L. K. — pancreatic cancer



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Archived from Charlotte Gerson's book


   L. K. went to see his doctor, as he was feeling poorly, and was prescribed
a medicine to reduce his stomach acid. Unfortunately, this remedy
caused him severe pain and other problems. In November 1994, he was
given a CT scan, which showed "an abnormal irregular mass at the head
of the pancreas, contiguous [adjacent] with the superior mesenteric
artery and superior vein." L. K.'s doctor stated, "You have pancreatic
cancer and surgery is impossible, while neither radiation nor chemotherapy
would work for you." (9)

   After talking to recovered Gerson patients, and without any treatment
on offer, the patient decided to go to Mexico and start the Gerson
treatment. After 20 months of strictly adhering to the protocol, a second
CT scan showed no sign of disease and everything came up as normal.
L. K. points out that the regular severe migraine headaches that had
plagued him for many years disappeared almost at once after he started
the therapy. After more than 10 years, he remains fit, well and active.

9. Personal communication to Charlotte Gerson.

Update When available