Stella – liver cancer



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Archived from Charlotte Gerson's booklet


   In September of 1999, our children were making arrangements to
celebrate out 50th wedding anniversary. The occasion was of great
importance to everyone because in April of 1999, I was diagnosed
with hepatocellular carcinoma, or liver cancer. "Enjoy your
summer," the doctor said as he bade me farewell after informing
me of my diagnosis. This did not leave me much hope to see our
wedding anniversary in October.

   My troubles started on Easter Sunday at church. I suddenly
became dizzy and weak and fell to the floor. My husband rushed
me to the hospital to find I had suffered a cerebral hemorrhage.
Following a CT scan, they also discovered an 8.2 cm mass in the
left lobe of my liver, nestled like a bird's nest in the center of three
major blood vessels: the hepatic artery, the portal vein, and
inferior vena cava. During the biopsy of this lesion, one of the
vessels was punctured. I experienced severe pain and my abdomen
quickly became distended. My blood pressure dropped drastically
and my hemoglobin count went down to 7.1. This post-biopsy
hemorrhage added a huge burden to my already struggling liver.

   Upon discharge from the hospital, my daughter investigated the
nutritional aids to help cleanse my liver. My doctor claimed,
"There is nothing you put in your mouth that will make your
body work any better," and sent me home to recuperate from his
near lethal surgical procedure as well as deal with the fact that I
now had liver cancer. Because of the location of the lesion,
surgery, radiation, or chemotherapy were not offered as options
to possibly slow the cancerous process. Just go home and enjoy
the summer!

   I started the Gerson Therapy here in Saskatchewan. As fate
would have it, we met many wonderful people who helped me
start the Gerson Therapy here at home. Then, in June of 1999, I
went to Mexico to the Gerson clinic to enhance the treatment with
organic fruit and vegetable juices, supplements, daily B12 injections
and the famous coffee enemas. Back at home, organic vegetables
are not difficult to acquire, but to make access easier to the
vegetables I needed, my daughter became a distributor. She and
a friend started an organic grocery co-op. As friends and family
learned of this simple method to rid the body of toxins while
enhancing their own health, more and more people have integrated
different elements of the Gerson Therapy into their lives.

   It's been two and a half years since my terrible diagnosis. I
continue on a modified therapy. Every morning, my husband
prepares my glass of juice while I take my "coffee break." I enjoy
all the pleasures of a healthy normal life. We have a huge garden
where we grow a lot of our own vegetables. I cook, sew, quilt,
crochet, knit, play cards and visit with friends and family. What
more could one ask for?

   My doctors here in Saskatchewan ha been amazed at my
progress. They have been wonderful in sharing blood work with
the Gerson clinic. In fact, a short time ago on a visit to my GP, he
explained that he asked his father to pray for my family and me.
Apparently he had shared my story with his father who is a
minister in South Africa, and explained that I was the only person
he had ever known throughout his entire medical practice who
had survived liver cancer. He was so inspired by my strength and
perseverance to beat the odds with what he calls a "controversial"
method of healing. In fact, a few short weeks ago, on a regular
visit, he again expressed his marvel at my recovery, calling this a
true "miracle," and requested my permission to share my medical
files with his colleagues in South Africa.

   After returning from the Gerson clinic in Mexico, my husband
and I celebrated our 50th wedding anniversary, where we were
toasted by both family and friends with 'the nectar of the gods':
organic carrot and apple juice! We have since celebrated two more
wedding anniversaries. I am so thankful to the Gerson clinic for
the opportunity to learn and practice the Gerson Therapy. I have
my life back and look forward to see a few of my great-grandchildren
come into this world. By sharing my story, I hope to give
them and many other people the encouragement to make healthy
eating choices.

Update When available