Aurora Lamb - ovarian cancer



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Archived from Charlotte Gerson's booklet


In 1978, in Hilo, Hawaii, during one of her regular check- ups,
Aurora at age 29 had a Pap smear. Her doctor asked her if she
had any problems. She said that she was sore on one side. The
doctor further examined her and told her that it was probably a
cyst. He scheduled surgery to remove it.

In the course of the operation, the surgeon found a mass
extending to both ovaries. He did a total hysterectomy, of course
removing both ovaries. At that time, tissue was also turned over
for a biopsy.

When Aurora woke up, the doctor told her that she had
ovarian cancer, Stage III. Even the doctor was shocked to find
such an advanced disease at that early age. He did suggest the
usual treatments: chemotherapy and radiation. Meantime, a friend
of Aurora's who had read the book by Jaquie Davison, Cancer
Winner, lent it to Aurora. Jaquie's book tells the story of her
recovery from widespread, terminal melanoma by the Gerson
Therapy. Aurora then obtained Dr. Gerson's A Cancer Therapy:
Results of 50 Cases, and was further interested. She and her
husband decided at that point to visit the Cancer Control Society'S
convention, which took place over the Fourth of July weekend in
Los Angeles. During the convention, they heard many speakers
but found that the Gerson Therapy made the most sense. Aurora
and her husband were really impressed and she then spent one
week at the Mexican Gerson hospital to learn the details of the

While Aurora's husband and her own family were supporting
her decision, there was some fairly heavy opposition from her
husband's brother, an MD. It is interesting that, eventually, her
brother-in-law was swayed in the direction of the Gerson Therapy,
and even used some of its principles for himself.

Meantime, Aurora did the Gerson Therapy strictly for two
years, then continued with a less strict approach, "on and off," as
she said. In time they adopted a daughter who is now (Feb. '02)
16 years old. Aurora runs her own business, also does crafts,
travels and enjoys life. She still does enemas occasionally and
drinks some juices, and remains "very well." She feels that the
right mindset is most important. She will also be glad to talk to
other prospective patients.

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