Dr. Max Gerson
Therapy Recipes


Special Soup or Hippocrates Soup

often referred to as "soup stock"
in other recipes
found in...

1 medium celery root, if available
(if not, 3 to 4 celery branches (i.e., pascal))

1 medium parsley root (rarely available; may be omitted)

2 small or one large leek (if not available, use 2 small onions instead)

2 medium onions

garlic to taste
(may also be squeezed raw into the hot soup instead of cooking it)

small amount of parsley

1-1/2 pounds tomatoes (or more, if desired)

1 pound potatoes

Wash and scrub vegetables and cut into slices or 1/2-inch cubes.
Put in large pot, add water to just cover vegetables, bring to a boil,
then cook slowly on low heat for 1-1/2 to 2 hours until all the
vegetables are soft.


Apple and Carrot Salad

Preparation time: 15 minutes
Serves 2  
found in...

1 small crisp red apple
1 large carrot
1 green onion, chopped
1 radish, sliced
apple juice

Grate the apple and carrot into a dish and add a chopped green onion
and a sliced radish. Pour over a little apple juice and sprinkle with mint.
Serve on a bed of mixed colored salad leaves, such as radicchio, watercress
or parsley. 


Beet and Watercress Salad

Preparation time; 5 minutes 
found in...

cooked beet
flaxseed oil

Chop cooked beet and toss in a little flaxseed oil. Serve with watercress. 


Beet Salad Yolande

Preparation time: 20 minutes 
found in...

cooked beets

lemon juice
flaxseed oil

Dice the beets, carrots, celery and apples and put into a bowl. Make the
dressing and mix in with the vegetables. Sprinkle with parsley. 


Beet Thermidor

Preparation time: 6 minutes 
found in...

cooked beets

lemon juice
grated horseradish

Dice cooked beets, put into a bowl and add the dressing. 


Carrot Salad

Preparation time: 15 minutes
Serves 2-4 
found in...

8 oz. carrots
1 medium crisp eating apple
5 oz. yogurt
juice of 1 large orange

Grate the carrots into a bowl. Cut the apple into quarters, remove core,
then grate into the bowl and mix with the carrot. Mix the yogurt with
the orange juice and stir into the salad.
Variation: Presoaked raisins (soak overnight in cold water, or pour
boiling water over them and leave for a couple of hours until plump) or
sultanas can also be added.  


Carrot and Orange Salad
with Fresh Dates

Preparation time: 15 minutes
Serves 2  
found in...

1 large carrot
1 orange
a few fresh dates
toasted oats

lemon (or lime) juice
flaxseed oil

Cut the carrot into thin strips. Segment the orange and mix with the
carrot. Chop the dates and add. Add dressing and garnish with toasted


Carrot and Raisin Salad

Preparation time: 10 minutes*
* Does not include presoaking
Serves 2
found in...

3 large carrots, grated
2 oz. raisins presoaked
2 tsp. parsley, chopped

1 clove garlic, crushed
flaxseed oil
apple cider vinegar
1/2 tsp. honey
2 tsp. lemon juice

Mix grated raw carrots with presoaked raisins (soak the raisins overnight
in cold water, or pour boiling water over them and leave for a couple of
hours until plump). Add dressing and serve on lettuce garnished
with chopped parsley. 


Carrot, Apple and Onion Salad

Preparation time: 15 minutes
Serves 2  
found in...

12 oz. carrots
8 oz. apples
1 medium onion
10 oz. yogurt
juice of 1/2 lemon

Shred the carrots, apples and onion. Combine with the yogurt and
lemon juice. Serve with a mixed green salad. 


Celery Salad

Preparation time: 10 minutes
Serves 2 
found in...

2 stalks celery
2 crisp small eating apples
1/4 medium red bell pepper, finely sliced
mixed lettuce leaves

apple cider vinegar
flaxseed oil
1 tsp. honey

Chop the celery and apples and put into a large bowl. Add the finely
sliced red bell pepper. Add the dressing. Line a salad plate with mixed
lettuce leaves and pile the dressed salad on top.  


Cherry Tomato and Watercress Relish

Preparation time: 15 minutes
Serves 2-4  
found in...

cherry tomatoes (red and yellow)
fresh chives (or green onions), finely chopped
herbs, finely chopped

Halve the tomatoes and place in a bowl. Steam the watercress over boiling
water for 10 seconds, rinse well in cold water and shake dry. Trim off
any woody stems and cut or tear the remaining stems and leaves into small
pieces. Add to the tomatoes. Add the finely chopped chives (or green onions)
and herbs and toss together. 


