Bill N. - prostate cancer



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Archived from Howard Straus' website

“Just a note to bring you up to speed on the progress in my bout with prostate cancer. I was diagnosed with point in my life I classed myself as a model of health! I was by myself, selling real estate franchises, when I phoned my wife in Toronto she also was upset. I headed back to Toronto for an appointment with my doctor. He told us I would have to get chemotherapy or radiation. We said “no” to both as the odds of being impotent or incontinent were too high and at any rate I was close to 70 years old and did not see the sense in such drastic action. He then suggested removing my prostate and we reluctantly agreed and proceeded to set a date for three months down the road.

The headline in an article in a health magazine that my wife had left in the bathroom said “Cancer”, and recommended going vegan. After reading the article, we made a corporate decision to do it ourselves.

We tried everything from lots of wheat grass to ozone and enemas, lots of fruit, vegetables and we completely removed meat from my intake.

When we went back to our doctor about four years later, he told us that according to all indications, the tumor was gone. I was elated, but honestly I always wondered when it would come back.
With the doctor’s statement in mind, of course I went back to my old eating habits. It was only a matter of time before the tumor did come back. For quite a while I was in denial, and even when I admitted it to myself, I still tried to hide it. I was doing real estate seminars for Exit Realty and had a heavy schedule. Finally I got to a point where I was exhausted all the time.
I had just finished a seminar for an Exit office in Southern California and I was sharing my fears with the broker and his wife. I also mentioned that for years my blood pressure had been increasing rapidly. They both got excited and proceeded to tell me about the Gerson therapy, and how I should really check it out. Scott told me about his cousin who had contracted ovarian cancer and was investigating the City of Hope in Southern California. Their doctors said they could help her. She asked them for names of past patients. They gave her 20 names; she checked them out and found that 18 had died. Then she checked out the Gerson treatment and asked for the names of 20 of their patients. When she checked those, 18 were still alive! Considering the odds, she chose the Gerson clinic in Mexico. After all these years, she is still with us.

This convinced me that I should go down, so I booked into the Baja California Gerson Nutrition Center on July 11, 2006. Now, it’s August 2007 and my progress is nothing short of miraculous.
The night before I checked into the clinic I ate my last meal of meat and fish chowder, of which I am very fond. It was exceptionally salty and the next morning at the Mexican hospital when the orderly took my vitals, he looked shocked and said something to the Doctor in Spanish which I did not understand. The Doctor asked me if I had high blood pressure, because the reading was 231 over 136 which made me a little nervous. As far as I knew, it had never been that high before.

Today, over a year later, my cholesterol is 128 without drugs, and my blood pressure is normal, also without drugs. My monthly checkups are coming back excellent and the CAT scan only shows calcium and some scar tissue. [I am working with great energy, feeling very well, and planning many future activities.]

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