Jessica Kahn - seizures



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Archived from Charlotte Gerson's booklet


   While Jessica did not suffer from a malignant disease, we felt it was
important to document her recovery from seizures. Here is Jessica's
story, told in her own words.

   "When I was sixteen years old, I began to have grand mal seizures. At
first they occurred once every three to four months, but my condition
soon deteriorated. Eventually, I was having two or three seizures at a
time, practically every week. Of course I was devastated and
depressed, but that is another story. My father has had a mild seizure
disorder for the past twenty years, and so I felt that my seizures were
inherited and here to stay.

   "I went to specialists, took EEGs, but none of the doctors could
figure out what was wrong. None of them could offer me anything
more than anti-convulsive drugs. Not wanting to go down the
orthodox road, my family and I searched and experimented with
several alternative treatments. All of them having failed, we decided
to try the Gerson program because we had seen it work miracles with
friends of ours who had once had cancer.

   "In 1993, I went completely on the program for eleven months; I
was able to adjust my school day and my lifestyle, and I did all the
juices and coffee enemas, etc. Although my mother spoke to Charlotte
Gerson on the phone a couple of times, we did the program 'by the
book.' During my eleven months on the Gerson program, I had only
three seizures (that probably coincided with healing crises, such as the
one I had after six weeks).

   "It has now been over four years (in 1998) since I stopped the
treatment and I have not had any more seizures."

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