Dr. Max Gerson
Therapy Recipes


Special Soup or Hippocrates Soup

often referred to as "soup stock"
in other recipes
found in...

1 medium celery root, if available
(if not, 3 to 4 celery branches (i.e., pascal))

1 medium parsley root (rarely available; may be omitted)

2 small or one large leek (if not available, use 2 small onions instead)

2 medium onions

garlic to taste
(may also be squeezed raw into the hot soup instead of cooking it)

small amount of parsley

1-1/2 pounds tomatoes (or more, if desired)

1 pound potatoes

Wash and scrub vegetables and cut into slices or 1/2-inch cubes.
Put in large pot, add water to just cover vegetables, bring to a boil,
then cook slowly on low heat for 1-1/2 to 2 hours until all the
vegetables are soft.


Celery Root Remoulade Appetizer

Preparation Time: 10 minutes
Serves 2-4
found in...

celery root
radicchio lettuce
2 or 3 varieties of loose leaf lettuce (butter or red leaf lettuce)
green onions ( or chives), chopped
parsley (or tarragon)


Combine the dressing ingredients. Grate the celery root and add the
dressing. Place lettuce leaves on a plate and top with celery root. Sprinkle
with chopped green onions (or chives) and parsley (or tarragon).


Eggplant Appetizer

Preparation time: 15 minutes
Cooking time: 50 minutes
Serves 2 
found in...

1 eggplant
1 small onion, chopped
1/2 tbsp. organic tomato puree
parsley (or cilantro)
lemon wedge

Prick the skin of the eggplant all over. Place directly onto the oven rack
(or use a small baking dish) and bake at 375° F (190° C) for about 40
minutes near the top of the oven, turning once after 20 minutes.
Remove from oven and cool. When cool, peel away the stalk and skin,
and chop the flesh until you have a rough puree. Heat a little water in a
small pan and saute the chopped onion over low heat for about 10 minutes
or until soft. Stir in the tomato puree and the eggplant puree. Cook
for another 2 minutes over high heat to remove excess moisture.
Remove from heat and cool completely. Chop some parsley ( or cilantro)
and mix in with the puree. Lay on a bed of lettuce. Garnish with a wedge
of lemon and a little yogurt. 


Grapefruit Appetizer

Preparation time: 15 minutes
Serves 1 or 2 
found in...

1 pink grapefruit
1 red bell pepper, seeded

radicchio (or red leaf lettuce leaves)
grated horseradish

Cut the grapefruit in half. Juice one-half and cut out the segments of the
other half. Chop some celery and seeded red pepper. Arrange a layer of
radicchio (or red leaf lettuce leaves) on a plate. Mix grapefruit segments,
celery and red pepper together and put on top of lettuce. Make a dressing
with grapefruit juice flavored with a little grated horseradish (or chopped
mint leaves).

Variation: Put grapefruit segments on top of endive and watercress.
Make a dressing with yogurt and a little grapefruit juice. Mix well and
serve immediately.

How to segment a grapefruit: Cut a horizontal slice off the top and
bottom. Sit the grapefruit flat and, using a sharp knife, remove the peel
and outer white membrane by cutting downwards in sections. Using a
container to catch any juice, cut between the membrane, and the flesh of
each segment to the core, taking care to point the knife blade away from
you. Work around the grapefruit, easing out each segment as you go.


Jerusalem Artichoke Pate

Preparation time: 20 minutes
Cooking time: 40 minutes
Serves 2  
found in...

1 lb. Jerusalem artichokes
1 tbsp. yogurt
1-2 tsp. lemon juice
parsley, chopped
flaxseed oil

Scrub the artichokes. Put in dish in oven to roast at 400° F (204° C) for
25 minutes. (It's a good idea to cook them with your baked potato.)
Allow to cool and remove skin. Mash or puree (with electric blender or
food mill) until it has a creamy consistency. Add the yogurt, lemon juice,
chopped parsley and flaxseed oil, and beat together. Serve as an appetizer
or a snack with toasted slices of bread and a smattering of various lettuce
leaves and cherry tomatoes to decorate. 


Melon and Mango Appetizer

Preparation time: 15 minutes
Serves 2-4
found in...

slices of honeydew and/or cantaloupe melon
slices of mango


1/2 tbsp. honey
1 tbsp. flaxseed oil
2 tbsp. lime (or lemon) juice
mint leaves

Cut the melon in half and remove the rind. Slice the melon and arrange
in a fan shape on a shallow plate. Slice the mango lengthwise and peel,
including the flesh left around the pit. Cut the mango flesh into slices
and arrange between the melon slices on the plate. Pour the dressing
over the melon. 


Papaya and Lime Appetizer

Preparation time: 15 minutes
Serves 2  
found in...

2 papayas
2 tbsp. honey
juice of 1 lime
1 lime for decoration, sliced

Peel the papaya and remove the seeds. Cut into slices (or cubes). Mix
the honey with the lime juice and pour over papaya slices. Toss gently
and refrigerate. Serve chilled, decorated with thin slices of lime. 


Stuffed Zucchini Appetizer

Preparation time: 10 minutes
Cooking time: 5 minutes
Serves 2-4  
found in...

8 medium zucchinis
1 large onion, chopped
1 green bell pepper
3 tomatoes
1 tsp. parsley, chopped
1 clove garlic, crushed
red leaf lettuce
4-6 tbsp. dressing


6 tbsp. apple cider vinegar (or lemon juice)
4 tbsp. water
flaxseed oil

Cook the zucchini whole (about 5 minutes on a very low heat) until
half-cooked. Cut off both ends and cut each in half lengthwise. Scoop
out the seeds and chop them. Sprinkle some dressing into the zucchini
hollows and add a little chopped onion. Leave to marinate while preparing
the stuffing. Take the remaining onion and chop the pepper and tomatoes,
add the chopped parsley and crushed garlic, and mix with the chopped
zucchini middles. Toss in the rest of the dressing and fill the hollows
with the mixture. Arrange on a layer of red leaf lettuce to serve. 


Yogurt and Apricot Sorbet Appetizer

Freezing time: 2-3 hours
Preparation time: 15 minutes
Cooking time: 40 minutes
Serves 2-4  
found in...

8 oz. dried apricots
20 fl. oz. water
10 oz. yogurt
2 tbsp. honey

Place the apricots and a little water in a saucepan and bring to a boil.
Cover and simmer for 30-40 minutes, or until soft. Add the rest of the
water to bring the liquid content to 15 oz. Leave to cool. Place the apricots
and liquid in a blender and blend until smooth. Add the yogurt and honey
but do not blend these. Transfer the contents to a freeze-proof container
and freeze until solid. Use an ice-cream scooper to serve one or two scoops
into a bowl. Serve immediately.