Leslie Tell - ovarian cancer



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Archived from Charlotte Gerson's booklet


When Leslie was just 40, in March 1985, and because she was
suffering from extreme fatigue, an ultrasound examination was
performed. It showed a large abdominal mass. She had exploratory
surgery, which resulted in a total hysterectomy, removal of
her fallopian tubes, her omentum (the covering of the abdominal
organs) plus the removal of all turnors larger than 1 cm in size.
One of her ovarian tumors had split it's capsule and seeded her
entire abdominal cavity with metastases. They had spread to the
peritoneal wall, the spleen, the diaphragm, the lower cecum (the
start of the large intestine), the appendix, the rear pelvic wall, and
the bladder wall. The small amount of fluid also present was filled
with adenocarcinoma (malignant) cells. Her liver seemed clear.
After the removal of all the tumors larger than 1 cm, a large
number of smaller ones remained in the various abdominal

Leslie called "her cancer" Gilda Radner's cancer. Some months
into Leslie's Therapy, Life magazine carried a large article with
Gilda on the cover, saying, "she has beaten cancer." This was 17
months into her [chemo] treatment. Leslie said, "I was pulling for
her." However, when Gilda died, Leslie was very frightened since,
"after all, she had the same disease as me. It's scary when somebody

Leslie had a little seven-year old girl and wanted very much to
live. After much mental agonizing, she decided to reject chemotherapy,
which had little promise of recovery, and chose to do the
Gerson Therapy. In the beginning she had very violent healing
reactions, with pain all over her body.

On the fifth day of the Gerson Therapy, Leslie had a very high
fever. "I just ached. I've never felt so terrible; it was like the worst
case of flu that you can even imagine. Every joint, every part of
my body was just aching. I also had killer headaches. I could
hardly move. I was taking so many coffee enemas, one after
another, just to give myself a little relief. Then, the next day, I
started getting nausea. I took the green drink as a retention enema
and drank copious amounts of peppermint tea and a little oatmeal
gruel and some watermelon juice." Leslie goes on to report:
"What was so phenomenal was that the onset of the healing
reaction was just like throwing a light switch, it was that sudden.
I felt fine one minute and deathly ill the next. And when it ended,
it was just as sudden. I was taking a 'coffee break' and was still
feeling just lousy. I got up and knew - it was over!"

Leslie reports that over a period of two years she had dozens of
these reactions, never as strong again, nor ever with that high a
fever again. After three years on the Gerson Therapy, Leslie's
energy was high and she felt wonderful.

Leslie also consulted Dr. Nieper in Germany. He performed a
CAT scan every time she visited for a follow up, in November of
1985, in June of 1987 and in June of 1989. Nothing positive was
found at those times.

At this writing, in 2002, more than 17 years after her devastating
diagnosis, and without chemotherapy, Leslie remains well and
active and has good energy.

Diagnosis made at Orlando General Hospital, Inc., Orlando,
Florida, on March 71985:

Bilateral primary papillary serous cystadenocarcinoma. Figo
classification Stage III.

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