Lynn von Schneidau - endometriosis



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Archived from Charlotte Gerson's booklet


At the age of 22, Lynn developed endometriosis, a disease that
causes bleeding tumors in various parts of the body. In her case
the tumors settled in her left ovary and on her sciatic nerve,
causing her excruciating pain for several days every month. For a
year she tried to deal with the pain unaided, then began seeing
doctors and was diagnosed with endometriosis.

The first doctors she visited said they could prescribe Danocrine,
or else Lynn could get pregnant, which was not an option
for her at the time. The alternative, Danocrine, turned out to be a
male hormone which would make the patient gain weight, grow
facial hair and develop a deeper voice. What Lynn was not told
was that the drug could also damage her liver and kidneys and
make her brain swell. She only took the drug for a short time
- the ill effects made her stop fast. Eight other drugs were prescribed,
but her pain was getting worse. A diagnostic laparoscopy,
to confirm the diagnosis of endometriosis and allow the surgeon
to cauterize any visible tumors, was also followed by worsening

Eventually Lynn discontinued all drugs and went as an inpatient
to Scripps Hospital in La Jolla, CA. There the doctors
prescribed psychiatric treatment and a second "diagnostic"
surgery, during which they would cauterize any obvious tumors,
remove Lynn's appendix (because they felt it had no purpose), cut
the nerves in her back to ease the pain on her sciatic nerve, and,
with or without her consent, perform a full hysterectomy.

Hearing about this plan, Lynn decided to try instead the Gerson
Therapy, which her mother knew about, and shortly afterwards,
in March 1986, arrived at the Gerson Hospital in Mexico. Within
two weeks on the full therapy, she had no more endometrial pain.
She stayed on the intensive therapy for three months with the help
of her family, then followed the modified version for one year.
Three years later she got married and had three healthy babies in
five years. She remains healthy, continues to eat organic foods and
drinks three juices per day.

Busy though she is with three small children, Lynn has started
studying at the John Bastyr University in Seattle, WA, to become a
naturopathic physician. This is what she has to stay about her
life-saving experience:

"My life completely changed as a result of the Gerson Therapy.
My views of eating healthfully and taking responsibility for one's
own health are the result of Gerson's philosophy. I hope to be able
to give other people what I was given."

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