Chicory and Orange Salad

Preparation time: 15 minutes
Serves 2-4  
found in...

1 lb. chicory heads
2 large oranges
1 medium green onion
juice of 1/2 lemon
1 tbsp. flaxseed oil
1 tsp. honey

Trim the chicory and slice into rounds about 1/2-inch thick. Push the
rounds apart to make rings. Peel the oranges, removing the white pith,
and slice into rounds. Place the chicory in a bowl and lay the oranges in
overlapping rings around the top, leaving the center empty. Trim and
chop the green onion and sprinkle into the center. Mix the lemon juice,
flaxseed oil and honey, and pour over the salad. Leave for a few minutes
before serving to allow the flavors to "marry." 



Preparation time: 15 minutes:*
* Does not include presoaking
found in...

white cabbage

lemon juice
flaxseed oil

Presoak the raisins (soak the raisins overnight in cold water, or pour
boiling water over them and leave for a couple of hours until plump).
Thinly shred the white cabbage and apple. Finely chop the celery and
onion. Put all into a bowl and add the raisins. Toss in dressing. 


Colorful Mixed Salad

Preparation time: 15 minutes
Serves 2  
found in...


equal amounts of apple cider vinegar and water
honey (or maple syrup)
lemon (or orange) juice

Grate the zucchini, beet and apple. Add the dressing and mix them
together or pile them in separate mounds onto a bed of lettuce.
Decorate with slices of tomatoes and orange. 


Colorful Three-Cabbage Salad

Preparation time: 15 minutes*
* Does not include presoaking
Serves 2
found in...

2 oz. raisins
4 oz. each white, red and green cabbage
4 oz. carrot
1 medium onion, finely sliced
1 small crisp eating apple, chopped

5 fl. oz. yogurt
a little flaxseed oil
1 clove garlic, crushed

Presoak the raisins (soak the raisins overnight in cold-water, or pour
boiling water over them and leave for a couple of hours until plump).
Finely shred the cabbage. Grate the carrot. Put both in a bowl with the
raisins, finely sliced onion and chopped apple. Mix well. Mix the
dressing ingredients and pour over the salad just before serving, tossing
lightly. Garnish with watercress.  


Colorful Winter Salad

Preparation time: 20 minutes
Serves 4-6 
found in...

3 tart eating apples
lemon juice
1/4 medium-sized red cabbage
1 medium carrot
1/2 medium red bell pepper
2 sticks celery
1/2 red onion

Core and roughly chop the apples and mix with lemon juice in a small
bowl. Core and finely shred the red cabbage. Peel and grate the carrot.
(This is the only time to peel the carrots. If they are grated with their
skins on, they tend to turn brown.) Seed and chop the red pepper. Slice
the celery. Peel and chop the red onion. Put all the above ingredients
into a large bowl. Garnish with watercress.

Variations: Serve with cottage cheese (unsalted and uncreamed or
fat-free) and your favorite dressing.  


Crunchy Salad

Preparation time: 15 minutes*
* Does not include presoaking
Serves 4-6  
found in...

2 oz. dried apricots, chopped
3 oz. raisins
1 lb. white cabbage
1 green bell pepper
1 red bell pepper (or 1/2 bunch of radishes)

6 fl. oz. yogurt
1 clove garlic, crushed
1 tsp. honey

Presoak the apricots and raisins (soak overnight in cold water, or pour
boiling water over them and leave for a couple of hours until.plump).
Finely shred the white cabbage. Chop the pepper (or radishes). Place
into a bowl together with the raisins and chopped apricots. Mix well.
Mix the dressing and pour over the salad. Toss lightly. garnish with
watercress and serve. 


Endive and Orange Salad

Preparation time: 15 minutes
Serves 2  
found in...

1 small head of endive
1 red bell pepper
2 oranges
2 tomatoes
1 tbsp. herbs, chopped

juice of 2 oranges
5 oz. yogurt
1 tsp. honey

Chop the endive and put into a bowl. Seed the pepper, cut into thin
strips and add to the bowl. Peel the oranges, removing the pith with
the peel. Cut out segments between the membranes and add to the bowl
with the tomatoes. Make the dressing and toss into the salad. Sprinkle
with chopped herbs. 


Fruity Winter Salad

Preparation time: 15 minutes*
* Does not include presoaking
Serves 2-4  
found in...

