JM's Cousin - breast cancer



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In March 2013 I received a call from my cousin asking if I could take some time off and help him, that his wife was sick. I had started a juice company and had an understanding of the Gerson protocol. I said I would get on a plane tomorrow but he asked me to wait because his wife’s family was going to spend some time with her. I had no idea the severity of the situation so if said sure but they were actually flying in to say goodbye. Unbeknownst to me she had just been diagnosed with “terminal triple negative breast cancer”. Still not knowing the full situation I said whenever he needed I would get a ticket and to please let me know. In June 2013 I received a call asking for me to fly in so I left July 2013 on a journey that would not only transform his wife’s life but mine as well and hopefully someday millions.

As I arrived at their home I entered the living room and instantly realized the grim situation. His wife lay on the couch and looked severely I’ll. Her weight had dropped and she weighed merely 97 pounds. She had been unable to eat for ten days and I learned that back in March she was given 6 months to live and to get her affairs in order. My mind began realizing at that moment that she was embarking on the 5th month.

I looked at my cousin and blurted out “why did we wait”? Then realizing her family was mourning her and just wanted to process the upcoming loss. I had a very different perspective. I was there to help heal her and in the back of my mind I was thinking of the Bible verse,
(reference Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 - Librarian)
For everything there is a season,
a time for every activity under heaven.
A time to be born and a time to die.
A time to plant and a time to harvest.
A time to kill and a time to heal.
A time to tear down and a time to build up.
A time to cry and a time to laugh.
A time to grieve and a time to dance.
A time to scatter stones and a time to gather stones.
A time to embrace and a time to turn away.
A time to search and a time to quit searching.
A time to keep and a time to throw away.
A time to tear and a time to mend.
A time to be quiet and a time to speak. A time to love and a time to hate.
A time for war and a time for peace.

And this was a time to heal.

So with that in mind and snapping myself out of the despair that was starting to infiltrate my mind I went upstairs and put my bag in the office where an air mattress was set up for me and began thinking, God please, I am here to juice and cook for her, how to get her to keep food down? At the same time My sister in law was also pregnant and weeks prior I had a conversation with my brother regarding ginger root and the benefits at helping ease morning sickness and nausea. So I ran downstairs asking if ginger was in the kitchen. (Note ginger is usually not part of the Gerson therapy but I was unaware at the time)

We began juicing and following a protocol written up by her Gerson practitioner.

To give you some background my cousin and his wife were just married prior to her diagnosis. Shortly after their wedding, prior to their honeymoon, she was not feeling well. She was going to doctors frequently trying to figure out what was wrong and why she was so tired. The doctors gave her a clean bill of health and suggested everything from maybe a little stress of being newly married to just fatigue, but she knew something else was wrong. She even contemplated not going on their honeymoon which was to her native country to see her family and take their vows in the presence of those that were unable to attend their wedding in the states. They had already planned the trip, the tickets were purchased so they decided to go. Upon arrival her mother knew something was wrong so she made an appointment with a doctor there and the same results were given after some tests, “you’re fine”… but she knew she was not fine and felt more comfortable in her native language to persist and the doctor gave a referral to a specialist who could get her in for an appointment weeks later.

Well while the days past her entire right rib cage began revealing hundreds or maybe thousands of angry red blood vessels and the skin changed to the texture of plastic. When she arrived to the next doctor he instantly knew she was not “fine” and gave her the terrible news that her condition, due to its size and the aggressive nature of the disease and how quickly it spread, that she did not have much time, maybe 6 months. Well little did he know she was not accepting defeat.

My cousin flew home and got the house “Gerson ready” planting a garden, installing the water distiller and filters, and his wife and family flew back to their home shortly after.

As she began the therapy, very quickly, to everyone’s amazement, those blood vessels began fading and the skin began returning to a normal malleable texture about an inch around had cleared and then two inches and so on… by September all of those blood vessels were gone and a tumor had poked out of the area where the armpit meets the chest and eventually hung off like a water balloon, and if you can imagine where you’d tie off the water balloon, that was the only blood vessel left, a tumor the size of her fist left hanging. We thought would it just drop off? Eventually five tiny spots smaller than a dime opened up, the cancer broke through the skin, it was white I had expected it to be black and eventually those five spots grew bigger as the cancer stretched the skin and became three bigger spots and eventually was just one large spot where the cancer was leaving through.

With fear of infection his wife demanded to see a surgeon hoping he/she would just cut it off but the laws in the US are very strict and they would go for “clean margins” and remove everything they suspect may have cancer. Going for clean margins, an aggressive surgery was something that caused complications in a different case with a dear loved one previously in our lives so we were not so sure about surgery. When we did meet with the surgeon he saw on a CT scan that the lymph nodes were swollen, about 13 of them scattered about her neck and chest, she was then diagnosed stage 4 with metastasis to the lymph nodes. The surgeon wanted to take the tumor, all but one of the thirteen lymph nodes, (one was not accessible) as well as the breast and to go for clean margins. His wife declined that surgery and the surgeon passed an operating agreement across the table to sign and said this is life or death, but we felt otherwise. We knew her body had expressed this cancer out and that a biopsy hadn’t been done on the lymph nodes. We thought maybe the lymph nodes were just filtering all of the toxins the therapy was stirring up and eliminating daily.

So we declined and thanked the doctor and left the office… one cooler of empty juice jars in tow.

Weeks passed and the tumor looking deflated and her energy coming back things were looking promising but the fear of infection kept her mind thinking it may be best to remove it. At that point we decided to go back to ask the surgeon if he would sign a reworded version of his contract, releasing him from liability, and remove the tumor but keep her lymph nodes. To my surprise, he agreed but with one condition, that he could remove the largest lymph node and test it and if did come back positive for metastasis that he could perform a second surgery which would be what was suggested in the original contract.

She agreed and weeks passed until the surgery. We continued juicing and following the protocol in contact with her Gerson practitioner throughout.

Upon removal and testing…the lymph node was not cancerous and the tumor was 45% dead.

A follow up blood test revealed there was no cancer left in her body.


Update March 6, 2023

Today is March 6, 2023 more than ten years later and she is still cancer free.

Thank God and Thank Dr Gerson as well as her Gerson practitioner and her team of support.

Witnessing her successful healing journey changed my life. As we stood talking with her surgeon celebrating her being cancer free following the surgery we remarked how he should tell all of his patients about this therapy, after all he calls my cousins wife his miracle patient, and what we were about to learn stripped all of my trust from the healthcare system, I learned that he is forbidden from ever telling anyone about her, he is forbidden from telling anyone about anything other than chemotherapy (derived from mustard gas) and radiation and surgery. Although he may not be able to tell anybody, I made the decision then and there that this information is far too important to not shout it from the mountaintops and that if he can’t tell anyone then I will tell everyone. People are dying to know this information and I have lost some wonderful people, as we all have, and I will do everything I can to make sure we save as many people as we can. An old phrase says, “You have been given this mountain to show others it can be moved” let’s move mountains.

Whatever has brought you here I sincerely wish you the best.

If you would like more information please visit

Take care


Update When available