Carl Torchy King - melanoma



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Gerson Therapy success story


November 14, 2014
How It Saved My Life Over One Of The Most Deadly Forms Of Cancer
by Carl W. King II
(written for World Health News)
It was in the spring of 1976 that I first noticed a mole on the inside of my right leg starting to change color and texture. Having already scheduled an appointment with a dermatologist for other reasons ....I brought it to their attention and was assured it did not require further consideration at that time. Little did I know that their decision not to biopsy the suspicious looking mole at this early stage would nearly cost me my life. This was my first indication that when it comes to your health and your had better get educated and get involved in the decision making process. Just because someone wears a white coat doesn't mean they are infallible. Just as with the general population, doctors can be negligent and incompetent. Unfortunately when it comes to a potentially fatal disease like cancer....incompetent doctors can end up burying their mistakes.
In the fall of 1978 I finally insisted that a dermatologist biopsy the suspicious mole. The pathologist report showed it to be malignant melanoma.....a potentially deadly form of skin cancer. Surgery followed to have the surrounding tissue removed. I now had a hole the size of an orange in the side of my leg. The doctors considered the end result to be good surgery. Although I tried to see the positive side.... to be honest it was shocking and appeared in my eyes to be no less than mutilation that they had ill prepared me for.
I was beginning my education process on how orthodox medicine attacks cancer....they cut it out ....burn it out (radiation) ....or attempt to poison it out (chemotherapy) without any regard for how the body’s own defenses attempt to rid itself of this intruder. No one appreciates more than I the miraculous things that are accomplished in the realm of how the orthodox medical establishment treats acute medical conditions. However, the more I learned about how orthodox medicine treats degenerative diseases like cancer ....the more skeptical I would become.
The pathologist report showed no malignancy in the tissue they had removed. Bottom line, I had spent 11 agonizing days in the hospital .... had a large repugnant hole in my leg....... and a huge medical bill for surgery....and....the best I could tell .... I was really no better off than if they had done nothing. X-ray scans did not indicate that the malignancy had spread to other sites within my body. Today I realize it can take up to five years for a cancer cell that has escaped the primary site to multiply to a size that can be detected .... even by X-ray scans. However, I was told not to worry... just come back in for periodic checkups. It now amazes me how little information I was given about the severity of my disease. Absolutely no advice was given that might in any way increase my odds of preventing the cancer from coming back (today I know there is ton of stuff that can and should be done that the majority of doctors know little or nothing about).
However, that did not stop me from doing my own research. I very quickly discovered that malignant melanoma can be, and often is, a swift and deadly disease if it metastasizes ( spreads to other sights). I also realized that just because the tissue removed showed no malignancy, that in no way meant that this deadly disease was not lurking somewhere in my body waiting for its opportunity to start multiplying again. It became obvious during my periodic checkups, that the next most likely place for this killer to turn up was in lymph nodes in my groin area.
I was a very fortunate individual to have a friend who gave me a book that not only opened my eyes to the cause of cancer....but more importantly.... alternative treatments for cancer. Knowing that if my cancer came back...the odds that orthodox therapies, radiation and chemotherapy...could save my life...were at best, extremely poor....I began to prepare myself for what could eventually become a battle to save my life.
It was the summer of 1980 that I felt it. A hard swollen lymph node in my right groin area the size of a large marble. The bad news.... it was back...the good news...I was now armed with enough knowledge about alternative treatments for cancer that I truly felt....regardless of what conventional wisdom said....that not only were the odds on my side...but I felt instinctively I could beat it.
Orthodox medicine's protocol had offered surgery to strip all my lymph nodes from my groin area. Again...their first line of defense was to cut it out. By now I knew that surgery could well be a necessary part of my overall attack ...but it would not be my primary modality or my first. For further assurance they could remove bone marrow and freeze it.....then give me such high doses of chemotherapy that they would potentially destroy not only the cancer cells, but all my white blood cells (the body’s first line of defense against this deadly intruder). They then would re-implant the bone marrow in hope that it would retake and rebuild my white blood count. If they failed in their attempt to destroy all the cancer cells, my body’s defense mechanism against the enemy would now be depleted or possibly completely destroyed...the enemy could spread rampantly throughout my body. Although experimental.... I was told that they were having positive results with this protocol. By now I knew that their (cancer doctors) definition of positive results and my definition were not even close. This chemotherapy process could possible extend my life approximately 8 months over not doing it at all. I don't consider myself a math intellect.....but the odds just didn't make sense.
My daddy had taught me that if you are going to take risk in had better know the odds of winning versus losing. And if at all possible ....make sure the deck is stacked in your favor. It looked to me like the sure winner here was going to be whoever collected the fees for performing the surgery and other chemotherapy related medical services. To me the decision was simple... The alternative therapies offered me odds that orthodox medicine could not. I took daddy's advice to heart....and never called them back.
The alternative therapy I finally elected to pursue was a demanding and intense nutritional protocol developed by Dr. Max Gerson, M.D. This therapy would mean that I would not only have to make a 180 degree change in my life style and eating habits...but also, with the exception of surgery, turn my back on everything that the all-knowing orthodox medical profession stood for in treatment of cancer. From this point on...I would be making my own decisions about how to treat my cancer.
