"John H." - kidney cancer - Success, then failure



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Archived from Charlotte Gerson's booklet


   [We are giving this patient a fictitious name. However we are telling
his story because it exemplifies what happens when recovering
patients disregard the need for total healing.]

   John H. arrived at the Mexican Gerson treatment center, suffering
from medically diagnosed kidney cancer. His doctor had not given
him much hope of recovery with orthodox methods. He was in severe
pain and on pain medication when he arrived. In only a very few
days, the pain had disappeared and, to his great satisfaction, he was
able to discontinue the pain medication. His appetite improved and
his spirit and hopefulness returned. When he went home after three
weeks, he continued the strict Therapy, which seemed to have been
effective toward restoring his health.

   Some three and a half months later, he returned to his original
orthodox doctor for a check-up. When the doctor examined him, he
was unable to find the cancer he had diagnosed in the patient's
kidney. He therefore told the patient that he was, for all practical
purposes, "cancer free." Understandably, the patient was delighted,
and assumed that he was 'cured.' He further assumed that, under
those circumstances, he no longer needed the strict Gerson Therapy
and abandoned it altogether - went back to his 'regular' diet which
had probably caused his cancer in the first place!

   Within three months, the tumor was back, along with the severe
pain, that he had suffered some six months earlier. He returned to the
Hospital in Mexico. This time, the pain did not disappear as rapidly;
the situation had become more serious. Interrupting the Therapy is a
dangerous action. This time he was discouraged, left the hospital and
returned home - took chemotherapy and presumably died.

   Frankly, we are rather unhappy when patients react so poorly to
our educational efforts and dietary instructions in order to avoid
life-threatening mistakes like this. In order to make sure that our
cancer patients understand the need for a total recovery, at the
Mexican hospital, they receive (FREE of charge) the Gerson Cancer
Therapy book, the "Handbook," and Gerson videotapes explaining
the Gerson Therapy in extensive detail in order to avoid such mistakes.
We try to have the patient understand the need for a total
recovery - not just getting rid of the tumor. Even if they 'postpone'
studying the book or viewing the videotapes we give lectures and
make instructional visits. Yet, occasionally we see a similar disregard
for the basic philosophy of the Gerson Therapy: the need for total

   When the body, with constant hourly support in the form of the
fresh juices, with regular detoxifying of the liver, is able to attack and
break down tumor tissue so that the mass disappears, that is NOT the
ultimate healing. The body is not yet able to function on "the average
American diet," without the constant support of the best organic
juices and foods and regular help with detoxification. The chemically
treated, demineralized and toxic foods cannot help the body to
maintain the healing that had already taken place.

   One important warning: In most cases, if the patients make such
mistakes and the cancer recurs, they usually react positively again and
heal if the strict Gerson Therapy is resumed. However, we have also
seen patients who have gone off the Therapy more than once, tried to
get back to the treatment again and then again. They are usually
NOT successful on the third try! This is just an observation over
many years and we have no scientific reason to explain it.

Update When available