S. M. — lymphoma



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Archived from Charlotte Gerson's book


   S. M. was 47 years old in 1990 when she developed several swollen
lymph nodes and, after having them biopsied, was diagnosed with non-
Hodgkins lymphoma. Two years later, in the summer of 1992, she
arrived at the Gerson hospital with extensive edema (fluid accumulation)
in her legs, hips, buttocks and around a large, melon-sized tumor
in her abdomen. She embarked on the Gerson Therapy as the only treatment
for her condition and was not "tapped" to remove the fluid from
her body. In the first five days on the full Gerson program, with many
trips to the bathroom, S. M. lost 28 pounds.

   In February 1993, when the patient was reexamined by her doctor in
Wenatchee, Washington, the MD's report read: "The generalized
lymphadenopathy [disease of the lymph nodes] has resolved [medical term
for 'gone]. I can no longer feel the abdominal mass. Marked carotenemia
[harmless orange discoloration of the skin often present in Gerson
patients] is noticed. Spleen is not palpable [cannot be felt]. . . . She
remains adamant, however, that she wants no conventional medical
treatment. Dr. Bulger, Hematology/Oncology, Wenatchee Valley Clinic,
Wenatchee, Washington." (2) Understandable, since she no longer had
any swollen lymph nodes! S. M. continued in good health, testified
about her recovery at a convention in Seattle in 1998 and was active in
her husband's business at last report in 2002.


2. Charlotte Gerson, Healing Lymphoma the Gerson Way ( Carmel: Cancer
Research Wellness Institute, 2002), p. 18.

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