The healing methods utilized by Dr. Max Gerson, M.D., originator of the Gerson Therapy, were not just theory. They were backed up by the only thing that counted to me..... documented results by patients who have recovered from many kinds of so-called incurable diseases (cancer, heart disease, strokes, high blood pressure, diabetes, arthritis, etc.).
Dr. Max Gerson, M.D., had the honor to present in a U. S. Senate subcommittee hearing, five of his patients that he had cured of their so called "incurable" cancer. These patients had been offered no chance of survival by other leading cancer clinics....yet had been cured by The Gerson Therapy. It was the first time a physician had been ask to demonstrate with patients in the Senate of the United States. Dr. Gerson's most famous patient was Dr. Albert Schweitzer. Dr. Gerson cured Schweitzer at the age of 75 of life threatening diabetes. Schweitzer returned to his African hospital, won the Nobel prize, and worked past age 90. Dr. Gerson also cured Mrs. Schweitzer of hopeless lung tuberculosis and their daughter of an unnamed "incurable" ulcerating skin disease. Schweitzer wrote "I see in Dr. Gerson one of the most eminent geniuses in medical history."
I was convinced that this was the therapy that could stack the odds in my favor. However, prior to jumping on an airplane to Mexico, I needed to be certain that the swollen lymph node was malignant (The doctors who teach and administer the Gerson Therapy are forced by the American medical establishment to practice out of the United States). I was not about to make the lifestyle changes and sacrifices demanded by The Gerson Therapy without knowing for certain that the swollen lymph node was indeed malignant. Today I know that the Gerson Therapy is based on principles that we should all adopt...not because we are facing a fatal disease...but because it is the path to preventing degenerative diseases. The needle biopsy was performed... as suspected, it came back malignant. I now had the confirmation I needed to start the battle.
Three days later I was being picked up at the airport in San Diego by a pleasant young Mexican fellow. For my last truly all out junk meal I ask him to take me to the greasiest spoon restaurant he knew of. It was the middle of the afternoon. We were the only two customers in the restaurant I ordered a big double decker greasy cheeseburger, homemade french fries , a tall bottle of coke and a piece of coconut cream pie. The young Mexican smiled from ear to ear. To be honest I loved it....but this would be my last typical American junk meal for many years to come. I paid my bill... made that 180 degree turn ......and never looked back.
Dr. Gerson understood that all degenerative diseases (to include cancer) are exactly that, diseases of the degeneration of the body and its metabolism. In a nutshell....The Gerson Therapy view is that degenerative diseases cannot occur unless the liver, pancreas, immune system, oxygenation system and other functions have degenerated and are not functioning properly. This degeneration is primarily brought on by consuming toxic water, air, and degrading food. The therapy objective is to regenerate the body to health instead of allowing or causing further degeneration toward death. This is achieved by supporting each important metabolic requirement of the body. Additionally must stop all the bad things they are doing to their body while following an intense nutritional and detoxification protocol developed by Dr. Gerson through decades of research.
The Gerson Therapy floods the body with nutrients and live oxidizing enzymes from organic foods. Much of the organic produce consumed on a daily basis is pressed into 13 fresh raw juices. However, raw and cooked solid foods are also generously consumed.
Digestive substances supplement the usually deficient output of digestive juices. Oxygenation is usually more than doubled (many degenerative diseases are oxygen deficiency diseases [heart attacks, strokes, cancer, etc.]). Metabolism is also increased by adding thyroid, Iodine, potassium, other supplements, and by avoiding salt and other toxins.
Two common causes of death in many diseases are liver and kidney failure. The degenerating body is increasingly unable to excrete waste materials and toxins adequately. The therapy uses intensive detoxification to eliminate wastes and toxins and to help regenerate the liver.
With generous high quality nutrition, increased oxygen availability, stepped up metabolism, and lower toxin levels, etc. the cells...and the body...regenerate, become healthy, eliminate diseases and prevent future diseases.
I religiously stayed on the full intensive Gerson regimen for 20 months. Fourteen of those months were at the Gerson clinic in Tijuana, Mexico. There were 20 to 30 new patients coming in every month from all around the world. All of us fighting for our lives. You can easily imagine what the topic of conversation was around the dinner table. I became aware of virtually every modality to fight cancer...both alternative and orthodox worldwide. Although there are other non-toxic alternative modalities (and possibly orthodox modalities) that one may wish to add ...I never wavered in my belief that I had picked, as my base treatment, the correct path to win my battle against this deadly killer.
Not surprisingly, the marble size tumor had grown for the first few months of the therapy to a size a little smaller than a tennis ball...but then miraculously stopped. My body was now winning the battle. After a full year on the therapy I told my doctors I wanted to remove the tumor. They....somewhat reluctantly agreed. The biopsy showed that my body had encapsulated the tumor.... cutting off the blood supply....much of the tumor had already become necrotic (dead). If the cancer cells had spread to other sights...which was likely...the therapy had re-armed my body’s own defense system to go on a search and destroy mission that I felt certain had eliminated the enemy. At the conclusion of my 20 months on the full intensive therapy...I had no clinical signs of cancer. The therapy and my body had done their job...I considered myself cancer free.
My warning to all that read this article.....degenerative diseases do not strike at random, but are primarily the direct result of the choices people make, especially in the foods and drinks they elect to place in their bodies. Consequently, even though most degenerative diseases are caused by our faulty life-style, in the majority of cases they are preventable ....and in a great many cases ....reversible.

