Roger Middleton - prostate cancer



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Archived from Charlotte Gerson's booklet


In 1994, after tests and a biopsy at Toronto General Hospital,
Canada, Roger was told that he had an early stage prostate cancer,
described by the specialist as a "medium grower." This meant that
he had time to decide what to do. The oncologist recommended
surgery. However, Roger believed that everybody had an intuitive
sense, a quiet "voice within" that told him or her what to do in
critical moments. Over the years he had also realized that that
quiet voice always seemed wiser than the so-called experts.

Roger was most anxious to make the right decision, especially
because his wife had passed away less than four years earlier, and
he had his daughter to raise. He also had a business to run,
fortunately from his home. Faced with the need to decide which
way to go to try and regain his health, Roger felt his inner voice
was telling him to search for alternative treatments. He devoured
a book by Richard Walter, called Options, which described many
theories of healing. The one therapy that deeply appealed to him,
because it's theoretical structure was based on simple observation,
was that of Dr. Gerson.

This therapy had stood the test of time and was supported by
a huge collection of patients' experiences. Roger felt that he could
do no better than embark on a therapy that was deeply in harmony
with Nature's laws.

At the same time he wished that Dr. Gerson had found a
therapy that was easier to do and demanded less work. Luckily
he discovered that Charlotte Gerson was due to give a lecture in
Toronto, and he grasped the opportunity to hear her. Her talk
helped him to learn quickly how to do the therapy well. By then
he had made some mistakes. For instance, he used a centrifugal
juicer for two months, during which time his need for enemas had
dropped from three a day to one every two days. Roger thought
he was making progress; the opposite was true.

Then he obtained a K & K grinder and press and reverted to
3-4 enemas a day. So Dr. Gerson was proved right again: centrifugal
juicers don't work.

Roger's acute phase of healing was over after about one year.
By two and a half years his PSA level was down to 3.04 and there
was no more sign of any cancer. However, he did not feel that his
liver and body were fully healed yet. He has stayed on an organic
vegetarian diet, eating fish every two momhs or so, and he drinks
one to three glasses of juice a day.

This is how Roger sums up his experience of healing on the
Gerson Therapy: "While releasing all the physical toxins, the
mental and emotional toxins trapped in the body must also be
released. I've learned to take charge and not be dependent on the
advice of others; but I learned also to ask for and accept help."

Last contact: 2000.

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