Kathie Bartholomew - breast cancer, asthma and
stomach ulcers



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Archived from Charlotte Gerson's booklet


   Kathie's story illustrates an important point: patients are able to
do the Therapy at home, even if they are not able to get started at
the Gerson Therapy hospital.

   Kathie was suffering from breast redness and swelling in the
nipple area in 1988, at age 70. Her doctor at Modesto took tissue
for a biopsy, and her tumor was confirmed to be malignant. The
doctor also stated that "he didn't get it all," therefore he urgently
wanted her to have a mastectomy, but she refused. Kathie went
for a second opinion to Stanford. Her condition was confirmed
and she was advised to undergo the standard treatments: surgery
followed by chemotherapy and/or radiation. Again, she refused.

   Kathie had operated a health food store - yet she needed some
urging. She knew of the Gerson Therapy, but she didn't do it until
her nephew, a chiropractor, said, "You know what to do." This
young man had suffered from asthma since early childhood and
had spent about 50% of his time in hospital, undergoing various
treatments. However, at age 16 or 17, during the summer, he
helped at Kathie's store. Drinking the juices and eating raw foods
he cured his asthma and never had another attack.

   Without any "conventional treatments," Kathie did the Gerson
Therapy, with nothing but raw foods and six enemas a day, for
eight months. Then she added some cooked (organic vegetarian)
foods. After 1-1/2 years the cancer was gone, but she still had
some scar tissue which she elected to have removed. A biopsy
showed that the tissue was clear of any malignancy. Proof of
healing by such re-examinations is particularly valuable.

   The Tumor Board noted in her medical records that this patient
was "Cured by diet." This statement raised great doubts in the
Insurance company.

   Kathie is now, 13 years later, a healthy 83-year-old with good
energy. She still takes some juices, but eats a little meat.

   An important "side effect of the Gerson Therapy" also
occurred. Her husband, who had been an Air Force major when
they were first married, suffered from stomach ulcers for five
years. Often the pain was so severe that, according to Kathie, "he
crawled the floor at night." He, too, started taking two quarts of
raw vegetable juices along with two coffee enemas a day. In 23
days, the ulcers disappeared and for several years he has never had
another stomachache, says Kathie. A rider on his insurance policy
stated that it would pay for any recurring ulcers; however, the
occasion never arose.

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