Linda – hepatitis / liver cirrhosis



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Archived from Charlotte Gerson's booklet


   Linda, 54 years old in 1999, started the Gerson Therapy in
January of 1995. She was diagnosed as suffering from "chronic
active aggressive hepatitis with liver cirrhosis." She says that she
felt terrible, sick, had no energy (she was unable to walk across
the street) weak, malnourished (she couldn't digest her food).
Before she was actually diagnosed, she had severe jaundice - at
which time her liver enzymes were extremely high: SGOT was
1,360 (normal is between 0-30). When she was diagnosed at the
University of Chicago, her jaundice had abated, but her SGOT
was 560. At that time, with the aforementioned diagnosis, her
doctor "gave her" approximately two years to live.

   I consider it a very negative thing to tell patients such a limit of
their ability to survive. Often patients, assuming the doctor is
all-knowing, schedule themselves to die right "on time."

   Linda started the Gerson Therapy almost immediately after her
diagnosis. When she arrived at the Gerson hospital, her SGOT
was about 400 and it came down before she left three weeks later
by nearly 200 points. She has remained on the Therapy since.

   It took six months before her energy was back to her "old self.
My liver tests became normal," she writes, "after about 1-1/2
years and have stayed normal with one exception." In December
of 1998, she reports that she had a flare-up. "I increased the
Therapy back to four enemas a day for one month and the tests
became normal again - and have remained so."

   Along with the Gerson Therapy, Linda also used herb tea,
thymus extract, exercise and massage, meditation and prayer, as
well as some herbal supplements. Still, she attributes her recovery
"mostly to the Gerson Therapy."

   Linda also writes that "I feel better than ever and have incredible
energy. The gastroenterologist at the University of Chicago
said he has never seen a patient with this disease in such an
advanced state, with cirrhosis, to go into remission for such a long
period of time." However, "he will not attribute my recovery to
the Therapy that I am using. I, of course, know it is due to the
Therapy. I thank God for Dr. Gerson - I am so grateful - and
hope this Therapy can be passed on to many more people. Thank
you from the bottom of my heart."

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