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Charlotte Gerson's booklet
just 33 years of age, Sandi noticed pressure in her head and
started to suffer from severe headaches and vision problems. At
the time, she had just gone through a divorce and was left to care
for her four children. In order to earn a little extra and to be able
to afford an eye examination, she did some office cleaning for the
ophthalmologist. The likely diagnosis was a brain tumor but Sandi
did not have surgery and therefore no biopsy.
She was unwilling (and unable) to submit to X-rays and surgery
but found out about nutritional healing and came to the Gerson
Hospital in Mexico - some 17 or 18 years ago.
Already at age 13, she had been diagnosed with Hashimoto's
disease and rheumatoid arthritis (both so-called auto-immune
Sandi stayed on the Therapy strictly for some time and never
really went off it. She is still eating all the right foods and two of
her kids are, too. The other two objected - but when they had
health problems, they came back to the Therapy.
Sandi had a large benign uterine tumor last year (leiomyoma)
which was removed with her uterus. Her 'auto-immune' diseases
are in remission. She is not totally well, however, and the reason
may well be that she is unable to obtain organic vegetables in her
area. The commercial foods are not keeping her well, and she is
also complaining of colon spasms.
I believe that a little basic care will overcome her problems