First… thanks for all the wonderful comments. Of course anyone can re-post this at any time if they like… or share in any method you like. I really spent 2 weeks at clinic initially… then came home for 6 months and stuck very - very close to the full therapy. Initially I had to have a slaughter house ship my livers by bus in dry ice containers from Chattanooga to Atlanta. Amazing how once they heard my story and what I was using them for they got behind my battle. Then I moved close to my family in Orlando for help and my dad drove to a slaughter house twice a week to pick up my livers that literally had just come from slaughtered calves… he said they were still steaming… that is fresh. I did get a reimbursement check for my initial stay. When the tumor continued to grow for 6 months… I elected to go back to the clinic. It was then that I did add Hydro-Therapy and Laetrile. I was going to stay as long as my cash held out. You should know that at that time they had a half-way-house where patients could stay for about 1/4th the cost of the full hospital. Basically the doctors saw you once a week.. you bought and administered your own meds… and they prepared the juices and meals and cleaned your room. It was at Hotel Del Sol on the beach. I think down the road from the clinic today. Plus… Someone had also started a facility over in San Diego where they rented a small apartment building and offered the juices and meals to Patients that stayed in about 12 apartments, if I remember correctly. More expensive but nicer facilities. NOW, WOULD NOT THOSE OPTIONS BE NICE TODAY? When we billed the insurance company and they kept reimbursing me… I just stayed for total of 14 months. Unfortunately… most if not all policies today have language that would not reimburse for GT. I would urge everyone that has insurance to read their policy closely. That is what I did and knew I had a good chance because of the lack of language as to experimental or out of country coverage. I was prepared to get and attorney. Today the language is much tougher… but worth a look. It was BC/BS by the way.

Update 05-12-2015 I have posted my history with Gerson Therapy before… so this is for those that have joined the group over the last few months. It was not written for knowledgeable Gersonites. It was written for a local health publication many years ago. Personally, as a 35 year survivor I never get tired of hearing Gerson success stories, so hopefully many of you will enjoy it. I am the Carl that Beata Bishop refers to in her book. The rascal did not tell me she was writing a book or I would have been more entertaining. I am in Atlanta, Georgia by the way.

Update 05-13-2015 Not for sure this follow-up was posted....
Thanks for all the wonderful replies. As to me staying at clinic for 14 months… I first stayed for 2 weeks then went home for 6 months. This was the point that the tumor continue to grow so I elected to go back to clinic. I then added laetrile and hydro-therapy to my protocol. I could never detect it growing more after that. Have no idea if that was difference. I was not using organic coffee at home (could not find it) but felt like I was doing everything else right…. including the calves livers. I had and old Blue Cross Blue Shield plan that for whatever reason continued to pay. I think the language back then did not exclude out of country…. Plus the girl that filled out the paperwork was knowledgeable in the language that needed to be submitted. Plus they had a ½ way house that was extremely reasonable… about ¼ the cost. Doctors would visit once a week and we were responsible for our own meds… they prepared juices, meals and made the coffee for us. When I went home after the total 20 months on the GT…. For maybe another 4-5 years I did a pretty strict mini – modified GT adding things like avocados and tried to make 90% of what I put in my body Gerson Friendly. I still eat healthier than anyone I know but far from strict Gerson. When you are the only one that you are around that eats this way it becomes a social and logistics challenge. By the way for 15 years after I came back I never went to a doctor.… never had a need. I was around 35 when I came back… I am 70 now and in some ways feel my age. I inherited my mom’s congestive heart but nothing serious yet. I will take that over cancer any day. I know it is tough… but get up every day and look at those juices as the nectar of the Gods…. Visualize the little white immune cells devouring the cancer. You have got to believe it is working

Update 05-11-2017 Brenda... 14 months in Mexico. 6 months at home. I only spent about 3-4 weeks in Hospital LA Gloria (clinic name at that time). I then move to what was then called half-way house (Del Sol) that was only $55 a day (1980-1982 dollars) … plus cost of blood test and Doctor visits every couple weeks. Plus I was able to get a some covered by my health insurance. Actually… with the reimbursement it cost me less than doing it at home. I was blessed.