Margaret Straus and Dr. Cervantes. They both thought it was cancer’s last attempt to survive, and I should do a full Gerson protocol, even a castor oil enemy for a few months. So I did.

And...we never gave up on our dream, and we found a nice piece of land and built a very healthy house, with the non toxic building materials.

Right now, I am doing great. I am thriving; climbing the dunes, kayaking, hiking, indoor rock climbing, organic gardening, painting....everything excites me and makes me happy. Two years ago we bought a travel trailer with a good size of the kitchen, so I can juice and cook my nutritional Gerson meals, while seeing all beautiful places. Since then we traveled to 42 states, and absolutely loved it.

Even though it feels very much like a Hero’s Journey story, I want you to know it is all hard work, courage, attitude and faith made it happen. The Gerson Therapy saved my life twice.

To this day I continue to follow the Gerson principles and implement 2-weeks (twice a year) maintenance protocol into my new healthier life. My best girlfriend joins me in such pleasant venture. I still drink 3-4 juices a day, green and carrot/apple. I do 2-3 coffee “breaks” a week, and take just a few Gerson supplements, which are liver pills, pancreatin, B12, and 2-3 pills/week of zinc with Quercetin and selenium. I use ozone water, eat organic which I grow a lot in my garden. Besides all Gerson approved veggies and fruits I eat lentils, peas, beans (soaked over night), nuts, seeds. I try to eat brassica veggies every day, even if it’s a small portion. One of the Gerson patients shared a great recipe for lentil soup, and since then all my friends and my lovely husband get very excited when they dip a spoon into that soup. I can share a recipe with you also. I don’t use any toxic chemicals on my body, so if some day my hair turn grey, it would be fine with me. And here is the best part -I do grounding in my garden. To retrain my brain behaviour and make my thinking healthy I used DNRS program for 6 month. I remember that after 2 months into that program my digestive system calmed down and started improving.

I was lucky that my family believed me and supported me, and that I found many great mentors and allies in the wonderful Gerson support group. Also I was lucky to be connected to the Gerson clinic and other practitioners who helped me with the right approach to both illnesses. I had recently a bone scan and ultrasound, and again there is no cancer in my body. My blood work looks good. And I feel great.

When I have a chance I tell people about my story and the Gerson therapy, which saved my life from cancer and toxic mold exposure. I love helping and supporting people and teaching them about one simple thing - Nature provides us with powerful tools to treat and heal many chronic diseases! There are 100 billion cells in our body. No matter how vicious the cancer cells are, they are outnumbered by the good ones. We shall trust that all the good cells in our body want to live and they will fight for us. We just need to provide them the best nutrients and natural environment we can. Besides the Gerson Therapy and DNRS I had a high dose of Vitamin C, B17 push in IV, GcMAF injections, and a lot of support.

Difficult roads lead to beautiful destinations!

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