2 oz. raisins
2 oz. dried figs
2 oz. dried apricots
1/2 white cabbage
2 carrots
2 red eating apples
8 tbsp. yogurt
1 lemon
parsley, chopped

Presoak the raisins. figs and apricots (soak overnight in cold water, or
pour boiling water over them and leave for a couple of hours until plump).
Finely shred the cabbage. Coarsely grate the carrots and apples.
(Sprinkle the apples with lemon juice to stop them from turning brown.)
Put the above ingredients into a bowl. Combine the yogurt, lemon juice and
chopped parsley in a jug and spoon over the salad.
Toss together until well mixed.  


Gerson Coleslaw

Preparation time: 15 minutes
Serves 2-4  
found in...

white cabbage

2 tbsp. lemon juice
2 tbsp. water
sugar (optional)
cottage cheese (unsalted and uncreamed or fat-free)

Slice or chop the onion. Grate or slice the white cabbage. Grate the carrot.
Mix all together. For the dressing, mix lemon juice with water (and sugar,
if used). Mix yogurt with cottage cheese and beat well to get rid of any
lumps. Then add the lemon juice and water mixture. Mix well and pour over


Grated Zucchini Salad with Lime

Preparation time: 15 minutes
Serves 2-4  
found in...

1 lb. zucchini
juice of 1 lime (or lemon)
1 red bell pepper, grated
1 clove garlic, crushed

Grate the zucchini finely. Mix with the lime (or lemon) juice and grated
pepper. Add crushed garlic. Allow the flavors to blend a little before
serving on a bed of lettuce. 


Hungarian Tomato Salad

Preparation time: 15 minutes  
found in...

whole tomatoes
chopped chives

lemon juice
flaxseed oil
grated horseradish

Skin the tomatoes by dipping them in boiling water for a minute. Make
the dressing. Place the whole, skinned tomatoes on the lettuce leaves
and cover with the dressing. Garnish with chopped chives. 


Jumbo Salad

Preparation time: 20 minutes*
* Does not include presoaking
Serves 4-6  
found in...

variety of shredded lettuce leaves
and salad greens, bite-sized and shredded

Any, or all, of the following:
tomato, chopped
green (or red) bell pepper, chopped
green onions, finely sliced
radish, finely sliced
fennel, finely sliced
grape halves
lemon juice
flaxseed oil
dried dill weed
raisins, presoaked

Gradually build up the salad, beginning with the bite-sized shredded
lettuce leaves and salad greens. Add any, or all, of the ingredients listed
above. Presoak the raisins (soak overnight in cold water, or pour boiling
water over them and leave for a couple of hours until plump). Sprinkle on
top of the salad. Grate the carrot and/or beet and place to one side of the
salad. (If you put it all on top, it tends to "smother" the salad.) Pour on
the lemon juice and flaxseed oil. Sprinkle with dill. Serve with rice,
oven-cooked and sliced potatoes or boiled small new potatoes. 


Minted Apple and Celery Salad

Preparation time: 15 minutes*
* Does not include presoaking
Serves 2  
found in...

1 red eating apple
apple cider vinegar
1 stalk of celery
raisins, presoaked
mint leaves

Cut and core the apple and chop into bite-sized chunks. Mix with a little
apple cider vinegar (diluted with water, if desired). Chop the celery and
add, with the presoaked raisins (soak overnight in cold water, or pour
boiling water over them and leave for a couple of hours until plump), to
the apple and apple cider vinegar. Take the mint leaves and tear into
small pieces. Add to the dish and serve on a bed of lettuce. (Leave for a
little while before serving so the flavors have time to mix.)
Variation: Yogurt can be mixed with the apple cider vinegar for the


Orange, Chicory and Watercress Salad

Preparation time: 15 minutes
Serves 2-4  
found in...

1 orange
2 heads of chicory
1 bunch of watercress

1 tbsp. flaxseed oil
1/2 tbsp. apple cider vinegar (or lemon juice)
1 clove garlic, crushed
1 green onion

Peel the orange and split into segments. Separate the chicory leaves and
arrange like the spokes of a wheel around a large dish. Put the watercress
and orange in the middle. Combine all the dressing ingredients in a jug
and stir vigorously. (If you have no fresh herbs, use a generous pinch of
dried herbs.) Pour over the salad and serve immediately. 


