George Smalley - chronic fatigue



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Archived from Charlotte Gerson's booklet


George had an incredible array of problems. They included
candidiasis, arthritis, high blood pressure, migraine headaches,
pancreatic infections, high blood cholesterol, edema, and “feeling
old.” His major health problem, though, was a case of severe
chronic fatigue syndrome. CFS was diagnosed in July 1992, when
he was 53 years old. This disease— sometimes called the “Yuppie
Syndrome”—caused George the worst problems.

An engineer, George had worked in his field for over 20 years.
When the chronic fatigue (usually caused by the Epstein-Barr or
similar virus) invaded his nervous system, he lost a portion of his
brain functions. Naturally, this mental decline meant that he could
no longer do his job, so he had to quit. Given a California state
disabled-driver placard, he said that there was even a question as
to whether he should drive at all.

George learned about the Gerson Therapy in December 1992, a
half-year after the CFS diagnosis. He started the Gerson Therapy
seriously several months later, in March 1993.

Below is George’s own story of his experience, written several
years later:

“Before I did the Therapy I sometimes couldn’t find my car if I
parked a little too far away. I have a Master’s degree in engineering;
I graduated with honors, yet I couldn’t balance my check
book anymore. If anybody has Chronic Fatigue, they know about
the black cheesecloth that falls over you and the cotton that goes
in your ears. Coffee enemas did away with those symptoms.

“I soon found out what coffee enemas can do for you—and I
had been afraid to take them! After I started the Gerson Therapy,
I started to feel better almost within a week, and I have been
improving ever since. The whole thing has been the most marvelous
adventure of my life.

“Many people who are not feeling well are wishing that they
could feel as good as their peers again and have the energy they
have. That won’t happen. Your peers and friends are going to be
very upset with you because you throw away years. You will have
far more energy; you have a brighter outlook on life, you become
younger than they … unless they are doing the Gerson Therapy
like you are.

“My age is 55, and I passed through 25 some years ago, but it’s
nice to be back there again—and I am not kidding! My coordination
is back, eyesight, hearing—everything. I can do things today
that I could not do at 30. And I am still getting better.”

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