Radish, Apple and Celery Salad

Preparation time: 15 minutes*
* Does not include presoaking
Serves 2  
found in...

green apples

1 tbsp. apple cider vinegar
1 tbsp. water
1 tsp. sugar (or honey)
1 or 2 cloves garlic, crushed
dill, chopped

Chop the radishes, green apples and celery into small chunks. Presoak
the raisins (soak overnight in cold water, or pour boiling water over
them and leave for a couple of hours until plump) and add. For the
dressing, mix together the apple cider vinegar, water, sugar (or honey),
garlic and dill. Add enough yogurt to make a creamy dressing. Pour
over the salad and serve on a bed of lettuce (include radicchio or red
leaf, if available).
Variations: Use other herbs instead of dill, omit the yogurt or add
some flaxseed oil. 


Raw Turnip, Watercress
and Orange Salad

Preparation time: 15 minutes.
Serves 2  
found in...

1 turnip
1 orange

orange juice
flaxseed oil

Peel and cut the turnip into matchstick-size pieces. Segment the
orange and add to the turnip pieces. Add the watercress and toss in
the dressing.  


Rice Salad

Preparation time: 15 minutes
Serves 2  
found in...

green bell pepper
red bell pepper
1 cup cooked brown rice

1 tbsp. flaxseed oil
1 tbsp. apple cider vinegar
1 clove garlic

Chop the peppers and tomato. Prepare the dressing, mix well and add
the chopped peppers and tomato. Spoon onto the rice. Serve with a
mixed green salad.


Romaine Lettuce
with Yogurt Dressing

Preparation time: 10 minutes 
found in...

Romaine lettuce
chives, chopped

lemon juice
crushed garlic

Coarsely shred the lettuce. Pour on the dressing and sprinkle with
chopped chives. 


Salad Kebabs

Preparation time: 15 minutes 
found in...

whole radishes
lettuce hearts

lemon juice
flaxseed oil
herbs (mint, dill or parsley)

Thread on wooden skewers thinly sliced pieces of tomato, zucchini,
whole radishes, lettuce hearts and raw carrot. Dip into the salad dressing
before serving. 


Salad Lorette

Preparation time: 10 minutes  
found in...

cooked beets
celery stalks

flaxseed oil
lemon juice

Thinly slice the beets and celery and mix with lettuce. Add dressing. 


Spanish Salad

Preparation time: 15 minutes
Serves 2 
found in...

1 clove garlic
red bell peppers
tomatoes, sliced
parsley, chopped

flaxseed oil
1 tbsp. apple cider vinegar
1 tbsp. water
sugar (optional)

Thinly slice the onions and put into a bowl which has been rubbed over
with a cut clove of garlic. Seed and slice the red peppers and lay them
on top of the onion. Add a layer of sliced tomatoes. Crush the garlic
and sprinkle on top. Pour over the dressing and sprinkle with chopped


Tomato and Zucchini Salad

Preparation time: 15 minutes
Serves 2  
found in...

green onion

flaxseed oil
lemon juice

Chop the tomato and zucchini into chunks. Slice the green onion and
add. Finely grate the raw beet (or chop cooked beet into chunks) and
mix into the salad. Lay on a bed of lettuce. Pour over dressing. 


Tomato Salad

Preparation time: 15 minutes
Serves 2  
found in...

1 tbsp. apple cider vinegar
1 tbsp. water
sugar ( optional)
parsley, chopped

Slice the tomatoes and spread out over a flat dish. Slice the onion and
arrange the onion rings over the tomatoes. Mix the apple cider vinegar
with water (and optional sugar, if used). Pour over the tomatoes and
sprinkle with chopped parsley and chives. 


Watercress, Endive
and Grapefruit Salad

Preparation time: 10 minutes
Serves 2 
found in...

endive (frisee or escarole, or both)

Tear the watercress into smaller pieces, remove woody stems and put in
a bowl with the endive leaves. Cut the grapefruit in half. Juice one half
and segment the other half. Add the segments to salad leaves. Mix the
grapefruit juice with yogurt and pour over the salad. Toss well and serve.  


Zucchini Ribbon Salad

Preparation time: 10 minutes
Serves 2-4  
found in...

3 large zucchinis
1 lb. tomatoes
6 green onions

2 tbsp. apple cider vinegar
pinch of sugar
2 tbsp. flaxseed oil
freshly chopped cilantro

Using a vegetable peeler or cheese slicer, cut the zucchinis lengthwise
into thin ribbons, running along the side so the ribbons include the
green skin. Place into a bowl. Quarter the tomatoes and thinly slice the
onions. Add to the bowl. Toss in the dressing just before serving. 


Future recipe 
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Future recipe